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Everything posted by suchey

  1. suchey

    Now thet FLASHPOINTARENA is gone, which sites

    GOOD QUESTION! Many of the dites out there that boast mission downloads have a handful of missions that date back quite a ways. Most of the mission databases on the big sites seem to be an after though that was tacked on and is now poorly maintained. Flashpoint areana was a good resource, and you could alwyas count on running into some new stuff there. I certainly hope someone fills the void between now and March...thats a long time in game years.
  2. suchey

    Automatic Restart of dedicated server

    you can use this program to restart the server http://winsoft.net.au/~stephen/serverdoc/
  3. suchey


    I have had the same problem in XP...seems to happen on occasion only when IM in the Bradley Fighting Vehicle and is very infrequent...still a pin in the butt though.
  4. suchey

    Favorite music to play OFP by...

    none...having music playing makes it hard to hear when that BMP is flanking your position getting ready to make you into a flat spot
  5. suchey

    Favorite music to play OFP by...

    none...having music playing makes it hard to hear when that BMP is flanking your position getting ready to make you into a flat spot
  6. suchey

    1.42 voting threshold

    Has anyone else had a problem with changing their voting threshold to something other than zero on a dedicated server??? We changed our and players could not vote in an admin at all...once we removed it and set it back to default, it worked fine again.
  7. suchey

    What to fix in the next patch

    When running OFP under XP (dont know if other OS have same problem or not) the game will minimize itself sometimes. Happens infrequently, but still a problem. Seems to be most noticable on some user made multiplay missions when using LAW (or any shoulder mounted weapon of this type) or when in armored vehicles.
  8. suchey

    What to fix in the next patch

    falling out of building windows is still an issue...
  9. suchey

    What Windows version required for dedicated server

    As he said, it should work, but you may want to consider using windows 2000 as its a bit more stable for a ded. server
  10. suchey

    looking for a dedicated server in or near ohio

    gs3.mtco.com is in Illinois...2 states away, but worth a shot
  11. suchey

    Ideas for changes to dedicated server

    console commands...for sure
  12. suchey

    Good Ideas for weapons?

    nice 50 cal sniper rifle would be kinda kewl for light armor
  13. suchey

    Good Ideas for weapons?

    nice 50 cal sniper rifle would be kinda kewl for light armor
  14. suchey

    This cant be right...

    even though it wont kill the tank...you can usually whack the crew with less
  15. suchey

    can't connect

    perhaps your ISP is having difficulty...if you have made no changes like you said and have trouble with ALL of the servers, this is about the only thing I can even imagine as being a possibility. You may want to try dumping the installation and re-installing OFP from scratch...at least that way you will know for user that its not related to the game software in any way.
  16. suchey

    DOH! Stupid install...

    In regard to copying the original missions from the CD...you cant do that...didnt work...patch 1.3 must have altered them and added some new ones...so it was a no-go. This is the first patch I had trouble with in relation to not having the original missions in the MP folder. 1.3 and 1.4 went in fine without the missions being present for me.
  17. suchey

    DOH! Stupid install...

    yup...same here...looks like I get to reinstall OFP on my dedicated server tomorrow...thats just plain goofy...our dedicated server runs CTF missions only...now I have to make sure that all the damn paintball missions and shit are in there so I can update...someone had their head up their ass on this one. Any idea if its going to cause problems if I delete the missions I dont use after Im done with the install???
  18. suchey

    Ranks and a progressive war...ideas inside

    where can I download your capture and hold maps KaRRiLLioN?
  19. suchey

    What files foes 1.42 replace

    I have already done that, but you have to have the CD physically in the drive to perform the update...so even though I have access to work on the box, I cant update unless I put the CD in the drive.
  20. Could someone tell me what files 1.42 actually updates so that I can send only the updated files to my dedicated server without having to go all the way to my co-location facility to put the disk in the drive...thanks in advance! I am talking about the actual 1.42 update...not the stand alone server update.
  21. suchey

    loose the startup adds

    one word: censorship
  22. suchey

    Map Cycle doesn't seem to start on my DS

    Just a heads up...your first mission may not be loading as it looks like you may have forgotten the closing ) in the title... { template = CTF_Bay Conflict(2-20; cadetMode = 1; param1 = 1800; param2 = 5; };
  23. suchey

    Ranks and a progressive war...ideas inside

    A bit of a twist along the same lines of this idea... If BIS added the ability to keep server stats such as kills, wins, etc...the server could then be tied into a web page...the web page would consist of a graphic of one island broken into individual districts...each district is represented by one mission available on the dedicated server. When a mission is won or lost, the stats are passed into the web page and the district in question is marked as either Russian or NATO conttolled. Once a set percentage of districts are contolled by one side or the other, a side is declared victorious. Rank could be assigned via the stats as well...perhaps on a kill to death ratio built into the page. I know that this isnt as robust a system as outlined above, but all it would require is the ability to retrieve stats from a server and the rest could be accomplished using somthing like PHP. Throw in some creative map makers and additional functionality could be added. Certainly not something thats out of the question.
  24. suchey

    State of OFP...

    I agree that this is prolly not the game to sell a beginner...its certainly not something to include in the "internet gamers starter kit"...however, I see a fierce following...the people that play this game on a regular basis are here for the long run. Its the first game in a long time that has brought something new to the table after many many versions of Quake with different graphics and weapons. All of the games listed above are excellent, but none will be taking up any of my leisure time for a while. OFP has that market cornered on my hard drive
  25. suchey

    What Command addition would you like?

    I agree...a command to make the AI shut up would be great! blah blah blah blah...they never shut up.