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Space Cadet

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Everything posted by Space Cadet

  1. Space Cadet

    D-day/beach storming map

    I think everyone has probably had a go at this One of the first missions I did was a beach assault on Malden, I was good fun, MP mission with about 7 squads landing in M113's and PBR's, artillery going off all around you and Russian tanks and infantry coming in form all directions. Â Pretty manic (Edited by Space Cadet at 11:20 am on Nov. 28, 2001)
  2. Certainly, try this:- _Target = this select 0 _Ord = this select 1 _Rounds = this select 2 _Counter = 0 #LOOP _Ord camCreate [(getpos _Target) select 0 + 50, (getpos _Target) select 1, (getpos _Target) select 2 + 20] ~2 _Counter = _Counter+1 ?(_Counter < _Rounds):goto "LOOP" exit Its pretty basic but should do the job You need to pass 3 arguments in this order:- the unitname you want the barrage 50 meters in front of the type of ordanance you want to use - look at the ammo types to get this (it also needs quotes around it) something like "Heat120" The number of shots in the barrage You might want to play around with this bit [(getpos _Target) select 0 + 50, (getpos _Target) select 1, (getpos _Target) select 2 + 20] as if you change the values being added to the 3 elements you can change the distance and height of the barrage from the Target unit.
  3. Certainly, try this:- _Target = this select 0 _Ord = this select 1 _Rounds = this select 2 _Counter = 0 #LOOP _Ord camCreate [(getpos _Target) select 0 + 50, (getpos _Target) select 1, (getpos _Target) select 2 + 20] ~2 _Counter = _Counter+1 ?(_Counter < _Rounds):goto "LOOP" exit Its pretty basic but should do the job You need to pass 3 arguments in this order:- the unitname you want the barrage 50 meters in front of the type of ordanance you want to use - look at the ammo types to get this (it also needs quotes around it) something like "Heat120" The number of shots in the barrage You might want to play around with this bit [(getpos _Target) select 0 + 50, (getpos _Target) select 1, (getpos _Target) select 2 + 20] as if you change the values being added to the 3 elements you can change the distance and height of the barrage from the Target unit.
  4. Space Cadet

    script launch i need

    Create a scud, call it (oh lets be original) SCUD1. Setup a trigger that fires when you want the scud to launch. Enter the following into a triggers ON ACTIVATION field Scud1 Action ["Scud Launch"] to move the scud to launch position (Vertical) then wait a few seconds for the scud to get in position then run Scud1 Action ["Scud Start"] to launch the scud.
  5. Space Cadet

    East and West not fighting?

    Just set everyone as captives, both East And West, then East won't shoot at West and West wont shoot at east. Then set them back when you want the shooting to start.
  6. Does anyone know a way of forcing All soldiers in a group into a building, and getting them to stay there. I'm making a mission where you are part of a force assaulting a town, lots of house to house fighting is needed, but at the moment its all street fighting 'cos I cant get the soldiers into buildings. (or at least to stay in buildings) I've tried MOVE and GETIN waypoints on the building and selected different positions in the building, but only the leader gets in, the rest of the blokes fan out in formation around the leader (I have left the formation field in the waypoint on no change), so some are in the building and some arn't. I've also tried the following code "_x DoMove (GetPos(NearestBuilding _x))" foreach units East1 (My group is called East1) Again, this works, they all move into the building, but once they have performed the DoMove command, they get back into formation again, leading to the same problem, they fan out around the leader and half the squad get out of the building. Can I force them to stop when they are in the building, in which case how do I detect that they are in the building? and how whould I get them moving again when needed? Could I replace the DoMove command above, with some kind of Getin you stupid B*****ds command? Any help would be great
  7. Space Cadet

    Get In the building!! (and stay in)

    Yeah, but if you've got a group of 5 men, how do you tell one to get in position 1, another to get in position 2 another in position 3 etc. I've tried this, and one person does get into the house, but the rest just stand about scratching their ar**s waiting to get shot.
  8. Space Cadet


    Seconds (well, near enough)
  9. Space Cadet


    If your adding a weapon and ammo to a bloke via his INIT field you need to put the ammo in first, then the weapon, or when the mission starts you will need to reload the gun straight away. (you still have the ammo, its just not loaded) If you are adding to a crate it dosn't matter which you put in first.
  10. Space Cadet

    another question

    You can use them in scripts, waypoint On Activation fields and Trigger On Activation fields. Like mouse said, you get unpredictable results if you put them into INIT fields.
  11. Space Cadet


    Try the AMMO command UnitName Ammo "WeaponType" returns the number of rounds left for the specified weapon. I'm not sure how this will work for Hellfires on helicoptors, for men it will return the number of rounds left in the current magazine, ie 0 - 30 for the M16, 0 - 1 for a LAW. I don't know whether all 8 hellfires will count as one magazine, (in which case the ammo command will work) or eight magazines of one round. (in which case it wont work) If you give it a go let me know the result, i'd be interested to know. (Edited by Space Cadet at 6:16 pm on Nov. 21, 2001)
  12. Space Cadet


    goto the intel screen in the editor, (where you set the time date and weather) and type the mission name in there.
  13. Space Cadet

    direct 3D sucks ass

    Goto www.3dfx.com/downloads.htm there are loads of drivers there, the ones I used are the WHQL version 1.07.00 for Voodoo3 2000/3000 PCI/AGP.
  14. Space Cadet

    quotes inside quotes?

    You could try the single quote ' instead - Works for SQL statments.
  15. Space Cadet

    direct 3D sucks ass

    I had exatly the same problem with my spare PC (which has a Voodoo 3) when I upgraded to 1.30. I just got some updated drivers for it and it works fine. My Voodoo 5 in my main PC, I've never had any problems with.
  16. Space Cadet

    island to island

    As far as I know the merge function is only used to merge the SQM's from two missions into one. (I use this quite a bit to work on a small part of a mission, and then intergrate it into the main mission.sqm.) I don't believe you can use this function in game, as its an editing tool.
  17. Space Cadet

    Transport help

    If the blokes are in the same group as the transport you can just set their SPECIAL field to in cargo. If you dont want them in the same group as the transport you need to use the moveincargo command as Hidden suggested.
  18. Space Cadet


    the syntax for that command is:- unitname setpos Position eg aP setpos [10,10,10] I normally use it with the getpos command aP setpos (getpos H1) - where H1 is an invisible H placed at the point you want to teleport to.
  19. Space Cadet

    Setting Trigger Height

    You could try something lke this:- call your unit aP, create an invisible H, call it H1, and place it where the building is, then create a trigger, and in its condition field type:- ((getpos aP) select 2 - (getpos H1) select 2) > 2 This will get the height of aP and take the hieght of the invisible H, if this is greater than 2 (meters) the trigger will fire. You might need to ensure that aP is close to the trigger before it starts checking the height difference, as if you are 2 miles away up a hill, the trigger will still fire. I know, make the trigger cover the buliding you are concerned with and group it with aP's unit, set it up to fire, when any group member is present and in the condition field type:- This and ((getpos aP) select 2 - (getpos H1) select 2) > 2 this means aP will have to be near the building and 2 meters above the H before the trigger fires. Should do the trick.
  20. Space Cadet

    I\'m pretty new at this!!

    The ammo crates have a standard set of kit in them, if you want to alter this you can use the ADDWEAPONCARGO and ADDMAGAZINECARGO commands in the crates init field:- this addweaponcargo ["M16",5] will add five M16's
  21. move the fuel slider on the helicoptors setup all the way to the left to give it no fuel at the start of the mission. This stops it from takeing off instantly. then create a trigger that goes off a couple of seconds after the blokes get in, and type:- Heli1 setfuel 1 (assumes chopper is named Heli1) in the On Activation field, this will then fuel up the chopper, so it can go where you want.
  22. Space Cadet

    Make AI place satchel, how?

    The command for placing the charge is unitname fire ["put","pipebomb"] not unitname action ["put","pipebomb"]
  23. you only need to put in the magazines before the gun if you are adding equipment to a bloke and you want the gun to start loaded, if you add the gun first, he has the gun and ammo but you need to reload straight away. When adding items to crates it dosn't matter which way you do it.
  24. click on SYNCHRONISE (top menu), then left click on the trigger and drag accross to the waypoint. If you do it right a big dark blue line will appear to show they are synchronised.
  25. you can also synchronise the trigger that sounds the alarm with the getin waypoints for the blokes. Same effect, different method. depends on whether you like dark blue lines all over the place