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Snake Man

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Everything posted by Snake Man

  1. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience - v0.2

    Today we go...
  2. Snake Man

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Now? Official releases?
  3. Snake Man

    Odd vehicle bug

    Here is the illustration of the bug. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  4. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience - v0.2

    Does anyone have good reference pictures for Vietnam era Mi-8 helicopter, C-130 Hercules and MC-130 Combat Talon (and/or AC-130 gunship)? Would be much appreciated and maybe we could get better textures for the above aircrafts into v0.3 release.
  5. Snake Man


    Before you release, remember to read the "How to Release" part of WrpTool manual so you wont make mistakes like so many others have done, regarding packing existing addons to their island pbos or download packets.
  6. Snake Man

    [CAMP] Aurora of Tonal

    Maybe in tense situations where time is short, but I think with normal situations where you can rest and so on, nobody would be sent to the field injured. At least thats what I think, I have no hard facts on real life situations, but it makes sense Well it was playable, not enjoyable on my default settings of 1500 viewdistance. So I dropped it to the minimum of 500m because you really cant see much further than 100m or so meters in the city anyways. Damned it was tough, scary to advance in the city streets. First impression was that maybe it was bit short in a way. I cleared one street (directly opposite of my starting location), the other Ranger squad took the parallel street. Wow, nice to hear! I'll try to remember to test it soon.
  7. Snake Man

    [CAMP] Aurora of Tonal

    saveStatus is very tricky, I had alot of problems with it on PMC Ranger Path previously. Older mission retrys and such will cause havoc to it, I always suggest users delete the campaign's save directory/files before installing new version etc. Basically at mission start I'll do if (alive unitName) then { unitName setDammage 0; }; to make sure there is nobody injured/whacked. Dunno if this really is the same problem, but might we worth to investigate. I played your campaign some more, its really nice. Loved the city fighting. Also very good work on the mission technics at the mission which I dont spoil the storyline by saying more...
  8. Snake Man

    ArmA Progress Updates

    What's the difference? I mean SP demo would be without multiplayer capability, thats one thing. But what about MP demo, can I still play it without internet connection, or am I left only with option "enter IP address" or similar? I ask because... well at my current internet access, its not possible to play multiplayer. Too many disconnects and stuff.
  9. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience - v0.2

    As the v0.3 is coming closer each day (work continues daily), there is still nobody here or the official forums whos offering to help with the torrent hosting.
  10. Snake Man

    Latest screenshots available

    I meant this one... Is THIS video available anywhere in other than youtube version? I get the night fight video, but this big tank battle is what I've not yet seen because its on youtube.
  11. Snake Man

    Latest screenshots available

    Is there http/ftp download for this mentioned big tank battle video other than youtube?
  12. addWeaponPool / addMagazinePool, if I use these commands in the campaign's first mission init.sqs which is ran before briefing... the weapons/mags still wont show up on the gear. Only after the first real mission is completed can you run these commands and the weapons & mags stick to the weaponpool. It wont work on the campaigns cutscene/intro either. Is this correct? Is there ANY way to do addWeaponPool on the campaign's FIRST mission? I want to have player choose wide variety of weapons on the first mission, so far no luck. Was thinking that perhaps these commands wont work inside the missions "Intro" section, therefore running them on initIntro.sqs wont help either(?). Now I have to make a transparent mockup mission just to run addWeaponPool command in, before the "real" first mission, it kind of sucks. Also, are there some limit for how many weapons/magazines you can store in the weaponPool? See also PMC Editing Wiki: weaponPool and PMC Editing Wiki: Real Campaign.
  13. Snake Man

    [CAMP] Aurora of Tonal

    I liked the campaign's "style" meaning addons used and release, it was pretty much spot on. Good work. I played the first mission, it was also nice. Good work again. However, why are you giving a spoilers in this image: http://lacko.pcdome.hu/Opflash/Aurora/image089.JPG ? At least I'd like to find out that playing the campaign, or is that some weird hype style to catch all the YouKnowWhatMovie fans?
  14. Snake Man

    PMC Hero's Path campaign

    Okay this goes offtopic so I only reply this one time. All PMC old SEB NAM Pack 2 missions are now converted and tweaked to Vietnam: The Experience v0.2 without any errors (which I never heard of before). If you guys like those types of missions, you'll be glad to hear that there is more CoC Command Engine missions included in the upcoming v0.3 and I still have more in development. But, please guys lets keep this on topic at PMC Hero's Path campaign for PMC Rugen 25km island
  15. Snake Man

    PMC Hero's Path campaign

    I dont understand... in the first page you get a download link for this campaign, or what do you mean?
  16. Snake Man

    PMC Hero's Path campaign

    Did the radio comms give you any instructions?
  17. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience - v0.2

    Well you need to have torrent client (I personally use Azureus) and then most important thing is static IP so you can "host" the torrent/file. For example here is granQ's created CoC UA 1.1 torrent but unfortunately what I understand he is not capable of creating torrents now, so thats why I didn't turn to ask him for help.
  18. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience - v0.2

    The VTE v0.3 release is getting close, no release dates. I would need some help regarding "hosting", I want to arrange Torrent download for it, but I cannot do it myself. If anyone can help by "hosting" a torrent, please post here. The estimated download size of v0.3 should be something like 400 - 450mb, but havent checked so cant say anything for sure. We have good hosting by ofpc.de (thanks guys) and ofp.info along other nice sites, but still I'd like to have torrent created for VTE. Can anyone please help?
  19. Vietnam: The Experience (VTE) The leading, most detailed and the most comprehensive Vietnam War modification for OFP. This is to announce the release of VTE v0.2 full. Check out some of the items we include. Aircrafts C-130, MC-130 Combat Talon, DHC-4 Caribou, OV-10 Bronco, Bell47G, Il-28 Beagle, B-52 Stratofortress, B-57 Canberra, F-4 Phantom, F-5A, F-100 Super Sabre, MiG-17, MiG-19 Farmer, MiG-21, A-1J Skyraider, F-105 Thunderchief, A-6 Intruder, O-1 Bird Dog, F-86A Sabre, Sikorsky S-56, CH-53E Superstallion, CH-34 and the old SEB stuff like Hueys etc. Ground vehicles Ox cart, M24 Chaffee, M41 Walker, Centurion, DShK Heavy MG, US GMC CCKW, Willys MB, T-34, M3 Halftrack, BTR-50, BTR-60, BTR-152, NVA Truck, M551 Sheridan, M1919A4 tripod, Maksim MG, PT-76, ZU-23-2, ZPU4 AA, Bike, Scooter, Motorbike, Gaz69, V150 Commando. Soldier squads Air Cavalry, Marine, Marine Force Recon, SEAL, Army, Special Forces, LRRP, LRRP (ERDL), CIDG, MIKE, ARVN, Cambodian mercenary, Chieu Hoi, Bushman, Civilian Villager, VC Villager, Village Rebel, VC, NVA, SOG, Australian SAS. Weapons Maksim MG, Browning Hi-Power 9mm, Bar, Mas36, Mas38, Chautelleret, Grease Gun, MP40, Thompson, Kar, M1 Car, M1 Garand, M1919A4, DP27, PPD-40, FAL, L1A1, Nagant, PPS-43, PPSH-41, M60 Shorty, M63A Stoner, Chicom Type 56, RPG-2, 90mm Recoiless MAW, M45 9mm SMG, M39 Hush Puppy, Ithaca 37, Typ 68, MAT 49, K-50M, Sten Gun MkII, Bren Gun MkII, Lee Enfield N4. Plus the usual equipment from JAM2 side. Vehicle Weapons MK-77 Napalm, UV-16-57 Rockets, HVAR Rockets, MK-82R, AIM-9 Sidewinder, AIM-7 Sparrow, AGM-45 Shrike, AA-2 Atoll, FAB-250, Standard ARM, MK-81, MK-83, MK-84, M-117, M-118, BLU-82 Daisy Cutter, BLU-1 Napalm, LAU-10 Rockets, 20mm Cannon, VYa Cannons, 6x50cal M2, SUU-30 Pod, M61 Vulcan, 4x20mm Cannons, GSh-23 Cannon, 7.62x51 doorgun. Animals Mule, Cow, Rooster, Chickens, Duck, Dog. Islands/Terrains Vietnam Intro, Vietnam 12km, Vietnam 25km, Ilo Ilo, Rumble In The Jungle, RSSZ, Long Son, MeeKong, MDSZ, A Shau Valley, SEB Ia Drang, Iron Triangle, VTE Ia Drang, 7 Mountains, IIICTZA Parrots Beak, Australian AO, Polei Kleng, Quan Binh Son, Vinh Thanh Valley, Khe Sanh, The Bra. Objects & Textures We include over 400 new objects including vegetation (bushes, trees, grass, palms, jungle canopy, rocks etc), civilian housing and military objects. The ground is covered with many brand new textures. Also there is the good old SEB objects and textures present for the original Ia Drang and few other islands. All that material just for editor? Noope, we include over hundred (100) single missions and eight (8) campaigns. Here are tons of screenshots. Trenches Airfield Harbor Pier City Airstrip Another city Bunker Hut Watchtower Airfield Hmm Jungle Bridge River side Hilltop Jungle night City Buildings 1 Buildings 2 Docks Jungle bunker Airstrip Napalm Aircrafts Jungle 1 Jungle 2 Jungle 3 Jungle 4 Bunker SEAL in jungle 1 SEAL in jungle 2 Landscape 1 Landscape 2 Radio tower 1 Radio tower 2 Spooky That should cover the basics. Required addons are as follows; Bn880 tracers, CoC Unified Artillery, CoC Mines, CoC Divers, JAM2 and USMC markers. Download these addons from CoC homepage and CoC Mines v1.0 - here CoC UA v1.0 - here JAM2 - here USMC Markers - here Bn880 Tracers - here This v0.2 release is full, meaning no install problems, however we have setup a VTE Installation Help and PMC Addons/Mods Online Manuals: OFP VTE pages for users. Download x_vte_v0.2.rar - 403mb. Thanks from mirror to ofpc.de site. All new mirrors are welcome. You can visit us at VTE Official web page and also check out VTE at ofpc site. April 10th, 2006. VTE Founder and Leader Snake Man, PMC.
  20. Snake Man

    VTE open beta 09-13-05

    Indeed the link is down. Here is two links for you from OFP.info ftp #1 and ftp #2, thanks for OFP.info site. Oh btw, this open beta 09-13-05 is OLD, please use the new VTE v0.2 topic from now on.
  21. Snake Man

    PMC Hero's Path campaign

    Thats strange, never heard anyone reporting such crashing. Does this happen only in PMC Ranger Path campaign? Can you tell me what addons are located in your MOD dir?
  22. Snake Man

    VTD full released

    VTE radios do show up on as models. Absolutely no reason to use third party addon, in fact the whole idea of VTE is to have one single NAM addon which mission makers would use. I highly recommend you wont use any third party addons, it defeats the purpose of VTE.
  23. Snake Man

    Chain of Comman Missions

    Its been ages since I used the latest released PMC Command Campaign, but what I can recall, there is no missing addon errors. At the PMC Tactical there is few other Command Engine missions available. One very nice Search and Rescue mission for 25km PMC Rattler island, also a dynamic campaign.
  24. Snake Man

    JAM Appreciation campaign design

    Missions are ready now. I would like to have few people playtest them before public release.
  25. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience - v0.2

    Yes, its done already for v0.3