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Snake Man

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Everything posted by Snake Man

  1. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    What patch? Yeah I do have that known bugs list, its not too big, not have any criticals on it, so we're all good. Yes there will be patch coming most likely, but when and how is another matter.
  2. Snake Man

    Peanut Addon Projects

    You try to give our organization some free advertising or why you call our name so many times?
  3. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    Yes. I don't understand the question... nothings up with the forum it runs as its supposed to be. Of course if you mean that you just now logged on there after several weeks, yeah sure you see its changed, but all old user accounts (and then some) have been converted from the old forum. Now it runs with php+mysql which is very powerful compared to the old awful yabb. PMC Tactical will be one kickass OFP and ArmA site due time.
  4. Snake Man

    Iraqi Insurgent Pack

    Listen dude, if you make addons just to get posts on BIS forums you're seriously messed up. I think your insurgent addon looks nice on screenshots, I have not tested ingame yet as I only leeched the 1.00 version and now waiting for 1.05 update. I have not done any Iraq missions but certainly by looking at your screenshots, if I'll do them I'll use your insurgents. So wheter you should keep on working on the addon(s) is depending on posts on BIS forums... I'd say forget these forums and continue editing this nice addon. I have done great mission/etc work and received ZERO feedback, still I continue doing stuff. You do not comprehend what kind of people these forums are full off. Real genuine work goes unnoticed and then some sheer junk gets dozens of dancing banana posts. Forget about these forums and enjoy editing, thats how its fun and enjoyable, not by how many fans you got here.
  5. Snake Man

    Private Military Contractors?

    Yes we have lot of work planned for ArmA.
  6. Snake Man

    GDCE2 for AA

    Only true on stock default Falcon 4.0, the newer SuperPAK patches added feature to disable the player rating/score to effect the whole campaign. I think its the most absolute top priority to use this feature, to disable players poor performance to downgrade AI's performance also. Okay I know its nitpick thingy but just wanted to clear that up I haven't yet been able to comprehend how to script moving front lines. My random missions (see, I didn't use the dirty word here) usually are semi organized by the AI, but there is no front line to be mentioned about. I would definitely try to achieve such mission scripting. In flight sim community there is Jet Fighter III and Falcon 4. In FPS community there is quake and OFP. Do I need to explain further? CTI, DM, TDM, CTF, LOL... yawn. Not sure this is good idea in realism sense. I mean in Iraq, does US troops get more support and healing if they capture An Najaf faster? I don't think so While I understand what you mean by this in OFP terms, if there is any way to avoid such "point hunting" it would be a good thing. I mean when the war starts you have all the assets you need (unless storyline comes to play of naval Task Force arriving in X days etc) and thats it, there is no more support coming if you keep the civilians happy. You have what you got and you have to work with that. I'm no expert on GDCE1 but what I understand its just the target + few AI soldiers spawned around it just like rhe random mission alliance work. There is no WAR around the area where you're operting. When you return to base there is no chance that enemy has attacked it etc. You don't run into enemy patrol while moving into the objective. Thats why you should do it as Campaign.
  7. Snake Man

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Ah thats very good design decision. Very nice and appreciated. Thats great, now that my existing missions already use LSR weapons via Ranger/Delta/SEAL, your basic US troops wont cause any more addon hassle. This is great, just what I thought about in the first place. Keep up the good work.
  8. Snake Man

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    For long time I was considering adding HYK troops for my various campaigns, was waiting for this 2.0 release... but now, there is rhs stuff added with additional addon requirements. Uh oh, I will not be adding HYK stuff to my missions now. If you ever consider just making US troops release/addon, you got one mission maker here standby, but like this... no way.
  9. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    In a nutshell to reply the last posts... I think 95% of the issues would be solved if I'd just scrap the saveStatus from the campaign, so that each and every mission always starts with fresh squad. Its just that I like the weaponPool and saveStatus so much, meaning if your team member dies he stays dead and what weapon(s) you carry in mission 1 they stay for mission 2 also. I could still try to implement some erasing of the saveStatus values, but it was my experience from PMC Ranger Path missions that it wont work, only way to revert "dead person" from previously played mission is to quit OFP (yes OFP as I'm speaking about PMC Ranger Path) and delete the whole Users/Saved/ directory (or the campaign file(s) in there). Also if you get dead in a mission and use endmission, then this dead guy is still saved for the next mission. So if you die, endmission will get you to the next mission for sure, but the guy is then dead there. Damn this is tricky. It would be cool yes, but it was my experience with PMC Fury that its impossible to get good voice actors in OFP scene. Few others who have tried it have proven that correct also. I'll take a look at it and fix if there is something to fix for v0.4 release. Thanks for letting me know.
  10. Snake Man

    JAM Appreciation campaign design

    We have chosen a real name for this campaing, it is; PMC Joint Justice
  11. PMC Joint Justice OFP Campaign Large basic infantry combat campaign on all BIS islands. You play role of infantry squad leader in war against Russians. This campaign was previously known as "PMC JAM Appreciation" campaign. It feature weapons and team member status saved to the next mission. Many missions have additional support troops to back you up, including CAS and armored vehicles. This is now the first release to the public. Required addons JAM3 (three!) ----------------- OFP.info and patch CAVS vehicles Bn880 Tracers v1.24 --------- BIS forum topic We are looking feedback from anyone playing this campaign, please post into this topic, thank you. More details in PMC Tactical and PMC Tactical Forums. The campaign itself, download v0.1 PMC_Joint_Justice_v0.1.rar - 494kb.
  12. Snake Man

    Patch 1.02 Released for Czech and German ArmA

    Whine? "Last time" I sended you a friendly private message in this forum where I kindly expressed the fact on zip vs rar sizes, I wanted to be helpful so who ever was making the patches then and in the future would be more efficient and better at the releases. Yes you replied me, but that was just an private message between you and me. Also the last patch the size was "only" like two megs, now its twenty. This time I posted this to all forum readers and people interested about the patch, who knows perhaps some mirroring place notices this and converts it to rar, saving 20mb of hdd space and gigabytes worth of bandwidth on the long run. Whine... heh when you just want to be helpful and this is what you get, DAMN... So you especially want to download 20mb extra weight? Wonder how many megs its on the next release... Yes it is, hey! perhaps you are the 1% of internet users which Placebo mentioned. Wow I found you, whee and dancing bananas.
  13. Snake Man

    Patch 1.02 Released for Czech and German ArmA

    The released ZIP size is 109mb. The same patch packed with RAR would be 88.3mb. Dont you love how efficient people are these days... but hey, we all have 24mbit connections and who cares if here is 20megs wasted, right? Same people with the 100kb enforcement of screenshot sizes... Oh man this cracks me up
  14. Snake Man

    Combat! Stryker Raid

    Are you kidding me? In the music dir there is "open.wav" which is 20sec (twenty seconds) of music, its file size is 5.2mb, FIVE MEGABYTES.
  15. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    I'll take a look at it, perhaps there is too strict ending triggers. Yes you need to accomplish the previous mission without your original character getting dead. Its tricky thing this team/character switching with savestatus. Its not a bug, it works like it should, however the end result is quite bad indeed. Try not to get killed with your starting character. This is the same problem with the mentioned switching & savestatus. I'll try to think a nice workaround, ie to "have it both ways" but still enjoyable. Until that, just revert the previous mission which you got killed and this time... dont get killed. I believe there might be something on the ending triggers, I'll take a look at it for next release. Thanks everyone for posting feedback - its the way to make this campaign better! Appreciated!
  16. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    You did something wrong while installing VTE v0.3, check the install help page and try again. This is the "sequel of SEB NAM Pack 2" and the most detailed and comprehensive Vietnam mod ever created to OFP. Download it, take a look whats inside (should take you few days) and decide for yourself... But dont make the mistake of thinking that we just RAR packed up some addons from ofp.info, that couldn't be more further from the truth. I have spend sleepless night editing most models in O2 to fix several bugs and even added more resolution LODs etc, not to mention all the config.cpp work and such. This is so much more than just compilation of some addons.
  17. Snake Man

    Topography command

    Yes but did you try to look into the retarded Documents and Settings dir with the HIDDEN dirs also?
  18. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    Thats the one thing I hate about ArmA the boat moves so slowly. I think I'll have to skip the AI driver and give the boat just as empty to the player, he can then run the boat to the Sahrani coastline. This will happen most likely on v0.3 release. I am not sure but this might be that if you reverted back to try the mission again, ArmA just keeps on loading the old saveStatus (not savegame but status) for the soldiers, this happened many times on OFP with saveStatus. Dunno. Okay so it seems mostly everyone is having problems with the mission, so I'll make some sort of level adjustments for it. I'll hope to fix it so its enjoyable. Yes the enemy knows you took the airstrip, they know you come to the town next, they sit and wait for you in defensive positions. I wanted to make some sort of mini street battles on the town streets, apparently it came through as too difficult Ah the good old OFP "feature" of AI seeing you long time after you disappear behind the wall, even if you zig-zag back and forth, gee how they quess your movements so excatly. Hehe. Too bad they didn't fix that for ArmA. Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll try to tweak the boat and super deadly town mission for v0.3 now. If you got any other suggestions like how the initial assault for Sahrani would happen, where and with what troop composition, please let me know... you can make a difference on the storyline, all feedback is very very welcome!
  19. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    Thanks, I'm glad you like them. I had tons of fun editing them in wishing someone else finds them enjoyable. I have the slight impression that most people think its cool to create multiplayer content, dunno if this is true. My early days were spend on PMC multiplayer on LAN mostly and then I did missions with simple stuff, so they worked both in SP and MP. Nowadays my internet connection sucks so bad AND I'm way too busy just editing, that I have indeed done almost only SP content. However I have absolutely NOTHING against MP stuff, in fact I'd love to play online with my friends but like I said, my adsl sucks. So far the PMC First Fight missions all have been created with MP settings, so if someone unpacks the pbo and puts the missions to MP usage they work fine. At some point when I start to do those wild PMC nutcase missions there will most likely be scripting which dont work in MP, however again, I'm not planning something like that intentionally. Hmm. Thanks appreciated. I dont know what might be wrong there, so far the missions are very very simple and there should be nothing that could cause such crashes mission wise. Maybe its just unstable ArmA v1.01? Wow thanks I wanted it to be very quiet stealth insertion on dawn (yeah its not that dark, maybe I need to tweak the starting time to be almost dark), so if it would be helo insertion, the whole Rahmadi island would be awaken and the surprise element would be gone. But definitely I'll try to work on some solution for this, the island-to-island change is very bad right now. If anyone have some good suggestions feel free to share. Someone suggested that you drive the boat yourself, which kind of feels pretty good idea right now, I might use same to the first long range recon mission also. Hmm do you have any specific examples which might improve the feeling? Perhaps Fury started with complete darkness you all alone? Hmm dunno. I would definitely want to have you and others feeling more into the campaign, so please comment more what you'd like to see and changed etc. I dont think it should be too difficult, at least on force levels wise you commanding one AI team plus AI on as support. Perhaps the whole ArmA world/engine is so different that we/I cant think alike it was on OFP. Hmm gotta check that out. Ouch. Hmm any suggestions to improve the odds that could fit the storyline of you guys just capturing the island before any additional and/or heavy backup arrives? Adding third friendly AI squad might go to bit ovekill, hmm dunno. Wonder if UH60 with miniguns would even to odds, I havent tried yet if the helos get shot down quite as esily as in OFP. Thank you all for the feedback, remember guys that posting feedback you can actually make a difference how the campaign progresses. I'm open to all suggestions, ideas and storyline stuff etc along with fixing anything thats broken/unplayable.
  20. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    I discovered that player-dead-at-start one time, its because the new teamswitching done after you die. I'll try to rework somesort of workaround for it, until that here is quick fix: Dont get dead
  21. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    Thanks, appreciated. Heh yeah its quite funny to run ArmA on 800x600 resolution with *everything* set on Very Low (with exception that I Â didn't disable blood and so), this brings back nostalgic memories for me as I started to create PMC Fury campaign for OFP v1.20 I believe it was (the version where Apache was just released I think). So its kind of like back to the roots for me, very early version game with poor computer. And I am no "graphics whore" as Lwlooz so nicely puts it, its all about gameplay for me, I can now turn the graphics down to a minimum as long as I know that some day in the next few months I'll walk into a computer store, put my money on the table and buy the most hardcore gaming rig there is available and THEN I can crank up the settings in ArmA to really start to enjoy the graphics whoring part Also I think its kind of nice way to learn the basic engine features right now using these puny settings. Anyways. Sometimes the small missions are very nice, gives you that man-to-man feeling more than some huge semi-laggy mission where you get assaulted by 150 enemy troops. You lose the touch and appreciation for you AI comrades on the large missions. PMC First Fight starts with the small scale stuff, and then we slowly progress into the more deeper and high intensity / larger battles. As posted already, I'm really looking forward to use the new scripting features which make it possible to create large and very random/believable feeling enemy forces. Yes indeed this is a problem. I'm seriously considering a compromise to limit the mission only to one island, it would be a big compromise as I wanted it to cover the two isles. But the AI has serious problems boarding the boat. Another option would be to add radio (0-0-1) command "Board boat!" which then would unrealisticly teleport your team onboard the boat. Perhaps that is better choice than to make the AI swim to the other island and therefore lose the primary weapons. Any ideas and feedback is very welcome. You get more SF action on the v0.2, anyone who played PMC Hero's Path will find familiar stuff in there Also to note, if anyone has good mission ideas or the whole campaign storyline ideas, feel free to post them here as I'm open to all suggestions. This campaign is work in progress and many things could be implemented. Btw another mission that has serious AI boat problems is on the v0.2 new missions, you need to ride onboard the RHIB into Sahrani coastline, but the AI will drive the boat so slooooow you lose your mind sitting there with 4x time accelleration. Again I'm seriously considering doing some workaround for this, but I really really would like to keep the boat ops here because I like the new ArmA water system so much. You gotta appreciated the waterways in ArmA now since they were so "unusable" in OFP. In this mentioned mission, helo insertion is out of options due storyline (anti air) reasons. Hopefully BIS will fix the AI driven RHIB running speed on future patches (unless I did something wrong on the mission of course, which I very much doubt).
  22. Snake Man

    Boats in AA

    That RHIB boat is very slow when AI drives it. In PMC First Fight campaign I have mission where you board that boat with your SF team from Rahmadi coastline and travel to Sahrani SW coast, it takes forever as AI drives/pilots the boat so damn slow. I tried few things for the AI so it could drive it faster, no luck. I hope there is something I'm doing wrong or it will get fixed on some patch. It cannot stay like it is now.
  23. Snake Man

    PMC Hero's Path campaign

    PMC Hero's Path OFP Campaign A campaign of 34 unrelenting WWIII missions on a huge 25km map, Rugen Island. You will be able to play 6 different characters. Carlos Edwards SEAL Team leader Take on silent recon missions or to neutralize enemy air defenses early in the war. Launch tomahawk cruise missiles from sub out in the sea. Steve Gross Ranger squad leader Deploy to the region and seize key installations so regular grunts can come in later. Use the skills of your ranger squad to the maximum, bring down arty on the targets etc. Gordon McKenzie Army squad leader Take on the hard work on fighting the enemy on basic infantry combat. Use the artillery to your advantage when softening enemy positions before assaulting them. Roger Tuchek Mechanized infantry (M2A2s) squad leader Cause serious damage to the enemy positions with your Bradley arsenal. M2A2s, arty support and the works, its time to do real damMage. David Ruby M1A1 Abrams platoon commander Turn the Russian armor into burning wrecks, but be careful as the enemy has top of the line main battle tanks to face you. Bob Walton AH-64 Apache pilot Unleash the power of gunship helicopter from the skies, watch out for air to air defenses in the area. This campaign has compelling storyline on the briefings (we really didn't do cutscenes, yet) and it captures a scary atmosphere of WWIII. Soldier/vehicle status is saved to the next missions, so you better keep your team alive and vehicles in working condition. Also the weapon pool of your base is in use, collect weapons from the battlefield and they can be used on following missions. Required addons PMC Rugen -------------------- PMC Tactical LSR Ranger/Deltas ----------- OFP.info LSR SEALs -------------------- OFP.info bas Blackhawks -------------- OFP.info JAM3 (three!) ----------------- OFP.info and patch CAVS vehicles CoC Unified Artillery --------- CoC homepage CoC Tomahawk -------------- CoC homepage CoC Mines -------------------- CoC homepage Bn880 Tracers v1.24 --------- BIS forum topic More details at PMC Tactical, PMC Tactical Forums, PMC Editing Wiki and PMC Addons/Mods Online Manuals. Finally, the campaign itself. Download PMC_Heros_Path_v0.3b.rar - 435kb. Mirror 1 - ofpc.de Mirror 2 - OFP.4players.de
  24. Snake Man

    German Patch 1.01 released

    The site has typo, Armed Assualt on the page header (or whatever its called).
  25. Snake Man

    Motion Sickness ?

    No. I think OFP and therefore ArmA too is so slow paced game and not any quAk3 r0cK3t Ar3nA 3 that there is no chance of getting motion sickness. Its games which are more fast paced which cause that. Well yes and no. I have never ever had any problems with OFP, but with some other quake games I've had so much problems that I couldn't play them. So yes, its GAME related in my case at least. Generally I think it comes down to this that the other shooter games look like shit, those "LEVEL" corridor idiotic things with "dancing & frag" high paced action, OFP looks like real life with large environments with normal pace. Dunno, thats how I see it.