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Snake Man

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Everything posted by Snake Man

  1. Snake Man

    SP Missions? Campaigns?

    Unplayable? You are free to post bug reports so any issues get fixed.
  2. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    Thanks. Those bugs are in the bugs list now so hopefully they get fixed in the update.
  3. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    M41 and M551 have unique p3d model, M48 is BIS model but we have new model coming in the next release, for which I don't have any dates. btw: Have anyone find any new bugs which we could fix in the next release?
  4. Snake Man

    TroopMon V 0.7 Mission debugger

    Just awesome, cant wait to try the new version. Also I'll report any bugs or issues I find when testing it. This will be great piece of addon with the transparent activation. Good job, much appreciated. Yeah I guess its like in OFP the vektorbosons console and xcam comparison. Both have their uses. Naturally I have the czech version patched with 6th sense english patcher.
  5. Snake Man

    TroopMon V 0.7 Mission debugger

    Considering the other debugger is in czech and quite small/featureless (or perhaps I just dont understand the cz language?) there is no fear of interfering with that. Just use the ESC -> Enter method, its excellent. Just drop the addon into addons dir and then dont worry about nothing, use it if you like, no problems with mission.sqm infestation etc. I tried the debugger bit more now, definitely looks worth using. But I plea to you to change the way it operates, not to mess with mission.sqm, please
  6. Snake Man

    PMC Ranger Path campaign

    PMC Ranger Path OFP Campaign Featuring excellent BAS addons Delta/Rangers. You can find basic details on the PMC OFP Campaigns Page and PMC Tactical Forums PMC Ranger Path Area, but briefly you need BAS Delta/Ranger, Littlebird and Chinook along with ColMoore's C-130 Hercules and finally CoC Mines pack. PMC Ranger Path Campaign background PMC Ranger Path campaign is US Army Ranger specific using Laser's Delta/Ranger, bas Blackhawk, Littlebird and Chinook addons. Missions are somewhat special in nature and you dont find same kind of basic infantry grunt action here as in PMC Fury. The lame storyline is much like in the other campaign where US forces fight off Russians from the four (official BIS) islands. Some facts of PMC Ranger Path campaign: - Radio messages without voice files, you'll see radio text but not hear a voice. - Two cutscenes on every mission, these aren't that hot (sorry, don't expect BIS quality here). - Thorough briefings, small section + detailed section. - Over 20 missions and two standalone cutscenes. - Islands used: Everon, Malden, Kolgujev and Nogova. - Some missions might require lot CPU power (more or less 1ghz). - Requires some addons; C-130, CoC UA/Mines, LSR Delta/Ranger, Bn880 Tracers, JAM3 etc. - Optimized for 1500 meter viewdistance. - Missions are designed for COOP multiplayer compatibility (MP versions will be released later). PMC_Ranger_Path_v1.0b.r15.rar - 319kb.
  7. Snake Man

    PMC Ranger Path campaign

    Restart the mission then. Its normal OFP behaviour that sometimes when ejecting units from plane they get killed.
  8. Snake Man

    How to Make Island?

    Most likely something wrong with your configs then.
  9. Snake Man

    TroopMon V 0.7 Mission debugger

    I quickly checked out this addon, my first impression is that why does it need the OBJECT placed on mission editor to activate it, why not use same method as the other debug console ESC -> Enter, or any other method of transparent activation so mission.sqm is not effected? In my view it defeats the purpose of this debugger, I stopped using mission debug radio triggers/stuff long time ago as they are ALWAYS left into the released mission by mistake. Always.
  10. Snake Man

    [CAMP] Perpetua

    Great job bardosy, I'm not sure but is this the second user made campaign for ArmA, anyways nice to see you back on campaign editing in ArmA.
  11. Snake Man

    How to Make Island?

    Yes you need to get WrpTool and read the manual. Also its godo idea to read our WrpTool forum for more details and tips. Check it out from PMC Tactical
  12. Snake Man


    I tweaked the BHD-LeaveNoOne The Final by hijacker objects so that they aren't causing so much slowdowns, I'm quite satisfied with it. This is the changelog of what I did --- fixes - removed the music, please! - tweaked bhdr\config.cpp file. - tweaked BHD_Houses\config.cpp file. - renamed island icon image. - moved the bhdr\BHDhouse10.p3d into BHD_Houses/ dir. - moved asfaltka200.p2d / paa into BHD_Houses/ dir. - removed bhdr\house.paa unused texture. - removed bhdr\tt.paa unused ground texture. - removed bhdr\BHD_SG*.paa unused ground textures. - removed bhdr\bhdrf1.paa and moved bhdrf2.paa into BHD_Houses/ dir. - replaced low resolution bhdr/ textures with resistance o/ textures. - leveled ocean floor to set -3m height. - renamed <filename>..paa style filenames to <filename>.paa like they should be. - resized the 3 resolution LODs to 0.0, 1.0 and 2.0 in the models they were present. - removed the hotel.p3d from island, come on 9800 faces and only one LOD, hehe! - added res LODs for many buildings. I never went to re-release anything, I sended email and private message to hijacker but hes gone by now.
  13. Snake Man

    Entry tools

    So I guess you guys sould call them Mercenaries or MERCS then as PMC has been our organization name since the early 80's.
  14. Snake Man

    Entry tools

    Say what? PMC Tactical - http://tactical.nekromantix.com
  15. Snake Man

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Or in Fleet Command? Wonder if anyone knows if there is any limit on ArmA water depth? (In OFP it was depth of 50 meters).
  16. Look at the various PMC campaigns, for example PMC Ranger Path and PMC Hero's Path do use weaponPool. PMC Tactical - http://tactical.nekromantix.com
  17. Snake Man

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    I do hope CoC will port over Unified Artillery with Tomahawk Cruise Missiles AND that your ships/subs will use these cruise missiles then. At least I have tons of missions which could use the mentioned platforms. PMC Tactical - http://tactical.nekromantix.com
  18. Snake Man

    High-resolution map of Sahrani

    I made my own right away so I could continue to design PMC missions for Sahrani, it came to 4186x3737 resolution and was missing Rahmadi and few other small isles, also was having some seams not so good. Your map is even larger with more detail and without any errors that I could see on quick overview. Very nice job, I'll start to use this now to design my missions and the next PMC First Fight mission will be designed using this image. Thank you very much, this is appreciated. PMC Tactical - http://tactical.nekromantix.com
  19. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    It should work just right when you select the gear, how many weapons can you see? Btw I'm finalizing the v0.4 here, all major "elements" should be in there now. I don't know when I release it, soon I hope.
  20. Snake Man

    CZM demo part 1

    Join the club buddy... I do have ArmA, installed, I do some mission making work for it already, but I don't play it daily because 800x600 res, 900m viewdistance with everything to very low detail settings... I still continue editing and playing OFP while I wait to become a rich man so I can buy completely new hardware Good to see that CZM is still being developed for OFP. Keep up the good work. http://tactical.nekromantix.com
  21. Snake Man

    CZM demo part 1

    Good looking units CZM team, congratulations on your demo http://tactical.nekromantix.com
  22. Everyone should know that using spaces in filenames is not smart thing to do.
  23. Snake Man

    Iraqi Insurgent Pack

    Here is excellent tip for you to make sure you at least don't miss any textures or obvious errors on the models. When you have done all the editing and are ready to release, BINARIZE the models. Binarize will tell you ALL missing texture names which is just great on many models with many textures. Next release could be 100% texture fixed then. Also I have no clue, but to my own experience I'd assume that you got few of those binarize errors, those would be great to get fixed but I understand that since they directly aren't effecting the gameplay many people (including me due not knowing how to fix, will leave them unfixed). For more details, at least some, check out the Binarize error messages - list & cause from PMC Tactical forums. If you have any questions I'm happy to try to help, but I'm no expert.
  24. Snake Man

    Help with CoC Command Engine

    Look reference from the many CoC CE missions from PMC, there you should find nice and working userinit.sqs setups. Download them from PMC Tactical
  25. Snake Man

    Iraqi Insurgent Pack

    Oh btw, any chance you would do same kind of config setup as Hyk did with his US troops, one for JAM weapons and one for ICP? (I would appreciate the JAM config for sure).