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Snake Man

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Everything posted by Snake Man

  1. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    I dont know, I havent been playing MP for a while now. Sorry.
  2. Snake Man

    vte works slow

    Ok pardon me your holyness. Let me rephrase that: CENKCNK: There is already existing VTE topic, use that.
  3. Snake Man

    vte works slow

    Why isn't that the moderator is not locking this up as there is addons and mods complete topic for VTE v0.3?
  4. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    As seen on this topic, that mission was tweaked from user feedback, I hope its quite nice and balanced now. Hehe. I guess you missed readme, this topic and ending credits which clearly say that this campaign is work in progress, story in progress, and more missions will be added Was the other squad boarded already, did the other blackhawk took off? Which is not the way the mission was designed. I dont want to make failsafe codes for preventing players to do rambo stuff since most of PMC mission fans to my experience are the hardcore growd who are used to the vehicle transports and so on. The helo could use the setfuel 0 way to stay on the ground, but I prefer the crew to get out, yes player who wants to fly can hijack the helo then, but that is not how the mission is designed to be played.
  5. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    During campaign MENU you can open or "unlock" all the missions by pressing SHIFT and keypad - key at the same time, then typing "campaign" without the quotes. During mission you can end it succesfully by pressing SHIFT and keypad - key at the same time, then typing "endmission" without the quotes. I will most definitely fix/tweak mission number 10 (guys lets dont give out too many spoilers heh), if anyone who has played has any other tweaking suggestions, feel free to post and I'll try to make the mission more better. And you'll have them. I just cant give out any dates for new missions / version right now, its done when its done. I'm kind of concerned right now about the patch situation, all the talk about 1.05 being buggy and more sluggish than 1.04 makes me worried. I havent actually had that much playtime in there so I really don't know. I kind of would want to hold off and wait calmly to the next patch and its aftertmath at least before putting out new version of PMC First Fight. Again if anyone has thoughts about the campaign + patch scenario + anything, just post as I'm interested to hear what you guys have to say. And thanks for everyone for posting feedback, keep it coming!
  6. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    Sorry no, not yet. Yeah sorry that you have to use that for now, I'll surely check this bug report and fix it for next version. Just play as far as you can go and then endmission the mission for now. Yeah I need to be careful with the teamswitch, I'm afraid but that might be removed in the future as considering now more thorough it conflicts a bit with the character you play. I mean you have the character chosen with a name, so if he dies many times in the missions... its kind of stupid I just leeched all your SH3 videos and they are great, enjoyed them greatly. There is info on the wiki about -mod parameter. Saved dir is located in the \Documents and Settings\<name>\My Documents\Arma Other Profiles\ dir by default.
  7. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    First post updated with the current v0.4 details Btw, are you the video moviemaker stabiz from SH3 community?
  8. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    Yeah that guy starting dead is from the saveStatus and teamswitch mixture. I start to feel savestatus is not worth it in the long run, I mean dunno if anyone compliments here how nice it is to have team status saved to next missions in these topics, but it seems that every other user has problems with it. I guess you cant get accurate and balanced reading from the usefulness of the feature reading just feedback like this. I dont know, maybe I'll just drop its usage or at least take away the teamswitch or something. I mean I dont mind reading comments that "it dont work" but I'm sad that guys try the campaign and cannot fully enjoy it as its intended to be enjoyed. Umm if that makes any sense, heh. To fix the dead guy at start, REVERT the previous mission and do the endmission cheat ending to it. Then play the mission which you start as dead and you should be fully alive and everything cool. Let me know if you have more problems with it.
  9. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    I'll look into this mission, if you find anymore problems please let me know so I can fix them.
  10. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    Just private message me here if you have lost your login info to our forums. Also if you try this campaign and find some bugs/issues, feel free to report them and I'll try to do my best to fix them. After the ArmA patch mania settles down a bit, I'm planning on adding some more missions.
  11. You get this error when you run the 1.05 euro patch into 1.04 but try to start game with the OLD 1.04 executable. Yes you need to save the old exe OR the patch fail to update your exe to get into this problem. Just something I ran into today, thought the info might help.
  12. Snake Man

    Help with AI script

    Oh really? Most of the PMC missions use this script. Look for them in PMC Tactical OFP section of course.
  13. Snake Man

    TroopMon V0.8 released

    Hehe, ouch! Much appreciated, will be eagerly waiting for it.
  14. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    VTE does not use AGS stuff. You have not correctly installed VTE as mod dir, or are using also other mod dirs when launching OFP. Please re-read the readme and our VTE Install Help page. Thank you.
  15. You guys are joking or what huh? The POINT here is that you/whoever releases LONG-NAME something and then this long name is shortened into name of our organization which is "PMC". Its not a shortcut of anything, the name is just... PMC. If I do addon lets say basic armored shell and then I come here and post topic "NEW BAS ADDON!", how would that look? Anyone get the picture here? PMC was born 1984, we did alot of stuff before Bohemia Interactive Studios did even start to work on the poseidon engine which became to OFP then. PMC has been with OFP scene since the demo was released, we were one of the first to release patcher to the demo which let you have new guns and stuff. PMC is the most active campaign creator team, in fact PMC still holds the position of creating Operation Flashpoint largest campaign. PMC is behind WrpTool island creator utility which is the most used in the OFP wrp scene. PMC is behind Vietnam: The Experience (VTE) modification. PMC created the first ever ArmA campaign. PMC has done alot of stuff outside OFP scene like being the one and only Falcon 4.0 Theater developer on the scene. Enough of merits already? I really hope someone get the HINT at this point. Stop spamming the name PMC with these private military contractors, just call them what ever you wish but its just lazyness if you make posts into forum/news sites with character strings of our name. I mean one good example is the Crappy Zombies Mod which called itself as "CZM" when it was initially released, I kindly pointed out about already existing mod called Conflict Zone Mindanao (CZM) and the author of the zombie mod was smart enough to see this and now its called Zmod. Take a look at this topic, it says "Private Military Contractors Beta 1.0 Release" which PMC has absolutely no problem about, its perfect and nice looking topic... however then in the bottom info part it says "new PMC units", hey, PMC did not release any new units... I mean this is a small issue, however the issue is part of the guys who splatter our name without any need to do so. Hopefully that clears it up for everyone. PMC since 1984 http://tactical.nekromantix.com
  16. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    We would need some research reference pictures / information for the US M35 trucks. itim_tuko from Conflict Zone Mindanao is modeling these trucks and needs some reference, so lets all help.
  17. Snake Man

    This game needs a dynamic campaign

    Yes. Try PMC Dynamic CE campaign for OFP. As said, the above campaign is for OFP but when I get around to it, I will port this over to ArmA for sure. But I don't know if I'll try to do 1:1 port of the island + campaign or just do brand new campaign using the same technics. Same recommendation for you too, try PMC Dynamic CE...
  18. Snake Man

    TroopMon V0.8 released

    This is excellent piece of addon, I salute you for your efforts on the Addon and for the Release. I wish your addon making standard would spread around to many other addon makers, OFP/ArmA scene would be 10 times better. Will start to test this right away and report back if there is any issues. I'm sure this will help me greatly when designing and debugging PMC missions. I thank you for creating this great addon
  19. Snake Man

    TroopMon V 0.7 Mission debugger

    Any chance you could add like "Action Camera" which would try to follow the combat around all the units? This is a mission debugger as topic says, but many times when debugging a mission its just to sit back and watch what happens, so why not add a special camera for such enjoyment which you don't have to manually control all the time. Many times I just sit back and watch some cutscene movie with looping script around all units, I love to observe what the AI is up to. Just a thought. PS, less videos more releases
  20. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    Its not what to add, but what to improve.
  21. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    JAM 3 doesn't have exact magazines like this. We could of course make our own, but so far I decided just to use the closest match from JAM3. I have saved your feedback in our development files and hopefully we could modify them a bit someday.
  22. For infantry personal weapons the answer is JAM, for vehicles its CAVS. I havent tested air vehicles ACES yet but hopefully it would be good. All PMC releases (including VTE) will use JAM and CAVS (like I said I havent tested ACES yet). Of course these are OFP modifications, hopefully they get ported to ArmA. I already did my personal JAM for ArmA while testing my missions.
  23. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    For guys who want to get themselfs killed because AI is queuing the orders, we will include also the config that has the voices in as optional config. The default install of course remains as is, you just need to copy the radio voices on config in its place then.