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Snake Man

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Everything posted by Snake Man

  1. Snake Man

    Flying trees..

    Try to make LandContact LOD to the model, then place few points there where it should stick to ground... Not sure about that one, but RPT suggests something like this. So far I havent found a solution for the floating 50m forest blocks. Edit: but it works, as I explained above... it works. Now the most annoying bug in VTE has been solved. Thank you Q & the-f!
  2. Hi madmedic. I believe what you need is to setup different fire "modes" for humans and AI, where humans have one type of dispersion and AI has another. Here is example for you:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> modes[] = {"Manual_Single","Manual_Automatic","AI_Single","AI_Automatic"}; class Manual_Single : Base_Manual_Single { displayName = "5.56x45 Semi"; reloadTime = 0.09; sound[] = {"\VTE_Sounds\Weapons\M16_fire.wss", 10, 1.1}; recoil = "VTE_m16"; recoilProne = "VTE_m16Prone"; dispersion = 0.005 * VTE_DispersionCoeff; }; class Manual_Automatic: Base_Manual_Automatic { displayName = "5.56x45 Auto"; reloadTime = 0.075; sound[] = {"\VTE_Sounds\Weapons\M16_fire.wss", 10, 1.1}; recoil = "VTE_m16"; recoilProne = "VTE_m16Prone"; dispersion = 0.005 * VTE_DispersionCoeff; }; class AI_Single : Base_AI_Single { reloadTime = 0.09; sound[] = {"\VTE_Sounds\Weapons\M16_fire.wss", 10, 1.1}; recoil = "VTE_m16"; recoilProne = "VTE_m16Prone"; dispersion = 0.005 * VTE_AIDispersionCoeff; minRange = 0.1; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 200; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 400; maxRangeProbab = 0.03; }; class AI_Automatic : Base_AI_Automatic { reloadTime = 0.08; sound[] = {"\VTE_Sounds\Weapons\M16_fire.wss", 10, 1.1}; recoil = "VTE_m16"; recoilProne = "VTE_m16Prone"; dispersion = 0.005 * VTE_AIDispersionCoeff; minRange = 0.1; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 100; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 400; maxRangeProbab = 0.03; }; There is no aiDispersionCoefX and Y listed and I dont have example at hand. But you could use the class cfgmovesmalesdr, like this:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgMovesMaleSdr: CfgMovesBasic { class AmovPercMwlkSrasWrflDf : AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon  { aimPrecision = VTE_AimPrecisionHigh; Only related lines added to this example. Sorry this post is not exhaustive tutorial for the matter, but I hope this steers you to the right direction.
  3. Snake Man

    kellys heros Vte Mod event

    It was totally awesome. As I wrote to PMC Tactical VTE ArmA multiplayer topic: Source. It was especially cool when we approached the fist village target, M48 was rolling ahead of us infantry, the tank stopped and opened fire to the village while I was leaning over the tank watching how the tracers found their way to the target. Oh man it was just like in Full Metal Jacket! Very cool. Big thanks for the Kellys Heros team for organizing this VTE event!
  4. Snake Man

    kellys heros Vte Mod event

    Okay two things; 1) its not even a beta, its PRE-alpha. 2) The link is for the official VTE OFP page. I know I know, we dont have page yet for VTE ArmA, its only available through the official VTE ArmA forum area which you can find here: PMC Tactical - Vietnam: The Experience (ArmA) forum area. If someone is looking for an account to PMC Tactical forums, please send me a private message (PM) to me here and I'll create one for you.
  5. Snake Man

    kellys heros Vte Mod event

    Excellent, cant wait. Please get registered on the official VTE forum too so you can post there to keep the hardcore crowd updated. Just PM me with login/pass/email details and I'll get account created for you (that is, if you already dont have one).
  6. I took a look at mando_airsupportdlg.h and its class MandoAirSupportDlgSetUp, but I have never in my OFP and ArmA history done any of that UI stuff so its completely gibberish to me. Any tips of how to begin? Perhaps we move into private messages and then I'll post the editing results for VTE bomber fans in here?
  7. Can the various console buttons to be reconfigured for like napalm strike or daisycutter drop? At the moment most of them are unused in my NAM era missions, so they could be used for these specific bombing types. Lets say if I want to reconfigure AB, CM and SA... what should I edit?
  8. Snake Man

    Which 3d software it's seemed with O2?

    Modo is very good 3d modeling software including anything you need for model editing which is then converted into ArmA.
  9. Snake Man

    COC/CEX & Mando Scripts

    Cant be done in the v0.86 CEX, sorry.
  10. For the minimap I agree about the zooming in/out, also would it be possible to SHIFT-LMB click it same as in recon camera window to setup new recon waypoint?
  11. Carpet bombing works nicely on VTE B52 when doing small edit to the function, like this:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// Carpet bombing custom code mando_airsupport_carpetcode = { private["_plane", "_targetpos"]; _plane = _this select 0; _targetpos = _this select 1; while {(([getPos _plane select 0, getPos _plane select 1, 0] distance _targetpos) > 2000) && (alive _plane)} do { sleep 1; }; if (alive _plane) then { _plane action ["useWeapon",_plane,driver _plane,2]; }; };(sorry about the lame indent, you know how forum code tags are). Make sure you fly the B52 from about 5km away and higher than 400m and it should drop nice line of 48 MK82's Thank you Mandoble for this new feature, much appreciated.
  12. Thank you for the carpet bombing feature, will test it with B-52 tonight on MP and report results back to you.
  13. hehe supergruntsb78, I was just opening a dialog with Mandoble about bombing script features, I asked him about specific carpet bombing (yep you guessed it, VTE B52) stuff as well as the MC-130 dropping daisy cutter. Other than carpet bombing, I'm very interested to setup the airstrike script to be with random plane and bombs, like you could setup and array: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_VTE_planes = ["vte_a4r","vte_f4_tan_ag","vte_b52","vte_f105"]; and then also the bombs on array like:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_VTE_bombs = ["vte_mk74","vte_mk82","vte_mk82r","vte_mk84"]; from where the bombs would be randomly selected (one bomb type for one strike flight). That way when you call CAS, you dont know if there is going to be A1 Skyraider or F105 Thunderchief coming overhead and will they drop dumb bombs or cluster bombs. I wouldnt like the scripts to be hardcoded to VTE, there is many mods under development and I'm sure they would also want to have their planes and bombs to be used, so generic array for planes and bombs woud be superb. This would be of course an extra feature as many normal Mandoble Bombs users are just default AV8B/gbu12 BIS guys. Mandoble, does any of this stuff sound interesting, or doable?
  14. Snake Man

    kellys heros Vte Mod event

    Just email/pm me and tell me what login/pass you want.
  15. Snake Man

    Flashpoint Germany

    Uh oh, nvidia atlas tool sucks. I had to stop using it as I got more messed up texture coordinates than correct ones.
  16. Snake Man

    BombLauncher problem

    I have asked the exact same question in PMC Tactical, there is no solution or anyone has posted one. Sorry.
  17. Snake Man

    Attn BIS: AI Override Feature Please

    I agree, this kind of feature would be great.
  18. Snake Man

    door gun issues.......

    Thanks for the tip, I'll get back to you with huge thanks if I'll get it to work
  19. Snake Man

    door gun issues.......

    You think the same would fix VTE ACH47A gunship as its turrets are mostly inverted and none of the gunner-views work (for example aft gunner views his own throat towards the nose of the aircraft)? Its guns are modeled naturally, ie aft gun towards 180 degrees from the aircraft, right front gun 90 degrees from the aircraft etc.
  20. Snake Man

    kellys heros Vte Mod event

    Yes it was a nice mission. I never had that many Vietnam players in MP at the same time, very cool.
  21. Snake Man

    Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

    Hahah Carrier Command, wow that game ruled. I recall I got kicked out from school because I skipped a day when I just wanted to play carrier command and capture those islands, hehe, maybe thats why I'm such a dumbass huh Carrier Command ruled back in the day, those shoes are hard to fill, but if anyone can do it, its Bohemia Interactive...
  22. Snake Man


    Actually I haven read all this topic through, but I feel your pain as a fellow unappreciated mission maker, I'll take a look at your mission on princible. I mean that is if you want someone to test it and give feedback. I cant promise anything major, but I'll sit down, take a decent look at it and then report back what I think about it.
  23. Snake Man

    Project RACS

    Congratulations for Project RACS first release. May there be many to come! Mirage III looks real nice.
  24. Snake Man

    Trailer - Max Payne the Movie

    Anybody happen to have link for wmv/avi download of this trailer?
  25. Snake Man

    Al Kfrir - Afghanistan

    blackknight63, you are free to email/contact me and I'm willing to help you to develop terrains.