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Snake Man

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Everything posted by Snake Man

  1. Snake Man

    Visitor 3 and Buldozer problem

    Difficult to say, that second error of course sounds really bad. Never seen such errors myself so I don't know what to recommend, maybe re-install the tools or something for starters, dunno.
  2. Snake Man

    Visitor 3 and Buldozer problem

    We need much more information, what terrain are you loading... does it have data path configured, textures? elevations? I seem to get buldozer crash if I just create brand new terrain and immediately start buldozer without importing terrain or setup any other paths etc. And also of course, what errors do you get, find buldozer.RPT and put it on pastebin or something, or here if its short list.
  3. You can convert it to PEW file using ConvertWRP, there is config file etc on PMC Editing Wiki: ConvertWRP page. The config file is really nice to have so you can get the different objects highlighted with colors, like roads are grey, buildings red and vegetation naturally green etc.
  4. Project -> Save Map as image... That will save the mapview on screen from visitor 3.
  5. Snake Man

    Help with ConvertWrp tool

    You can change texture layer parths with Moveobject quickly. If you need any more help with the tools, just ask I'm glad to help. Maybe you can PM me to come to IRC etc for more direct chat.
  6. Snake Man


    If you need some testing help on TroopMon3, I'm happy to help. I still use the existing one if not daily, then every week when I monitor my random AI battle missions :) BTW your private message inbox is full in this forum.
  7. Snake Man

    The model and buldozer problem

    Use PMC Editing Wiki: Soldier Model guide, then make sure you're using the ArmA 2 example model's model.cfg and also check that your model weighting is correctly done (if/since its brand new model), for that check out PMC Editing Wiki: Weighting Tutorial, those should get you going.
  8. There is guide for it PMC Editing Wiki: Visitor 3 Background Image, hope that helps (everyone who still has this problem).
  9. Snake Man

    Sending Maya Models To Oxygen

    Sorry my bad for the wording, I'm not 3ds <whatever> guy so I don't know or care about the designations.
  10. Snake Man

    Sending Maya Models To Oxygen

    This is not maya but 3ds max tutorial: PMC Editing Wiki: How to import a 3DS model.
  11. Congratulations Rocket, good job with DayZ mod.
  12. Snake Man

    PMC Somalia

    Because we don't have authentic Mogadishu buildings yet and the terrain is otherwise under work too, the buildings are mere placeholders. Most likely if no modeler shows up to help, we'll go with ArmA sample model houses retextures as white.
  13. Snake Man

    PMC Somalia

    This is the release topic of PMC Somalia where latest is the one found in first post. Armaholic.com mirror added to the first post, thanks Foxhound.
  14. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience

    VTE v1.4 is the latest one released and this is our BIS forums release topic about it. All feedback from BIS forum users is welcome :)
  15. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience

    There is a campaign included in the download (at least I remember it was) and MP (heh sorry) mission pack is available as additional download.
  16. I am surprised but really glad you decided to take on larger terrain than earlier. Very good decision and I'm looking forward to this terrain, definitely. Sounds excellent, I'm happy that you have found the true power of ofp/arma/arma2 engine :) Can't wait for this terrain, seriously.
  17. You can read tutorials, guides and information from PMC Editing Wiki, hope that helps. You can always ask something specific to be added.
  18. Terrain 6, 40km with 3.8 million objects Technology demonstration terrain. Not a "real" terrain addon, randomly placed objects. UAh0hNYjm7w Large terrain of 4096 grid size, 10m cell size (comes to 40km x 40km) with 20480 x 20480 resolution satellite texture and 3.8 million objects (yes 3,800,000 objects). Requirements: ArmA 2 Combined Operations, no addons needed. Readme: Official PMC Tactical Forums Release Topic. I'm happy to answer questions about developing this and other large terrains. You might also check PMC Editing Wiki terrain editing area for tutorials and info. Download tut_terrain6_4096_10m.7z - 257mb Torrent: Gameupdates.org. Mirror 1: Armaholic.com.
  19. Snake Man

    PMC 51km Desert

    Thanks, nice to see initial reaction here and Armaholic.com comments positive. I know this need lot of work since it starts to show its age regarding "details" on the terrain and satellite texture resolution. When I did the satellite texture I was total newbie with photoshop, now I know little bit more, I'm newbie+ heh. Next release will have increased satellite map resolution and the same time I hopefully can make it more natural looking. Also the terrain roughness will be changed a bit. Although I get many comments that people love this for high FPS and tank battles etc, so I don't want to ruin this by adding unnecessary details bringing the FPS down. Keep the suggestions coming guys, I will be upgrading this terrain... not sure when as I have other projects to take care of, but when I get the chance. In fact I'm looking forward to enhancing the "resolution" of this terrain and finish some cities with decorations etc.
  20. Snake Man


    Troopmon2 works fine with ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead, at least I haven't seen anything that is not working in it.
  21. There is page just for this PMC Editing Wiki: how to open arma2 files.
  22. Snake Man

    Tarin Kot, Oruzgan

    Very realistic by looking at the satellite, meaning the objects are placed very carefully according to the real life locations, really nice work.
  23. Congratulations on the v1.62 patch, your work is much appreciated!
  24. Great video, got that nostalgic feeling seeing the old footage. Thanks for the video.