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Snake Man

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Everything posted by Snake Man

  1. Snake Man

    PMC Somalia

    PMC Somalia v0.7 has been released! First post updated, enjoy.
  2. ArmA 3 Vietnam: The Experience Preview 09-04-14 has been released, first post updated. Special thanks for private testers! Enjoy.
  3. VTE ArmA 3 Preview will have new fixed version soon enough... I just sent Release Candidate 1 to testers ;)
  4. Fourth upgrade sent to private testers, all showstopper bugs have been fixed now. There are still some cosmetic issues but nothing that prevents game play. If testers give thumbs up then I'll do public release so everyone gets to enjoy Vietnam in ArmA 3.
  5. Snake Man

    Make lower definition lods

    I wrote something long time ago on PMC Editing Wiki - HOWTO Make Low RES LOD's, hope that helps.
  6. Third private test version has been sent to a handful of testers. Some nice game play fixes are included like helmet/vest split from the character models and PBR gunner fixed etc. If there still are someone who wants to do private testing before public release, just send me a private message here.
  7. I have now fixed and improved VTE ArmA 3 Preview. Fixed the arma3 v1.24 broken weapon sounds, added real arma3 helmet/vest support for the characters, also fixed some texture issues on the terrain, etc. I'm still working on it, although there is no errors now and it runs very nicely... if there are some hardcore fans who would want to test this and give feedback before release, send a private message to me here and I'll give you a link for test version.
  8. You cant use PMC tag in your file names and not even starting the mission name like that. I understand that you are newbie in bis forums, but you should have done some research of what other teams use. PMC (my organization) has been using PMC tag on addon, mission etc file naming since early OFP days. PMC Tactical homepage: http://tactical.nekromantix.com
  9. PMC Tactical server is running persistent missions using PMC 51km Desert terrain Server name: PMC Tactical http://tactical.nekromantix.com The terrain is vast desert 51km x 51km in size with 100+ locations; modern cities, ruined cities, villages, oilfields, harbor/ports and airbases. There is long two lane highway and other road network also. Currently we focus on PMC Delta Safari mission where players take role of US Army Delta Force members who's task is to hunt down and kill enemy VIPs and SCUD launcher sites. We have many other missions included in the server and several under development so there is plenty of missions to play. In fact I have some great missions in development for this (type of) terrain, but they just need more players. For easy automatic download / install use Play With Six - PMC 51km Desert (terrain) or if you want to get hands on manually get it from PMC Addons/Mods Manuals: PMC 51km Desert, mirror from Armaholic.com. Please join for some great fun MP! :)
  10. Snake Man

    Multiplayer with PMC 51km Desert terrain

    You're welcome, thank you for getting your guys to join again, much appreciated. Here is the full length video of the multiplayer session posted on ArmA 2 OA video topic, enjoy.
  11. ArmA 2 PMC Rugen multiplayer 07-20-14 huZdjP5DUic
  12. Snake Man

    A FAQ for terrain development?

    Much of the stuff from ArmA 2 still applies even though terrain builder is now what bis supplies as terrain editor for ArmA 3. There is not much info on PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 - Terrain area but combined with the info from ArmA 2 areas, its plenty. More will follow of course. If you have any specific questions, feel free to post in our forums and I'll do my best to get helpful info added.
  13. Snake Man

    Multiplayer with PMC 51km Desert terrain

    Sunday July 20th, 14:00 Eastern Time we are playing again, this time on PMC Rugen terrain. Our previous session last sunday was great, its interesting to see how this new one turns out as the terrain is rather different with all the forests and european landscape. We play with ArmA 2 CO v1.63 patch, server will be public and its name will be "PMC Tactical LOCAL PMC Addons" (yes, don't ask hehe), we have the VTE and 1.62 beta servers up too so don't mix them up, look for the new v1.63 server. Everybody is welcome, we'll guarantee some great COOP missions, hope to see you guys on the server!
  14. As usual bis breaks the game engine as they go along, I fixed VTE ArmA 3 Preview on I think it was on arma3 v1.22, dunno if that still works in current version heh. Because the situation is like this (stuff breaks as new versions come out) I'm not very excited about fixing VTE preview every week. But we'll see, maybe I get some enthusiasm all of the sudden and release that fix.
  15. Since Armed Assault days we have been riddled with the large terrain shaking issue, this is bit difficult to explain so I created a video to demonstrate it. wug0pnApRys In short your weapon and its accessories shake badly on large terrains (classic 51km is fine but beyond that it begins) when you are in the "far side" which is when you get closer to top right corner. This is nuisance for ArmA 2 and ArmA 3, I'm not realistically expect bis to fix this, but yeah it would be really cool to have smooth game play experience on larger terrains "far sides" in ArmA 3. Feel free to open feedback tracker issue with reference to this video heh.
  16. Snake Man

    Multiplayer with PMC 51km Desert terrain

    Thank you SavageCDN for arranging this MP session, much appreciated! Here is the video of it, its been posted at ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead user video topic.
  17. Snake Man

    Number of object in a terrain

    I've been doing tests on this, there is no simple answer to that because its combination of grid, cell, satellite etc sizes. I'll post my findings in PMC Editing Wiki when I'm finished all tests.
  18. ArmA 2 terrain PMC 51km Desert, some bad ass littlebird flying. 9en5Nxo2kW8 ArmA 2 PMC 51km Desert terrain multiplayer on 07-13-14, directors cut (look up the shorter version from the youtube channel) akOwO8-mtMc
  19. Snake Man

    Change path in a binarized P3D.

    You can change paths inside the model with MoveObject. ODOL Explorer don't change those paths and its not even capable of reading the newer P3D files.
  20. Snake Man

    Help with Binarizing

    You need to fix your build environment as shown in PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA - build environment in the first place. I know the guide I'm linking to is for ArmA (1) but its still valid today. Fix that first and then start to check if your config.cpp files are in order.
  21. Well PMC Editing Wiki is your friend for all kinds of editing needs and tutorials.
  22. Snake Man

    Mod logo

    Not in config, read details of how its done from PMC Editing Wiki: Mod.cpp page.
  23. Snake Man

    Sat map size?

    You forgot to tell us half of the size information, I suggest you check PMC Editing Wiki: Terrain Grid and Cell Sizes page and let us know what size your terrain really will be.
  24. Snake Man

    Multiplayer with PMC 51km Desert terrain

    That would be great. I don't have any set time really, as I have persistent missions running there for days I often times find myself going to the server "mission daytime" because I don't like night missions that much heh, although in a big desert the stupid AI keeps vehicle headlights on at night and they are easy to spot kilometers away then you hunt them down on aircraft, so there is that :) But yeah, anytime is fine by me.
  25. Added page PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Making Roads in Terrain Builder. Good work granQ!