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Everything posted by shataan

  1. I find it annoying how we are allowed heli transport support, but opening to the map and clicking where you wanna be brought to doesn`t always work.
  2. shataan

    Arma II is going on the shelf...

    I`m with TimeDeaTH. Infact I AM running all maxed settings at 1680x1050x32 @ 120 hz, no AA/AF tho. I upgraded for ARMA 2. But I needed to upgrade anyways as my 5 year old 8800 GTX system was not cutting it. So it was time. ;p
  3. shataan

    3D Vision

    I have the Samsung 2233ZX 120 hz monitor, and opted NOT to get the nVidia Glasses. Why? Cause after I put them on, the game world lost tons of detail and got dark as all getout. Oh the 3D effect was there for sure. But the tradeoff for the 3D was not worth it imho. Not for me anyways.
  4. "I voted no. I am bored of WWII/Vietnam etc games. I would like to see some current stuff. Iraq and Afghanistan based. Think Arma 2 Fallujah or something. Now that would be sweet."__________________ Well, for VC Nam games there are very few, and none done decently accept for Vietcong... and it looks like DF 2 style visuals compared to whats out these days. Now ww2, obvously I can see being bored of the huge glut of ww2 games out there. For what you would LIKE to see? You got Op. Arrowhead coming.
  5. shataan

    Broken Sound

    Hyas cm, I have the SupremeFX X-Fi s/c on my Crosshair 3, that is exactly what happens to me with 1.03. I`ll be firing the rifle, then it starts to distort, Then crackle fizzle, then it cuts out. Then comes back. I freaking hate it really. Drives me bonkers. Hope they fix this soon.
  6. I like how it is now. But allow peeps to set their own default speeds. I don`t wanna be forced to use walk as my default just cause someone can`t get used to using the walk key. lol But if those peeps just HAVE to have their walk as a default... allow them to set walk as default. I will keep my slow run as default. Gods peeps, movement to me ingame is as natural as it gets. I`ll stick with the slow run default. Thx.
  7. "disable surround sound" I am going to order a new Medusa 5.1 headset and mic soon, FOR 5.1 gaming. I really hope BIS fixes the sound issues with ARMA 2.
  8. shataan

    Why does it say "Hold Breath"?

    I don`t care about the particulars, just wanna see it somehow reflected in the game. A sound cue of some sort.
  9. shataan

    Why does it say "Hold Breath"?

    it`d be nice if we actually heard some slight breathing cues during aiming, and the sound of breathe being held, as in.... something audible as an indicator. Cool for immersion purposes.
  10. shataan

    Alt Tabbing Crashes the PC.

    I tried alt/tab/ last night, screen froze. Tried again after a forced reboot? Same thing. Pizzed me right off. `nother forced reboot. hope they fix this.
  11. I get random instances of my sound cutting out when firing rifles, then it comes back. Running SoundMax as well. My soundcard is the SupremeFX X-Fi on a Crosshair III mobo. Fyi.
  12. I never noticed a difference on my 295 GTX. I`ll look again tonight tho. I set all my settings at Highest, accept no AA/AF. I tried both Default and Highest, didn`t notice any performance/visuals difference. Anyone wanna hazard a guess wtf default supposedly uses all your ram, and Highest uses only 512???? THAT, makes no sense at all.
  13. With the near zillions seeming amounts of ww2 games out there, Nam has barely been touched. Vietcong was good in its day, but its day is over. I loved Vietcong. But it really is time someone did a Nam game right. Pterodon did the best they could with the engine and the resources they had. But we need a Nam game done right. ARMA 2s visuals`d be awesome, with better character models, weaps, and the motion capture. wOOt! Not to mention ARMA 2s A.I. would be awesome for the VCs.
  14. shataan

    190.62 available from Nvidia :)

    I am still sadly amazed there is no ARMA 2 nVidia optimized drivers. From nVidia themselves I mean.
  15. shataan

    Separete realism from arcade

    "When our soldier is tired from running make him finnaly stop and switch to walk till he rest." Fail. No offence, but if I am running and am tired, atm we cannot shoot well/accurate till we catch our breathe. But, at least we can still run somewhat to EVADE enemy fire if the need was therer, to find cover.
  16. Bring on the Vietnam expack!!!!! ARMA 2s engine would be stunning in a `Nam setting.
  17. shataan

    Thank you, B.I.S.; Sign if you agree.

    Signed! Loved FP 1. ARMA 1 didn`t move me. ARMA 2 grabs me where I live.... bugs`n`all. Many thx! Now for some performance enhancements!
  18. shataan

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    Allow the settings we use in the settings applet to reflect those settings in the configs. We should not have to tweak configs. We should not have to go in and see config settings not reflective of what settings we desire..... that we manually set in the game settings areas. If I set 3600 view distance, in the config it should not say 1600. Anyways I am sure you get the picture.
  19. shataan

    Jungle island using Linda

    Jungle? Time for someone to do a proper "Platoon" or "Apoc Now" Nam Mod.
  20. shataan

    Am I the only one?

    The ONLY way to play ARMA 2 is everything maxed imho. At 1680x1050 or better. I use no AA/AF tho. Anything less and ya might as well be playing ARMA 1. If ever there was a " diiiiamn I need to upgrade asap" wake up call.... ARMA 2 is IT! Thankfully, I took the plunge. ;p
  21. "Is a 64-bit version possible, especially since more and more people are adopting 64-bit OS' and have 4GB of RAM or more? " THIS above.... IS THE most important question asked so far in this thread.... I myself am going Win 7, and have 8 gigs of ram that I wanna utilize. As well: please ask if they can remove any fps caps if there is infact 1. Thx.
  22. All the game has to do is suspend my disbelief. And immerse me. ARMA does this for me better than FP or ARMA 1. Now, I just need to bugs fixed. lol I don`t need total actual realism. I just need virtual realism.
  23. shataan

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    48, been gaming a pretty long time now. Played all the worthy milcombat games.
  24. shataan

    3D surround sound

    I am getting a Medusa 5.1 headset this Xmas. How is the 5.1 quality in ARMA 2? Thx.
  25. "Also, are you certain running 8GB of ram isn't slowing you down? Use CPU-Z, made by CPUID, best program ever, tells you ever single detail about your cpu, motherboard, ram, etc etc. See if you're running at 1600 with all 8GB installed, " CPUZ reports dram timings running at 802 mhz, fsb:dram = 1:4 Everything I have read says this indicates my ram is infact running at 1600 mhz.... running in Dual Channel mode. I am running the BFG 295 GTX Rev. B vid card. As well, I use the CoolIT System for cpu cooling.