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Everything posted by shataan

  1. shataan

    Awesome ArmA trailer

    Loved the vid. Best seen to date, But I am rapidly getting tired of having to still be waiting for a U.S. release version.
  2. shataan

    Visual settings?

    I use 3Deep. Love it. After that, I set my nvidia saturation to its highest Low setting on the slider. Games look awesome. For AA as well, I turn down the gamma to 0.8 I believe.
  3. shataan

    The weapons thread.

    I think that weap attachments should be player selectable. NOT Class selectable. My main scope of choice is the ACOG. I don`t care what rifleman Class I pick, if I wanna use the ACOG I should be able to just choose my loadout. About ironsights?? WTF uses just ironsights in the mil anymore? I do agree bout the aimpoint dot scopes. They are useless for anything but CQB distances only.
  4. shataan

    Nvidia 100.95 for XP 32bit/64bit

    They will have to have really great performing Vista drivers for me to make the upgrade. Till then they had better fuxoring support us XP users.
  5. shataan

    Do You want PunkBuster in Armed Assault?

    I don`t need it. I play co op primarilly. Mp has degraded horribley in the last 5 years. The A.I. will always play incharacter.
  6. shataan

    USA players get your ArmaA now!

    I`ll wait for the dead azz last N American release thx.
  7. shataan

    just like to say THANK YOU BIS!!!

    I too will be thanking BIS. WHEN we get the game here on the N American continent. AZZ last btw. lol Truly lovin the demo tho.
  8. shataan


    I say just give peeps the ability to turn them off or on depending on player choice. I personally don`t need em, or use em. I do however like muzzleflash. Which imho is way more an important visuals effect. Tracers are great for helping HMG users to line up their rounds on very distant targets, and good for night fire. On every 3rd round only tho.
  9. I have a killer rig, and still don`t bother using AA or AF.
  10. shataan

    new grass overlay issn't a proper solution!

    What is this new effect? Anyone got pics?
  11. shataan

    Headshots disabled in 1.05?

    In a gamere where shooting is the primary way to play said game= interact in the gameworld enviroment, this should not even BE a problem. Makes ya wonder.
  12. shataan

    ArmA 1.05 ENG Sprocket

    I am glad I didn`t d/l from Sprocket now.
  13. shataan

    LOVE the game.. HATE the grass

    I play the demo still, and the grass flattens out infront of me when prone or moving. I like this. The only problem with the grass as I see it, is the A.I.s ability to easilly spot you.  If they can code in some way  so that this is taken into consideration,  that would be awesome.  Quite frankly, grass in mil combat games has never been done right. Novalogic came the closest with their voxel engine tho.... in Delta Force 2.  Far Cry was good too, cause the A.I.  had to actively look for you, and didn`t have omnipotent see thru anything eyesight.  They could lose sight, and therefore not fire on you accurately.
  14. shataan

    A proper sniper

    I am usually not a Sniper ingame, but a ghillie is a must imho.
  15. shataan

    A proper sniper

    I am usually not a Sniper ingame, but a ghillie is a must imho.
  16. shataan

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    I was ok with how the weap feels in the demo after adjusting the sliders. But being able to shoot and move is not a bad idea either. Considering how accurate the A.I. is when they are returning fire from distances. ....
  17. shataan

    Answer me frankly, plz.

    Heyas Dallas, you wouldn`t happen to be an old Vietcong player? ;0) I seeya at pteros forums I think.
  18. shataan

    Cooperative Campaign

    "coop campaign and coop in general is one of the things that makes me want to buy arma as soon as possible" Same here.
  19. shataan

    So many idiots, so little time

    That is why I co op now.
  20. shataan

    Give it a day

    Why you lucky lucky bastages!!! Many of us are waiting for the N American release. Please feel free to make more threads like this 1. :0)
  21. shataan

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    I really do think the low performance many are experiencing is NOT visuals related at all. Â A.I. NEEDS loads of cpu cycles to do its thing. Â Â I play around with o/cing my cpu. Â Default is 2.6 gig. Â At 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, and 3 gig.... the A.I. progresively gets more active. Â Well, in the demo anyways. Â Â Call me crazy, I know ya will, but Imho it`s the A.I. calcs in the game giving peeps the performance problems. Â I`d be willing to bet if devs would start coding their games for Dual Core processors, that 1 core does the visuals etc, and 1 core does all the A.I. calculations, I bet peeps would see way better performance alround.
  22. shataan

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    Running on Very High is the only way to play this game imho. BIS really outdid themslves. Beautiful visuals.
  23. shataan

    Realism & Modern Gameplay

    Totally agree with Heatseeker. Â RO tho didn`t do it for me at all. It had some nice features tho. The Euro angle, and ww2 turned me off of it. "In the end its not just about "realism", its about liking the game and apretiating what you can do with it." True. The realism FEEL= deeper immersion for me.
  24. shataan

    Armed Assault videos

    The more I see , the more amazing an accomplishment ArmA is imho.
  25. shataan

    worst controls ever

    I haven`t tried it with the demo, but I used to use M$ Gamevoice to command my soldiers in Flashpoint. I used GV in Mechwarrior to command my lance using voice alone, and thought maybe it might work for FP cause of all the controls used to command. And say by Golly, it worked awesome. So, peeps may wanna try Game Voice, or Gamecommander. It might save your life. ;0) ;0)