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Everything posted by shataan

  1. shataan

    Stop Camping.....arghhh!

    If they wanna quake, they can always go back to BF or Novalogic games. The skill in ArmA and FP etc is in terrain masking. This ain`t Quake. And thank God for that. lol
  2. shataan

    Time for Weapon Saftey!

    I purposely tried not to look in this thread. Now that I have, it is hands down THE dumbest thread I have yet to see. You NEED a safety switch cause your finger slipped on the mouse button??? It`s a joke eh??? LOL
  3. shataan

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    I deleted the beta 1.07 U.S. patch folder and exe, then updated with this new U.S. 1.08. No problems, and I do see performance increases. Very nice patch and I very happy with the update. No probs with my 8800 GTX to speak of. Altho, when I use the ACOG in the armoury, I can see muzzle flah within the scope, but no muzzle flashes when the rifle is at the hip. Oddness.
  4. shataan

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    Whats the install procedure for this patch if i have the U.S. beta 1.07 patch? Thx.
  5. shataan

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    Figures. A botched patch release. Gamershell is hosting the international 05 to 08 patch. Whats up wit dat? Guess I am waiting till we have some functioning U.S. patch servers.
  6. shataan

    Huge drop of FPS

    " they do look like cartooney" The terrain only looks cartoonish depending on the render mode you use. I used the Cold render mode, and the terrain looked amazing. Ya use the defailt render mode and the colors are way too cartoonish. But.... FCs terrain detail is yet to be equaled imho. Well, Crysis will better FC. Having said this, I am really happy with ArmAs engine. Runs amazing for me at 1024x768x32 all settings maxed, accept for no AA/AF, low shadows.
  7. shataan

    Huge drop of FPS

    " they do look like cartooney" The terrain only looks cartoonish depending on the render mode you use. I used the Cold render mode, and the terrain looked amazing. Ya use the defailt render mode and the colors are way too cartoonish. But.... FCs terrain detail is yet to be equaled imho. Well, Crysis will better FC. Having said this, I am really happy with ArmAs engine. Runs amazing for me at 1024x768x32 all settings maxed, accept for no AA/AF, low shadows.
  8. shataan

    ARMA player versus player

    I hated BF 2 with a passion. The day that BIS adopts forced squad reliance is the day I will no longer buy their games. I personally like being in either a squad OR lone wolfing. Both are a needed aspect in any team. If I was in a squad, and I had a crapload of lone wolfers on my team.... as long as they are doing everything possible to take out the enemy, that is ok fine with me. I don`t need everyone holding hands. Whiners, well, they can go back to BF 2 for all I care. lol
  9. shataan

    ARMA Review

    You`d seriously take into consioderation anything that dude had to say? LOL !st off, if he isn`t actually joking, I `d say his system sux ball. hehhhe
  10. shataan

    ATI Catalyst 7.5 hotfix for ArmA leak

    Be nice if we got some nVidia optimized for ArmA drivers.
  11. shataan

    virtual transceiver for IVC

    TeamSpeak already has this feature. Gotta add I find it funny as hell how the words "too cumbersome to impliment" come all too easy when it comes to wanted features. Justread the same words about adjustable sights implimentation. That feature should have been already coded into ArmA.
  12. shataan

    I have recently played it! And it was

    Peeps play mil combat games like FP or ArmA for reasons other than poly count etc etc etc. STALKER imho blew freaking monkies. What a waste of a cool game idea. But if some peeps dig STALKER, all the power to em. I deleted it after 2 days of trying to find any redeeming qualities in my eyes. ArmA however??? I love it.
  13. shataan

    Forceware 160.02 + 8800 + ARMA nice combo

    I have tried all the latest drivers for my 8800 GTX, but still.... the 97.92s seem to give me the best visuals and performance.
  14. I have tried all the latest drivers for my 8800 GTX, but still.... the 97.92s seem to give me the best visuals and performance.
  15. shataan

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    B/S. All games are released before being completely finished. It was a given that ArmA like FP, was not perfect at release. I gotta say man, I can`t believe the sheer amount of whining I am seeing. It is like you think that by whining, you feel the fixes will come quicker. You`d have to be on Crack to think ArmA with all the code it has would arrive in perfect playable condition for every differing rig out there. Imho it would be more positive/logical to point out bugs, then play and enjoy the games many positives. If ya just can`t do that, drop the game, play something else till the fixes arrive that WILL allow you to enjoy the game. But I myself have not seen 1 thing to date that would make me think that it was a showstopper bug. Are there bugs? Hell yeah. Will they be fixed? In time. Another thing. There is infact a middle ground. On 1 hand, you get your whiners who feel if it ain`t perfect, it suxors and is unplayable. They also feel if it suxors for them, then everyone else saying they like the game and are not having problems are obviously lying. LOL On another hand ya got fan bois who say the game is perfect, which we know it isn`t. I on the other hand take the obvious middleground. I see peeps are having problems. Recognised and noted. I myself am not seeing any visuals or performance problems that many have cited. But I believe that peeps got problems due to obvious patch fixes needed, or driver issues, or low powered systems, unoptimized rigs, the list goes on. Plus, it is a given that the game needs performance fixes/patching. But I can still dig what I DO see about ArmA that roxors. If some peeps don`t understand what I just posted, please reread. I see ArmAs cup as half full, not half empty. If that makes me a fanboi, ok fine. Better that then the alternative.
  16. shataan


    I think the zoom hold breathe thing is pooched atm. lol When I am a sniper for example, and hold mouse 2, I HEAR my breathing quicken as if i was running. Holding breathe should be silent.
  17. shataan

    No Elevation

    I`d love to be able to adjust my ACOG sight for distance to target /bullet drop. The adjustment is only in 100 meter increments, so peeps would still have to adjust their aim. But it would FEEL so much better.
  18. I use -maxmem=1024 with my 8800 GTX. I might try a bit higher tho.
  19. shataan

    1UP Review Gives Arma 6.7

    "To be honest, if this kind of review keeps away the BF2 and CS kiddies who this game is obviously not aimed at... Good stuff! " Totally agree. Another thing. BIS has always said they made the games that THEY wanted to play. And they are not alone. As well, You don`t go to Reviewers who primarrilly review quakers, to Review a Sim. About the only review I`d give creedence to would be SimHQs ArmA Review. Since Sims seems to be all but dead these days, ya can`t blame a kiddie quaker reviewer. Quite honestly... they prolly have no clue WHAT to think of ArmA... cause it ain`t BF, it ain`t yadda yadda bladda. For which I am VERY thankful.
  20. shataan

    ArmA enjoyable

    I think the scope of ArmA is huge. And I am really digging this game. BIS has done a fantastic job so far.
  21. shataan

    Delores Bridge Mission

    Nm, I figured it out. lol
  22. shataan

    As good as OFP's?

    Oddness. ArmA feels just right for me in the movement. Balanced just right. In contrast, FP felt clumsy and super slow. Not to mention FPs sprint was nowhere near as nice/effective feeling as ArmAs.
  23. shataan


    I think the visuals effects and blur etc make the game WAY more immersive. Freaking genius on BIS part.
  24. shataan

    ArmA Disappointing

    " It was a little too military for me. " Really? I am happy to hear that actually.
  25. shataan

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    Ram is an easy cheap upgrade. 2 gigs is the min these days imho. And the vid card. You can always o/c your 2.8 to 3 gig.