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About Redcoalition

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  1. There's some sort of hand grenade named "RGO" inside Ural trucks... I wasn't able to discover it's from ACE2 or vanilla ArmA2. I searched for it's classname everywhere but i wasn't able to find anything... Could someone shed some light? Thank you in advance.
  2. It reloads but there's no animation of any feeding mechanism. So, it's ok?!
  3. I downloaded a 229Mb file from the first page link of Project'85 vehicles. Is this correct for the newest version?!
  4. Their links are from the old version, that was exactly my problem. You need to download from the links on the first page of this topic.
  5. MANY thanks, it worked. Could you update the links on the armaholic them, or there is some problem with the host or something?The version on the site still the 06-12-2010.
  6. I'm having problems with the new version of the "Project 85 vehicles". It's impossible to load some textures on T-80, T-64, T-72.... But the NVA and Polish vehicles are ok, most of the vehicles is working fine.
  7. Redcoalition

    Give AI Weapons

    Sry for the noob question but, where can i see the list of equipment names that is used in the editor?
  8. At the beginning of my mission, I would like to put a kind of "police siege" around a particular building occupied by enemies, while the player (s) were conducting a raid in the building. Well, I wonder how I could do to both the police and terrorists do not shoot each other while the terrorists stayed inside the building, even both are in the range of each other. Both Policemen and Terrorists are IA. Still, I want that the terrorists could shoot at the invading team normally, without any restriction. Is it possible? Thanks btw.