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Posts posted by Rak

  1. RIP free mods. Monetization will divide the community. There will be accusations, there will be modders hiding "how they did it" from the others, free content being pulled from the web and all sorts of community drama all while the modders are being robbed 75% of the revenue they bring.

    The reason ArmA series do so well is because they're sandboxes with nearly unlimited content made over the decade. Its stock content is nothing worth mentioning over the grand scheme of things. If you bring a paywall to this sandbox, you'll just choke out the content in long term. It's poison for the community and the game.

    I hope BIS stays out of this.

  2. I played this a lot just after the release and it got me excited about how great ArmA 3 will be, in regards of teamwork oriented PvP. I took a break of about 2 months and came to see the PvP servers that dominated the release have all been disappeared and Domination/COOP/Wasteland plague took over the server browser again. I honestly don't know how people like to spend 3-4 hours fighting against the brain dead AI.

    I suggest that we pick a designated "official blitzkrieg" server, favourite it and keep it populated at all times.

  3. ah...some of you seems unaware the previous titles.

    In ArmA2, there were tons of civilians and animals wandering on the map, even with civilian helos and boats around

    During firefight around settlements, you have to carefully id fleeing civilians from the enemy.

    btw...my favorite Arma2 trailer was the CDF one....good time (awesome part starts from 0:55)

    The OP is talking about subtle graphical effects to achieve more life in the game that is always present.

    Also adding "civilian life" to missions take a lot of effort to make it believeable. Mostly you don't get anything but having civilians standing around like idiots, doing the same animation on the loop completely oblivious to events in the environment, or at best crawling in the middle of the roads. Not something I'd call "atmospheric".

  4. It's definitely better for me, in terms of behaving "non-robotic" unlike ArmA 2. They move around more fluidly, no more zig-zagging. They also seem to have problems with recoil so no more insta deaths.

    It's definitely a great foundation and a big improvement over ArmA 2.

  5. I recommend the G35's. My short review of it would be:


    - Sound quality is excellent. Not only for gaming, but for music and movies too. Given, it's not a 500$+ audiophile headphone with sound reproduction out of heaven but it's as good as you're going to get for 100$. It doesn't have a "thumping" bass(which I don't like) but mid and lows sound great.

    - It's sturdy if you treat them right and looks rather plain but in a good way.

    - Mic quality is excellent. Especially if you're on TS or Mumble a lot, your friends will appreciate the difference.

    - Ergonomics. You can mute your microphone by raising it(comes in super handy) but also with a button on the left earpiece. There's a red light at the tip of the microphone telling you if it's on or off, so no more "did I mute myself?" doubts. Also, you can program the 3 additional buttons on the left earpiece. I programmed them for music stop/next/previous functions. And the last but the best of them all is the volume control scroll, which makes controlling the volume super precise and easy.

    - Long cable, it's hinderance for me but if you love your cables long, then you'll like it.

    - Sound quality, seriously.


    - Not really comfy (it gets uncomfortable for me after 2 hours).

    - 7.1 is just a gimmick. You'll be disappointed if you buy this for surround, it doesn't work and actually confuses programs. I disabled it.

    I highly recommend it if you currently have an onboard soundcard and looking for a better sound upgrade(my laptop's sound card is horrible, so I opted for a USB headphone instead). If your soundcard is decent, I'm sure you can find a better sounding Sennheiser or AKG with regular 3.5mm jack.

  6. Will wait for Win 9,they always get one right and fuck up the next version.Win 98-Win Me crap-Win Xp-Win Vista crap-Win 7 and now Win 8,yup its time to launch their usual crap OS between real versions.

    Except the only real "fault" of Windows 8 is it's new start screen, and it won't be going anywhere. Otherwise it's superior to Windows 7 in every other way. Microsoft will not give up it's foothold in the tablets for desktop users.

  7. Source http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17263

    LOL How long have we been asking for this..?

    Oh wow, he dodged pretty much every question there. "Maybe", "Not so much" or straight "No"s.

    TBH I don't think AI will be improved at all, even Ivan Buchta admitted in one video that they dumbed down AI's cover searching to allow them to keep up with the player. It seems to be BIS is only focusing on graphics and animations for ArmA 3, not "gameplay features".
