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Everything posted by roguetrooper

  1. Is there any way (while the mission is running) to create a manned helicopter that is flying in the air? In the Editor you can position helicopters that are manned and flying in the air right from the beginning. But how can you create such a helicopter with createUnit/vehicle? When I try to use a script with heli1 = "AH1Z" createUNIT blabla I come up with a helicopter that pops up for a tenth second on map start and that disappers instantly again. Sure you can createVEHICLE a helicopter createUNIT and moveindriver a pilot and engineOn and setpos (x,y,above ground) the helicopter But with this method you come up with a helicopter in the air whose engines get started immediately at map start, but it will fall to the ground since the rotor rotation needs still to increase.
  2. What code do you need to align the beig red ring (used for helicopter training) horizontally, lying flat on the ground, so to speak? I've tried many combinations with this setvectorup [x,y,z]; but I just gave up.
  3. roguetrooper

    Create flying helicopters?

    Thanks. Mkay, now I know my mistake. I accidently doubled the [] for the position by putting an array-variable into these brackets. Nevertheless the helicopter is not manned and you have to add pilot and gunner with createUnit and moveindriver etc.
  4. roguetrooper


    The language system should be reworked at all. 1. When you join a subordinate of another language (eg. a Russian into an US team) that subordinate still speaks his mother tongue. That is very annoying. So you can't have e.g. an US soldier in a Russian uniform that additionaly speaks English. 2.) The soldiers of the side that the player belongs to, should always speak the player's language. Since you cannot implement dozens (you COULD, but...) of languages into ArmA, this standard-player-language should be Englisch. 3.) When the player plays on Russian or Takistan side, then the language these soldiers produce, is also the player's mother tongue. When you play on Takistan side, you always have to READ the AI soldiers' messages ("enemy at 2 o'clock" etc). You can't play by ear. But you should be able to hear these AI soldiers' speech in your own mother tongue. I don't know how to express it... When you play on Takistan side, you "are" a Takistani then, so to speak. But the person in front of the screen feels like somebody from abroad, since he can't understand what the AI soldiers say. So the soldiers on the player's side should speak English (no matter if they are Czech, Tak, Russian, German). When you play on Takistan side and fight against English speaking enemies, you should NOT be able to understand that English. It should be a fantasy language instead. Imagine this situation: US soldiers vs. Takistan soldiers. Player on Takistan side. There are a group of US soldiers and a group of Takistan soldiers separated from each other by a wall, allowing them to HEAR what's going on on the other side of the wall. As a Takistan player you can understand the meaning of the US soldiers' speech, but as a US soldier (ingame) you can't understand what the Takistanis say. So a Takistan player should hear his own soldier's speech in his own mother tongue (or English as standard) and should hear the US soldiers in a fantasy language (since English is a foreign language for him then). The human players should hear their own troops speak English and the enemies speak a the fantasy language. 4.) Another problem. Imagine this scenario. The Takistan army which the player belongs to, fights against renegade Takistanis. So Takistanian is the mother tongue of the player and the player should perceive the language of both the friendly and the hostile Takistanians as English. Mkay. The most important thing is that the player should perceive the language of his own troops as English. I don't like it when I play on Russian or Tak side and my own troops brabble a language all the time which I don't understand.
  5. roguetrooper


    You did not understand what I mean. When you play a Russian soldier and hear the speech of other Russian soldiers, you should understand it (the spoken words, not the accompanying radio chat text). THAT would make sense. It's the same thing as in movies. E.g. the crew of Red October are native Russian speakers and they speak Russian. They still "speak Russian" to each other even if you watch the movie in any language. What you hear then IS Russian, although it is German in the synchronized version for Germany, French in France, English in USA, Spanish in Spain etc. Anybody out there who understands what I mean?
  6. roguetrooper

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.09

    1.) The view of the gunner in the Stryker is still buggy. Since launch in November 2006. 2.) Why has the SV Dragunov been changed? It is NOT a single loader and therefore the two seconds delay after a shot do NOT belong there! PLEASE REMOVE THIS 1.9-BETA-BUG FROM THE SV DRAGUNOV! 3.) Would it be possible to add triggers and markers whose shape can be more customized? They should be polygonal instead of simple circles/ellypses and rectangles. 4.) There should be a tool in the editor (and maybe also as a scripting command) to create invisible areas that are considered as inaccessible by the AI. These areas should be customizable: * ignored by defined sides * enter under no circumstances * enter only by explicit command (player or script) * the features should be changeable during gameplay by scripts So you could FOR EXAMPLE create things like mine fields that are not marked by warning signs and avoid certain AI sides to enter this area. Or just make the AI avoid these areas for any other reason. 5.) Could the loading screens of Queen's Gambit please be changed? Those graffittis are totally UGLY! Sure, ArmA is a great game and its developers are able persons who need to be honoured. But nevertheless I (and probably many other people too) hate those pictures. They also cause a BUG: they cover error messages caused by custom addons. I would vote for "neutral" loading screens. Maybe photos of the ArmA landscape in ultra maximum quality with follow-up treatment like sepia effects or something like this.
  7. roguetrooper

    SightAdjustment (windage+elevation)

    This is a great mod. Would it be possible to release a new/another version where you can adjust directly the distance? Maybe in 50-meter-steps? So that the hint shows directly the distance in meters the center of the crosshair is aiming at?