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Everything posted by roguetrooper

  1. The ArmA II engine feels so much better for an ArmA world than any Crytek engine.
  2. I want to build a MP mission where you can set within the lobby among other options * day * month * hour So that you can adjust the weather and time options very detailed (to be able to have clear nights with a bright moon that require no nvgoggles and so on). How can you achieve to make a client that joins in progress to have the current time of the server (not the time the server started with)? I have set the editor time to 1200. The description.ext includes class Params { class TimeOfDay { title = "Time of Day"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23}; texts[] = {"0000","0100","0200","0300","0400","0500","0600","0700","0800","0900","1000","1100","1200","1300","1400","1500","1600","1700","1800","1900","2000","2100","2200","2300"}; default = 16; }; }; The init.sqf includes _hour = paramsArray select 0 _month = and so on setDate [date select 0, _month, _day, _hour, date select 4]; I suppose this will make a client joining in progress set his own daytime to the value selected in the MP lobby, regardless how much time is spent since the server started ?
  3. roguetrooper

    Return to sahrani

    Rahmadi is also a great map. Once I made many little MP maps for ArmA 1 on it. I don't see a reason for RACS and such returning, but the islands themselves including all objects and buildings in ArmA 2 standard would be really great.
  4. Edit: Nevermind. Found this: http://www.computerhope.com/htmcolor.htm
  5. I am really fed up with the annoying message that one "can't play because of content that has been deleted" I have installed ArmA II. Additionaly I have installed OA into it. Then I have purchased BAF and PMC and installed these packages into the ArmA+OA package. I do not use any mods nor have I installed any, nor have I ever had. Neither while making my own mission nor while hosting it. When someone tries to connect to that map that I am hosting, I see the error message that HE gets "can't play because of content that has been deleted.... ca_ammobox". What does this freaking message mean? I have nothing deleted. I have created the map with the package mentioned above and I am playing/hosting it with that package without having ever deleted anything. In my map there is only content of default ArmA II, default OA and default full BAF. The map is Zargabad. The only items and objects on this map are a BAF ammo box, hospital tents and BAF infantry and a selection of guns, ammo and grenades. What the heck is responsible for that annoying message that something "has been deleted"? There has nothing been deleted! It's just the package of ArmA2, OA and BAF. I can't imagine what a client that tries to connect to this map should have deleted. It is just the original stuff, EVERY player out there has on his computer. Can we please get rid of this? :mad:
  6. But there is no original ArmA ammobox on my map. Just a BAF one. Hm wait, I have an original ArmA ammobox... but just for testing purposes. Before saving the map into MP, I give it zero % chance to show up so there isn't one in actual MP gameplay. Maybe that's the reason. I'll remove it completely.
  7. @kotov12345 Concerning the testing environment in your video: Doesn't the explosion of one tank pre-damage the neighbouring tank?
  8. When you as the player are the commander of a tank and have an A.I. gunner and you open your hatch then the A.I. gunner also opens his hatch automatically (and closes it when you close your hatch). In this situation you can not fire or assign a target (since the gunner is not ready). This is quite annoying. Especially with 3rd person view being disabled, you sometimes need to open your (commander's) hatch to gain a better view of the landscape. To assign a target and give order to fire, you need to shut your hatch first. It is even more annoying because your angle of view is not the same then as you had from your opened hatch; you need to turn your turret to have the same angle of view you recently had in your opened hatch. Further, it would be great to be able to use binoculars as the commander with an opened hatch.
  9. roguetrooper

    Player moves like a drunken sailor.

    I find head bobbing unrealistic, anyway. It does not simulate your real-life field-of-view-experience when you run, it just makes you (at least me) feel sick or headachy. Perceiving a shaking world (actually YOU are shaking, not the world) directly through your own eyes is different than watching a shaky film. When you move your head 4 times per second up and down for a few seconds is a different experience than shaking a camera with the same frequency and amplitude and watch this film afterwards on a monitor. And actually ArmA IS a film, so to speak, because it is displayed on a monitor in front of your eyes.
  10. Hmm, the ability to make the gunner fire with opened commander-hatch seems to differ from tank to tank (in Arma). Another thing worth to be (re?)considered is the movement of the commander's periscope when the turret turns. When you're aiming with your commander-turret at a target and order the gunner to target that target, the periscope is moved as well, turning away from the target. That's also a bit annoying. Independently from that, being able to use binoculars from an opened hatch would be great however.
  11. Two questions: [1.] Is there a command to un-hide an object that has been hidden with hideObject? I've searched the Wiki and these forums but found nothing. [2.] What exactly do I have to do when I want to hide a player-controlled soldier on both the server and all clients? (In an experimental fun-map) I want players to be able to hide themselves by an action menu. What must the sqs-file look like that is called by an action menu HideMenu = player addaction ["Hide", "hidefile.sqs", [] ]; In the Wiki I found this code but it seems I am not familiar with all elements to adapt them for me: _nic = [nil, player, "per", rHideObject, true] call RE; <--- Is this code correct?
  12. roguetrooper

    Map distance/time questions

    Place two objects on the map. Name them "obj1" and "obj2". Into the init-line of one put hint format ["%1",obj1 distance obj2]; For a straight air line distance not concerning heights (mountains) use: x = [(position obj1 select 0),(position obj1 select 1),0]; y = [(position obj2 select 0),(position obj2 select 1),0]; hint format ["%1",x distance y];
  13. Which skills are applied to A.I.? I've tried to figure out with editor and scripting, but still I am not sure. A.I. skill can be adjusted by * slider in the editor * command setskill and setskill ["skill",x] * difficulty options So which skill setting is applied to a soldier placed in the editor and created on the fly with createUnit + setskill? Does "superskill" in the difficulty settings overwrite all other skill options and commands?
  14. Why do backpacks and machineguns exclude each other? You should be able to wear both at once. In RL you can wear a backback and the same time hold a machinegun in your hands. For a backback it shouldn't matter if it is a M16 in your hands or a M249. The limitation should be the movement speed or the stamina instead. Concerning backpacks... it would be awesome if the pre-backpack-time-soldiers (Russians etc) could wear backpacks, too (and displaying them).
  15. I have ArmA2, OA, full versions of BAF and PMC and I don't use any mods, always the latest (beta) patch. From time to time I have a strange error message when I play on my own (MP) maps or when somebody tries to connect to them. It says something like "You cannot play this map because it's based on downloadable content that has been deleted. [...?] ca_weapons_ammoboxes". As I said, I have not downloaded anything nor have I deleted anything. What's up with this error message?
  16. The problem is, that it is a map that I have made, I am running the server and I don't use any mods nor have I EVER done so. Once *I* also had this message when somebody else wanted to join. :confused:
  17. roguetrooper

    Sahrani Official Port To A2/OA?

    I'm also voting for an OFFICIAL Arma 1 map addon for Arma 2 containing Sahrani, Rahmadi and Porto. Maybe even as Sprocket download like BAF and PMC.
  18. A.I. soldiers that get ungrouped (joinSilent grpNull) on the fly still announce group chat ("Got him", "Reloading", etc).
  19. It would be great to have knives or bayonets since an ArmA soldier without any bullet is cannon fodder (AI should be able to handle that). At least it should be possible to attack with your gun's butt (hmm, that's the word the dictionary says o_O). I don't understand why such a function isn't implemented already.
  20. Since allowdamage works only locally, it would be great to have a command "allowGlobalDamage" which would have effect on the server and on all clients no matter on which computer it is executed without the need for any additional code to distribute it throughout the network. It would make things much easier when you want to be something damagable or undamagable on the server and all clients at once. Especially when the damageble-status gets changed on the fly while the map is running (otherwise of course it would be sufficient to have name allowdamage false; in the init.sqf or any other file that gets executed on the server and all clients.
  21. I'd like to implement a sandstorm as to be seen in the first PMC mission. I've consulted http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Environment_-_Effects and made these settings: * set date to June, noon, 0.1 overcast, 0.1 fog * placed a environment effects module with in its init line this setvariable ["particleEffects",[1]]; this setvariable ["intensity",1.0]; But there are no dust/storm effects to be seen. Setting weather, time and module-code for snowfall effects works fine. But a sandstorm refuses to appear. What do you have to do to create such a sandstorm?
  22. At a certain degree/kind of damage done to a vehicle, A.I. soldiers disembark automatically; even if the commander (or the person with the highest rank) is a human player and does NOT disembark. Is there any possibility to force A.I. soldiers to stay within a damaged (not destroyed) vehicle (no matter if commander is a human or AI)? vehicle lock true and all this has no effect, AI ignores this when the damage of their vehicle is high enough.