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Everything posted by roguetrooper

  1. I also don't understand that exaggerated pseudo-need for mods. In my opinion people mod for ArmA II because it is just POSSIBLE, not neccessary. If ArmA II was not moddable, also hardly anybody would have the feeling of a incomplete, insufficient or bad game experience. I am not against map-intern scripts that alter the default gameplay. But I don't like non-official things you have to download in order to participate somewhere. Surely the modders are capable persons who put much time and energy into it. But it's really a pain in the ass that 100 public servers require 101 different mod combinations. In my opinion ArmA is already the best game of its kind out there (though I wouldn't count kiddy CoD and stuff to the same kind...). The sandboxyness with its unlimited possibilites makes ArmA great. Not the existence of 10k mods.
  2. Version 1.05 (only 250 kilobytes) -> DOWNLOAD -> DOWNLOAD -> (fastest) Fun For Four Co-04 (@) * medic added * task added * ingame graphics menu added (Deadfast's GFX changer) * enemies optional unarmored car * healscripts compatible with agony-status (hopefully) So far I have been too lazy to setup a more convenient download link. But two minutes waiting time should be doable :D
  3. Doesn't work. I have tried that condition before: !alive playerX and ((isPlayer playerX) or !(isPlayer playerX)) When you check a non-existing unit (e.g. player999) with isPlayer or !isPlayer, then it is recognized as not existing (i.e. both isPlayer and !isPlayer return a negative value). I also thought lifeState == "dead" would be better, since it returns only true (?), when the unit is existing but dead (without a deletion causing death-report). But that causes some trouble with locality. For some reason the engine does not differentiate between a non-life-status caused by death and a non-life-status caused by disconnection.
  4. When a human player jip-joins a game and takes control of a soldier that has not been A.I. before he joined (i.e. the unit was not present on the map), then seemingly the disconnection of that player counts as a death of that unit somehow. I have triggers for every playable unit that execute a script when they die. This script is also executed when a player jip-joins and leaves the game in the way described above. The triggers are condition: not alive player1 execution: [player1] exec "script.sqf"; script.sqf starts with the following code to prevent the execution when the unit is not present in the game any more: _man = _this select 0; if ( (isNil "_man") or !(lifestate _man == "DEAD") ) then { exit }; But it doesn't work. Either the death-script is not executed at all when a player dies or it counts disconnecting players as dead players. Any solutions?
  5. Anyone a workaround for disconnecting players not triggering triggers with condition not alive playerX ? I've been fumbling around with lifestate and many other things for many hours. No use. Disconnection is considered as death.
  6. What exactly does the command isMultiplayer? If the map has been started from the MP lobby (no matter how many human players are currently participating) ? or if there is currently more than one human player on the map?
  7. I have two files related to briefing-stuff which both are executed within the init.sqs: init.sqs: execVM "briefing.sqf"; [] exec "tasks.sqf"; The briefing.sqf works fine for everyone. tasks.sqf looks like this (excerpt): task_radar = player createSimpleTask ["DestroyRadar"]; task_radar setSimpleTaskDescription ["description bla bla", "DESTROY RADAR", "DestroyRadar"]; Also a trigger with condition: alive player execution: [] exec "tasks.sqf" has no effect The server player has a proper task tab in his log. But no matter at which point of time and where I execute tasks.sqf, a client player who joins in progress just has no task tab in his log.
  8. There are 12 inventory slots for map, watch, radio and so on. Actually there are only 6 (?) items that can be put into these slots. I suggest to add more non-weapon-inventory items to the game. Such as documents, data-CD, book. They could be used as quest items (retrieving such an item from a body's inventory). Currently you have to use more or less complicated workarounds to simulate such items in the inventory. (And btw, A.I. recognizes the objects "documents" etc as solid objects, cannot walk across them, and refuses to move to these sheets of paper closer than 5 metres). If there were regular inventory items of that kind, it would be much easier to create and observe "retrieve/loot"-tasks.
  9. roguetrooper

    Spare inventory slots and new inventory items

    I don't mind map-internal scripts that alter the default game(play) to whatever degree. But I loathe stuff that you additionally need to have to play a map or join a server :( (Said by the way, not a direct response).
  10. roguetrooper

    Spare inventory slots and new inventory items

    I hate custom addons. They clutter up the community and 100 servers have 101 different mod requirements. 99% of the servers in the MP list are red because of this stupid, exaggerated mod craze. What is so bad and insufficient about the pure original game (incl. BAF and PMC) ? I suggest those things to be official.
  11. I have an A.I. OPFOR UAZ with a machinegun. Driver and gunner belong to a bigger group and are both subordinates. When the gunner is dead, the driver shall disembark. Since the A.I. commander does not order other infantry of his group (even those without weapons/ammo) to get into the gunner position, the UAZ is quite useless and the driver remains a sitting duck waiting to be shot. I have tried a trigger: Condition: (alive enemycar) and !(side gunner enemycar == east) On activation: enemycar setFuel 0; enemycardriver assignAsDriver enemycar; [enemycardriver] orderGetIn false; enemycardriver action ["eject",enemycar]; hint "test"; But the driver refuses to get out (until tires are destroyed).
  12. roguetrooper

    A.I. refuses to get out of car

    I have tried it. But it's a bit trickier since the vehicle is not present all the time.
  13. roguetrooper

    A.I. refuses to get out of car

    It only seems to work, if you un- and regroup the driver and attach move-out-orders to him while he is ungrouped: not alive gunner enemycar: currentleader = leader enemycardriver; [enemycardriver] joinSilent grpNull; enemycardriver assignAsDriver enemycar; [enemycardriver] orderGetIn false; unassignVehicle enemycardriver; enemycardriver action ["eject",enemycar]; moveout driver enemycar; enemycar lock true; [enemycardriver] joinSilent currentleader; Edit: Damn, its really annoing. Even when the driver has been ungrouped, moved out and regrouped, he walks to the car again and moves in. What a freaking feature is this, that AI moves into a vehicle and just sits there, waiting moveless to be shot while enemies are around? He moves even in and stays there when you set the vehicle setfuel 0. No gunner, no fuel, but moving in without order.
  14. Please remove Space as a key to activate a main menu and editor menu button. I use Space alot for other things and it is extremely annoying when you die (editor preview mode and such) and the mission is loaded instantly again just because you have been pressing Space in that moment. Or make it optional. So everyone could be happy. But making Space a default and un-re-assignable key for menu buttons sucks! :mad:
  15. roguetrooper

    Enemy AI stance.

    Indeed, there should be a command unit avoidUnitPos "bla".
  16. roguetrooper

    Please remove Space as menu key

    I am speaking of "Space" being like "Enter" or a mouse-click on MENU buttons. This is not configurable (and the very first thing I do with new games is always customizing the controls :p)
  17. Please do something about the crash to the desktop when there is an error in the description.ext (while mapping) This is extremely annoying³. Can't the error be displayed in an ingame (in-editor) dialog box? Forgot an " or [ or something and you have to reload the whole game and maybe you lose your current editor status.
  18. Please read the briefing carefully. You can command the helicopter/pilot by the leader's radio menu, even if its pilot is not in your group. You can also group and ungroup the pilot for a more detailed control of it. So actually you can order the heli anywhere after you have been teleportet without it. I could add an ingame action menu to enable the player to increase his personal view distance. I've done this to others of my maps. Didn't know that MP limits it by default (I hardly actually play). Also a 3 minute warning before time out. Done this to other maps. Forgot it here :p I omitted random weather since you can create any weather-fog-time-combination in the lobby. When you feel about fighting in the rain at night - just select it :) In my opinion a random option for it was not necessary. But I might add it. I know about this agony - health-regeneration issue. When A.I. lies there in agony "forever", you can shoot it. You are not considered as enemy when you kill friendly units (in this map). Maybe I also might an (unplayable) medic. But then I would have to exchange the cool HMMV against an uglier vehicle with a greater cargo space. Please read the briefing carefully. The OPFOR amount is already random. You have to fight against an unknown number of enemies, when you select different values in the lobby for <min amount enemies> and <max amount enemies>. The actual value ingame then is random inbetween those. When you select 10-10, you have 10 infantry enemies. When you select 20-40, you have an unknown amount of 20 to 40 etc. I also thought about adding an option for an OPFOR light vehicle and about how to manage the players' ammo. Maybe the weapon box should be teleportet with them. With the helicopter however you can return to it (remind helicopter radio controls), but it takes quite a long time to cross whole T-Russia forth and back. And with enemy missile soldier or tankm alive you have to fly around them in a big distance...
  19. It would be great to have 1. The unit number of each team member in the green rectangles. 2. Those numbers to be displayed for leaders and subordinates. 3. A small display in a corner of the screen with what number you are and how many units are in your group (being leader or subordinate). Maybe displayed as 4 | 11, meaning you are number 4 of 11 members. If the group leader is an AI, you really don't know what's going on. "3, attack that machinegunner" --- Huh? Who is number 3 now? Sure, radio chat being adressed to you has a green background. But somehow you (at least I) feel lost sometimes. Who is the guy now that has just been ordered to do something? As the group leader you can at least see what unit is what number by selecting all (the key left to '1'), but as a subordinate you have no overview over these things.
  20. Why does an A.I. soldier with an AK and 10 fitting magazines left (magazines put into inventory before weapons to have a loaded AK and commanded to "this selectweapon AK..bla") use his pistol on 25 metres to attack?
  21. :confused: There is no limitation of viewdistance implemented. Can't you move your slider in the graphics menu to what you like? ---------- Post added at 05:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 PM ---------- Update. Version 1.04. Hopefully final. Tweaks and tasks added.
  22. roguetrooper

    A.I. uses pistols too often (?)

    No PSO.
  23. roguetrooper

    Arma 2's Great Physics Engine!

    I don't know why people insist in ragdolls. 'Random' physics is not practical in MP mode and the ArmA infantry already really dies ragdollish and in many ways. It doesn't matter if this ragdollish look is made by prefigured animations or by in-time-physical calculations. The flying bodies are an issue, of course, that needs to be fixed as soon as possible. RATHER than flying around in one piece they should just die where they are; maybe pushed away a FEW metres.
  24. The scope of the L86A2 collides with the char's/player's head. This picture shows an unscoped view to the right:
  25. roguetrooper

    Bugged scope of the L86A2

    ' * ' to look around? I suppose this to be the default lookaround key? :D Since my very first ArmA 1 day I've been using Space to look around and I use it permanently. I would say it's definately a bug when your avatar's head moves into the scope while turning your head. They "just" need to remodel those weapons by repositioning the scope.