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Everything posted by roguetrooper

  1. It is strongly recommended to read Mr. Murray's Editor Guide to get started with those really easy (compared to other) things. in the init-line: {this addmagazine "MAGAZINE_CLASSNAME"} forEach [1,2,3,4,5]; This adds 5 magazines. Magazines have to be added to the inventory BEFORE the weapon is added; otherwise the weapon is not loaded at start,
  2. roguetrooper

    Camera earthquake shake?

    As I said, I have been playing around with various commands, but I was not able to get such a camera shake: I have copied the examples from the wiki: enableCamShake true; setCamShakeParams [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; addCamShake [10, 1, 25]; I have changed/raised several values. But whatever I tried... not the faintest shake. I am using A2, OA, BAF and PMC 1.59 without any mods. Nevertheless, the script that twirly found, works. Thanks. PS. Is this script useful for multiplayer? It seems as if the player char's alignment gets changed several times per second for a few seconds... is this healthy for the data transfer between all participants? Also concerning other purposes I'd be further interested in shaking the local camera only instead of moving the object very quickly the camera is attached to.
  3. I have an A.I. group with waypoints. One subordinate unit shall stay where it is while his group members can follow their waypoints or perform other movements. When you use unit disableAI "move" for the one unit that shall not move, then he will also keep its facing direction forever and does not follow with eyes or gun any targets he knows about and is capable to shoot at. Using stop is even worse (for that scenario) since it freezes the unit totally. He will only fire at targets very straight in front on him. DoStop unit does not seem to work for what I want. He sometimes leaves his position to engage targets or obeys movement orders of his leader. Is there any way to keep the unit in its position under ALL circumstances while he can still TURN and aim at targets? (It's a soldier, not a vehicle which you could set out of fuel). A command is missing that prevents a unit to move (under all circumstances until that command is directly negated) but allowing the unit to turn around, to watch and shoot in a 360° environment.
  4. roguetrooper

    Please add classnames of trees to wiki

    I am afraid they have not. But I can remember that I was able to spawn trees in Arma 1 (without any mod). Since all prefigured buildings on the map can be spawned, I thought it would be possible with trees as well. Don't know, why BIS decided to make trees unavailable to players. There is an editor mod that enables you to place trees by your own, but unfortunately it makes the map then require that mod being installed.
  5. Operation Arrowhead being a standalone (concerning strangeness).
  6. Is it possible to spawn rocks and plants (esp. trees) with createvehicle? If yes, does anybody know the classnames of them? I haven't seen any on http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA2:_CfgVehicles
  7. How can a sandstorm be re-attached to a player that resapwns in MP? When you die, the sandstorm keeps being attached to the corpse. The sandstorm is initiated with [player,0.07,0,true] call bis_fnc_sandstorm; My effects module, which is a requirement for the sandstorm to show up at all, has the name "module_effects". I've tried to attach the effects to the new player unit when the player respawns: module_effects setvariable ["object",player]; But there is no new sandstorm around the player but you see those effects still around the corpse. How can I delete the old sandstorm around the corpse and attach it to the respawned player?
  8. Thanks. But could anyone give me more detailed instructions? I have downloaded a PBO-viewer for Arma 1 (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1434). It cannot open all pbo's of Arma 2, but I haven't found one for Arma 2 yet. However, I opened the file \Addons\plants2_Tree.pbo. It shows up a list [Data] t_acer2s.p3d t_alnus2s.p3d ... Nowhere I could find a config. Placing a logic and putting into its init line plant1 = createVehicle ["t_fagus2s", position this, [], 0, "NONE"]; does NOT work, of course. I can't imagine that there is not more interest in such objects. Why is it so hard to find lists of plants/classnames? Why doesn't BIS publish them together with all the other classnames in their wiki? Can anyone please recommend a good and easy pbo-viewer for Arma 2 ? The tools of http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BI_Tools_2 are really cryptic and I even don't know, whether its pbo-stuff can be used for my purpose.
  9. roguetrooper

    Hostage kill

    Not recommended because a faction being hostile towards 'civilian' will also attack some buildings.
  10. roguetrooper

    Player looking at map mope ?

    Those animations might be practical: AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon (kneel & aim) AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon (stand & aim) AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon (stand idle) The problem with your automatic switch to another animation/stance: When the player is currently lying behind a low cover or in a narrow tube and stands up automatically when he opens the map, he suddenly stands uncovered (enemy fire?) or the torso/head in a ceiling or such.
  11. roguetrooper

    Few More Questions

    On entering the forum there should be a big fat total-screen overlay "USE DESCRIPTIVE TITLES". Probably in ten languages.
  12. I am confused by the results of a very simple MP test map. * two playable soldiers placed in the editor: named player1 and player2 * in the init line of player1: [1] exec "start.sqf"; * in the init line of player2: [2] exec "start.sqf"; start.sqf looks like this: _value = _this select 0; ~_value hint format ["%1",_value]; exit; The delay is there to be able to get two different hints, since a hint does not expand a previous hint, but edges it out. I'm testing it on one computer with two instances of Arma, which allows to join a LAN-server with the same ID. Mkay, here it goes. It may be a bit confusing at the first glance, but it is very simple at all: When I start the server (not dedicated, look above) and enter the world with as one of the soldiers and the A.I. is ENabled in the lobby, then of course I have this result: one second after start I see the text "1" two seconds after start I see the text "2" So far, so fine. Everything is clear to me. Then I start another instance of Arma and join my first instance. In this second instance I select player2 in the MP lobby (player1 is occupied, of course). Question 1: While I am player2, that joined the server that is already running, I only get the hint "1" on my screen. I rather would have expected to see hint "2" ONLY. Why does player2 see the hint of the player1-init-line, which is not local for player2, but does not see his own init-line-hint? When I 'jip' the server as player2 (player1 is the host) and the A.I. had been DISabled in the MP lobby, then I see hint "1" and one second later "2". Question 2: Why does a client, that joins later by JIP, execute the init-line of a unit, that is not local to the JIP'er? All this is so confusing :( PS. This setup has no real purpose and is just there for testing and understanding.
  13. In a trigger e.g., you can not use ["parameter1","parameter2"] execVM "test.sqf/s"; Error message: type script; expected nothing. During my first Arma-scripting-steps in ArmA-One I learned, that execVM gave me error messages where it could, whereas [parameter] exec "file.sqF" works all the time, without any visible or hidden rpt error messages. So I kept [] exec sqF over the years... /shrug
  14. I have used "hint", whose pling you can hear during the black "receiving..." screen. When the client of player2, who joins later by JIP, executes the init-line of all units in mission.sqm, why then does it execute the init-line of player1 and not his own init-line (i.e. being player2 I hear and see pling/text "1", but not "2"). I am aware of if !(local unit) then { exit }; I am using it in my files. As I said, this setup was just made to get an deeper insight. Further, I do not confuse myself with sqs and sqf. :D I am using [] exec "file.sqf" (f like fox) all the time (with certain exceptions) and everything works fine. I am also aware, that a jip'ping client executes the init-line of the unit he is jip'ping into. I am exploiting it in my MP-maps where a jip'ping player shall get a fresh inventory although the unit might have been controlled by AI before he joined and fired ammo etc.
  15. roguetrooper

    Magic Bullet Script

    If the sniper is far away, I'd suggest to implement a delay between the shot and the death of the player. sniper addEventHandler ["FIRED", {[] exec "snipershot.sqf"}]; snipershot.sqf: ~1.0 player setdamage 1; You could even have a very accurate delay between the shot and the death. _dist = sniper distance player; _bulletspeed = ???; (in metres per second) _delay = _dist/_bulletspeed; ~_delay player setdamage 1; Mkay, the delay might rise the problem that the player notices that he was not hit before he dies (seeing bullet impact beside him or hear it whistling when it passes him very closely).
  16. roguetrooper

    Militia Betrayal

    http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFriend factions are: west east resistance civilian Using the same faction twice in that command makes units attack their own faction.
  17. roguetrooper

    A scripting challenge

    Sorry folks, but I am using (with a few exceptions) [] exec "file.sqf" (f like fox) all the time and it works without any problems.
  18. Kylania's version with the addAction seems to be a better solution. Beside that: when you have 10 collectors, as I said, you need 10 triggers with collectorname1 collectorname2 etc.
  19. roguetrooper

    Sandstorm in multiplayer

    D'oh, of course! :rolleyes: Additional question: How can you achieve the yellowish overall-sandy atmosphere of the first PMC SP mission?
  20. Off topic, but: you can't imagine how many players who only have Arrowhead, try to connect to my server that requires Chernarus and Arrowhead (although server description includes requirement descriptions). I would say, many of those people who joined into the Arma world with the release of Arrowhead, do not have Arma II (thanks to BIS' intelligent addon politics :( ) When all collectors are human players, it would probably enough to have only one trigger with player as substitute for "collectorname". But since I am to lazy now to think about all that stupid locality stuff, I would have a trigger for each collector with "collectorname" the name of the unit (which can be defined in the editor name field just above the skill slider). My suggestion above also requires all triggers to be executed on all computers, or the money handling and the chat won't work.
  21. Is the money contained in Arma II: "Chernarus" AND Operation Arrowhead? If the money-item is not part of Operation Arrowhead and you don't own the original Chernarus-Arma2, all this won't work.
  22. I think you have read my post while I was editing it. Make sure, you have copied (?) the latest version.
  23. You could do it by a trigger that activates when the collector and the commander are very close to each other: activation: [b]repeatedly[/b] condition: ([color="RoyalBlue"]collectorname[/color] distance [color="RoyalBlue"]commandername[/color]) < 3 code: [[color="RoyalBlue"]collectorname,commandername[/color]] exec "file.sqf"; If you have move than one collectors, you need a trigger for every collector: condition: ([color="RoyalBlue"]collectorname[/color][color="Red"]2[/color] distance [color="RoyalBlue"]commandername[/color]) < 3 code: [[color="RoyalBlue"]collectorname[/color][color="Red"]2[/color],[color="RoyalBlue"]commandername[/color]] exec "file.sqf"; file.sqf may look like this: _bringer = _this select 0; _taker = _this select 1; if !(_bringer hasWeapon "[color="RoyalBlue"]money[/color]") then {exit}; _bringer removeweapon "[color="RoyalBlue"]money[/color]"; _bringer action ["heal",_bringer]; _taker action ["heal",_taker]; if (isServer) then { westcoinfunds = westcoinfunds + 100; publicVariable "westcoinfunds"; }; if !(local _taker) then {exit}; _text = format ["I have received 100 credits from %1 %2.", rank _bringer, name _bringer]; [nil, nil, rSPAWN, [_taker, _text], { (_this select 0) groupChat (_this select 1) }] call RE; The commander does not need to have the money in his inventory. The heal-action is optional or might be replaced by another animation. But there should be some animation or the transaction is done in the background without any optical appearance. This code above also makes the commander say the sentence "I have received 100 credits from Corporal xy." on the server and all clients. You need to place a function-module on the map. The blue things have to be replaced by the actual, real unitnames and the classname of the money-item.
  24. roguetrooper

    Pre-Destroy Buildings?

    I accidently wrote "init.sqf", although I mean "sqS". I am using the code I gave above in my own init.sqs'es.
  25. roguetrooper

    Pre-Destroy Buildings?

    At the VERY end of init.sqf put this: 0 fadesound 0; ~5.0 0 fadesound 1;