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Everything posted by roguetrooper

  1. Usually I deactivate the crouching with the help of canStand and setHit Either with triggers: * multiple activation * condition: (alive unit) and !(canstand unit) * activation: unit setHit ["legs", 0] Or with eventhandlers in the init-lines: this addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setHit ["legs", 0] }]; this addEventHandler ["Dammaged", {(_this select 0) setHit ["legs", 0] }]; The units still take normal damage. They just still can walk on when their legs are hit.
  2. The code from Grimes: while {true} do { { if (_x isKindOf "Hen") then { _hen = _x; if ({(_hen distance _x) < 3 && isPlayer _x}) then { deleteVehicle _hen; hint "Hen captured!"; }; }; } foreach [color="Red"]vehicles[/color]; sleep 1; }; Not tested, but vehicles should include animals.
  3. roguetrooper

    Ammo Box script not working

    I suppose, the box is meant to refill itself every 2400 seconds? Give the box a name (eg. box1). Use this script: #start _box = _this select 0; if (!(isServer) or !(alive _box)) then { exit }; clearMagazineCargo[color="Red"]Global[/color] _box; clearWeaponCargo[color="Red"]Global[/color] _box; _box addMagazineCargo[color="Red"]Global[/color] ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag", 50]; ... ~2400 goto "start"; Put into the init-line of the box or into the file init.sqf or wherever: [box1] exec "file.sqf"; The -global commands make it also multiplayer compatible.
  4. You need the "Enforcer" by Deadfast: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11153 When you have finished your editor-ing and scripting, you can use that tool to make it add the mission requirements to the file mission.sqm. Btw: Generally people are too stupid or uninformed to read or interprete the server description (such as "requires Chernarus and Arrowhead"). Nevertheless people who only own Operation Arrowhead will join the game that requires "Arma2: Chernarus" AND "Arma2: Operation Arrowhead". People who don't meet the requirements will still connect to your server, but are thrown out instantly (with seven lines of system error chat text that spams away all your other chat).
  5. I want to set a destroy-waypoint on a dynamically (createvehicle) created unit for the player's group (MP). The spawned unit has the name "target". The target is a stationary soldier and does not move. Everything works fine so far with _grp addwaypoint [position target,0]; [_grp,1] setwaypointtype "DESTROY"; [_grp,1] setWaypointDescription "DESTROY"; These are the problems: 1. On the HUD you only see "Move" (Bewegen) instead of "Destroy". I want it to be displayed as "Destroy". 2. The waypoint disappears, when your group is near the target. But I want it to disappear ONLY, when the target is dead, no matter how near the player's group is. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  6. You can place a gamelogic or an invisible helipad and write into its init-line: if (isServer) then {obj = createVehicle ["[color="Red"]type[/color]", position this, [], 0, "NONE"]}; The type can be taken from a buildings list, such as http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/indexOA.php or http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA2:_CfgVehicles Yes, it is quite inconvenient for a beginner. And even more inconvenient, when you only have Arma2: Operation Arrowhead and not Arma2: "Chernarus".
  7. Is there a possibility to have chat (pronounced by script) NOT appear in capital letters only, but in case sensitive? When you have this code in your script: person globalChat "This is the kind of text I want." it will be ingame displayed as "THIS IS THE KIND OF TEXT I WANT." But I want it to be ingame displayed as "This is the kind of text I want." Is it possible? I also never understood why chat text is automatically formatted to capitals only.
  8. If you want to prevent players from putting ammo and weapons into the vehicle, you could have a trigger with multiple activation condition: (player distance vehiclename) < 4 code: clearWeaponCargoGlobal vehiclename; clearMagazineCargoGlobal vehiclename; Yes I know, you want to remove the action menu. And it would also be quite strange when stuff disappears that you have put into the vehicle. It would have to be mentioned in the briefing. Further I am not a fan of such visible-unrealistic mechanics. Just an idea.
  9. I am not aiming at the lifestatus, but when does the condition "alive player" return true for the first time in multiplayer? When he has clicked away the briefing map? or When he is actually controlling his avatar? For certain reasons I want the players in MP to be invisible and indestructable for a few seconds when they join the game (especially JIP) and when they respawn: I have a trigger with multiple activation condition: alive player [0] exec "activate.sqf"; When a certain condition is met after a few seconds, "he" executes [1] exec "activate.sqf"; activate.sqf: _parameter = _this select 0; if (_parameter == 1) then { goto "status1" } else { goto "status0" }; exit; #status1 0 fadesound 1; "colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable false; player allowdamage true; player enableSimulation true; inv0 = [nil, player, "per", rHideObject, false] call RE; cap0 = [nil, player, "per", rsetCaptive, false] call RE; exit; #status0 0 fadesound 0; "colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true; player allowdamage false; player enableSimulation false; inv1 = [nil, player, "per", rHideObject, true] call RE; cap1 = [nil, player, "per", rsetCaptive, true] call RE; exit; For some unknown reason some jip-players do not get invisibilized/immortalized. In my imagination, when a player joins a game and his client comes across the trigger with "alive player", he should execute it (?) I know, that there may be a gap of 0.5 seconds until the trigger triggers, but that's not the cause for the non-execution of the code in my opinion. How long does "RE" take to be initialized? Aren't a few 10th seconds enough?
  10. Why then does the code run fine without any ingame or rpt- error messages? Why then does it work fine for the host and some clients?
  11. (Don't know where to put this.) Why is the AK 74 PSO considered as a sniper rifle? (Other PSO rifles are not). This can be seen when a subordinate group member has this gun: his group picture has a sniper-icon.
  12. What exactly do the yellow and red chain symbol in MP in the lower right corner of the screen mean?
  13. roguetrooper

    Why is AK74PSO considered as sniper rifle?

    There are scoped weapons that do not have that "aim" icon. E.g. AK107 - what's the difference (ingame) between AK74 PSO and AK107 PSO? (Except that the 74 has a very high spread).
  14. Such kind of text actually is like someone spitting onto the floor in front of you. Many people think that it would be 'cool' to produce such an unreadable salad.
  15. roguetrooper

    Why is John Rambo a.... rambo?

    Why does 'Rambo' stand for brainless berzerk and destruction and storming into battle without foresight? For almost 30 years now there has been that topos. Sure, he blows up a lot of things and esp in part one half the town ends up in a mess. But isn't he actually an elite warrior who carefully plans his actions and is always one step ahead of his enemies?
  16. roguetrooper

    Backpack for russian soldiers

    What exactly do you want to know? Your picture shows a very normal, unmodded Russian medic. You do not need a mod to have this kind of unit in the field.
  17. Concerning weapon crates that are meant to be treated equally for the server (dedicated or not) and all clients: in the initline of a crate named "box" or in a trigger for that box: [box] exec "box.sqf"; box.sqf: if !(isServer) then { exit }; _box = _this select 0; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _box; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _box; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["m16a2", 4]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 50]; exit;
  18. I've searched the forum and tried a lot of things with all commands related to "camera" with the help of the wiki. No success so far. I want the player's camera to shake for a few seconds like in an earthquake. Is it possible at all? Does anyone have a script at hand?
  19. Dear BIS team, could you please add the classnames of trees and stones to http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA2:_CfgVehicles so that one can make use of them with createVehicle?
  20. roguetrooper

    Meaning of yellow and raid chain symbol?

    Does it indicate that there is desync 'somewhere around' or that I am de-synced? I also see that symbol when I am hosting a non-dedicated server (which I shouldn't be desync'ed to...). And 5000 of what? :o
  21. roguetrooper

    Backpack for russian soldiers

    It seems as if the picture shows a common Russian medic. They have exactly that backpack by default (which is only optical and can not be used as additional inventory slots). Further, there is no weapon "AK 74 M" in the vanilla game. So anyway this picture must have been taken under the influence of a mod.
  22. roguetrooper

    Please add classnames of trees to wiki

    The trees and rocks of that list are part of ACE. So it's impossible to createVehicle those items in Arma2 vanilla. :(
  23. roguetrooper

    Camera earthquake shake?

    Head bob is annoying. Basta! :p Further, there is no 'reason' why an earthquake-shake should be visible in 1st person while in 3rd person it is not.
  24. roguetrooper

    Camera earthquake shake?

    Great. That ugly 1st person camera bob or however it is called, has to be activated in order to have the earthquake-shake to come into effect. Usually I have deactivated this, because it is unrealistic and causes sickness. When you run through the world, you don't perceive the world shaking as the bob does. You only perceive that bob when you shake a CAMERA while recording and watch that recordings later on a screen (though you are sitting in front of a screen while playing Arma, that screen is not meant to be a 'screen', but your own eyes). The command 'addcamshake' should be untied from the difficulty-settings-shake. And it should have effect in 3rd person view.