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Everything posted by roguetrooper

  1. To participate a bit more in brainstorming that fascinating topic... Initially I misinterpreted your phrase "enterable houses". I thought of "non-enterable" houses as those you can find a lot in Chernarus, looking like a "house" but being actually only a solid block. I was able to exclude doors of walls and such with { if ( (random(100) <= _chance) and ([color="#FF0000"]((_x buildingpos 0) select 0) != 0)[/color] ) then { _houses = _houses + [_x] } } forEach _allhouses;
  2. Basing on the original code by the OP, I have modified the script to have persistent lights. It is to be executed with the parameters: _handle = [objectname,radius,percentage] execVM "houselights.sqf"; 1. central object on the map which the lights are created around (can be a logic or empty helipad) 2. radius around the central object 3. percentage of houses in the circle which have lights In this example 75% of the houses in a radius of 500 meters around "logic1" will have lights: _handle = [logic1,500,75] execVM "houselights.sqf"; As Rydygier said, the lights disappear too suddenly when you exceed a certain distance to them (around 30m). On the other hand, when you increase their brightness, they are too bright and illuminate their environment like flak/AA searchlights. I've mainly tested in with [center,500,90] in Zargabad with "center" a bit left to the mosque (Zargabad is a really nice town). if !(isServer) then { exit }; _center = position (_this select 0); _radius = _this select 1; _chance = _this select 2; if (_chance <= 0) then { exit }; _houses = []; _brightness = 64; _red = 255; _green = 127; _blue = 24; _br = (_brightness / 255) * 0.1; _r = _red /255; _g = _green /255; _b = _blue /255; _col = [_r,_g,_b]; _allhouses = nearestObjects [_center, ["House"], _radius]; { if (random(100) <= _chance) then { _houses = _houses + [_x] } } forEach _allhouses; if ((count _allhouses) == 0) then { exit }; { _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle (getpos _x); _light setLightBrightness _br; _light setLightColor _col; _light lightAttachObject [_x, [random 2,random 2,1]];} forEach _houses; exit; There is another problem. The iskindof-definition "House" encloses also the doors of stone walls. Maybe it could be solved by http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_CfgVehicles and this code (I'm too lazy right now): _allhouses = nearestObjects [_center, ["House"], _radius]; _exclude = ["name1","name2"]; { if ((random(100) <= _chance) and !(typeof _x in _exclude)) then { _houses = _houses + [_x] } } forEach _allhouses;
  3. roguetrooper

    Stance indicator.

    No, you don't need to know the current stance to order a new one or to enforce an already ordered one. You just press ^76 or ^77 or ^78 (or the specific group member(s)' F-keys instead of ^).
  4. roguetrooper

    Stance indicator.

    I also don't use any addons. Except for AI behaviour or some other things with a real impact I don't like a map to be incompatible with the rest of the Arma world just because of some changed pixels Then you couldn't see it (for yourself) when you are not grouped. I assume you mean for every soldier in your group. It should be a matter for the difficulty settings. Otherwise it would be unrealistic. In real life you also don't know about somebody's stance when you can't see him or when you don't communicate with him (teamspeak or A.I.-radio).
  5. roguetrooper

    JIP troubles...

    You can also cover the screen black from the very beginning in the init.sqs and then fade in the screen after one or a few seconds: Put into init.sqs at its VERY END: if (isDedicated) then {exit}; 0 fadesound 0; 0 fademusic 0; 0 cutText ["","black faded",0]; ~1.0 1 fadesound 1; 1 fademusic 1; 0 cutText ["","plain in",1];
  6. roguetrooper

    Stance indicator.

    At least it should be optional. I've been also requesting this for a while. In real live you simply know whether you stand or kneel, but in first person gaming... quite often I need to press the standup/kneeldown key to be sure about my current stance. Though I suggest a small icon with a minimalist silhouette of a human standing, kneeling or crouching (using colours you might have to think about it again, icons are better and faster) in the lower right HUD. As I said, OPTIONAL, so everybody can chose by himself.
  7. Hopefully BIS won't waste time and resources for kiddy console junk. Let those kiddies play cod and all that button mash crap on their consoles.
  8. The command findEmptyPosition should consider the current angle (direction) of the object. Currently a rectangelish object can collide into another object that is already there very close. Seemingly the command only considers a standard angle of the object, since when you assign an (random or fixed != 0) angle to the object and then setpos it at random coordinates and then apply findEmptyPosition to it (to make sure it doesn't collide with something else), it nevertheless may collide in an unrealistically looking way with a nearby object (house, tree, editor objects etc).
  9. At least the next patch will prevent that anybody can execute scripts that are not contained in the map (I think to have read it somewhere...). Hopefully before Arma III will be released.
  10. How is it possible that players bring in their own scripts when they join a map? They create objects or have weapons that are not available in the map and such.
  11. You're using the wrong quotation marks. The first ones of the following line must be replaced by the correct ones (those at the end of the line) title = “Black Hawk Down."; (In the German keyboard layout they are placed on the key "2", don't know what you are using...)
  12. Is there a script-command for "SetObjectViewDistance"? Searching the wiki (main page searched with Firefox's search function for relevant combinations) and the .TakeOnHProfile-file hasn't brought an answer yet.
  13. Hmmm. I've only searched the wiki's main page and only had a look at the blue linked new-commands. Haven't searched the cryptic list of the new-commands. Thanks.
  14. Does anyone know the names/locations of the loadscreens to be defined in description.ext for TOH: Hinds (and maybe those of TOH)? Such as those from OA: loadScreen = "\CA\Missions_e\campaign\missions\CE7A_FinishingTouch.Takistan\img\loading08_finishingtouch_co.paa"; For Operation Arrowhead there is a Adobe library, but not for Arma2, TOH and Hinds.
  15. Since I'm not an expert in maths, does anyone know a/the formula to convert the wind-values into a number (0-359 degree)? Further, is there a possibility to return the wind force in knots and km/h ? wind setWind
  16. Is there an addon-free method to remove/disable the radar? If the user was not able to freely position it, it could be covered by a dialog-box... or is the radar's position a returnable value?
  17. Thanks for the formulas. Is there a dev or anyone else who certainly knows the speed the wind command returns?
  18. I also vote for a possibility to disable the radar. Maybe it could be done with setHitpointDamage ["Radar",1]; (AI-pilots then should also have no access to the radar). The HUD-radar-display should disappear completely and physical radar-displays should be disfunctional (the one that the OP mentioned). getHitPointDamage / setHitPointDamage
  19. Thanks... this surely is a matter for headbonkonthedesk. Though being off-topic concerning this thread's title, I have another question: how do you moveIn'Copilot' a unit into a helicopter, such as the Little Bird?
  20. It would be nice to have some sources for fire and explosions. Such as those Arma2 objects: Bomb ARTY_Sh_82_HE Bo_GBU12_LGB ARTY_SmokeShellWhite I'm not requesting this for non-TOH or action-kiddy-purposes. Those things can be used to create a dangerous desaster area (exploding stuff around you while you evacuate people and such).
  21. roguetrooper


    Hi all, I've been participating in the Armaverse since the release of Arma 1. Now I've also found my way to the best helicopter simulation ever. I don't know where this questions belongs... but where are the explosions in TOH? Eg. placing a helicopter in the editor and destroying it with heli setdamage 1 (trigger or initline). I play on very high graphic settings, but I don't see fire or explosions (except missiles) on destroyed objects, just the black destroyed-model... :confused: TOH 1.05 vanilla without Hinds (so far).
  22. It would be nice to have a command (to be put into description.ext or into a sqf/sqs or into a trigger) that prevents the error messages of -showscripterrors. This command should have a higher priority than -showscripterrors in the Arma-desktop-link. You could add this command to your map when you are about to release it and you are sure everything works fine. So you could be 101% sure that your "customers" will not annoyed by that black error box although the map works perfectly but you forgot to remove/change a litte remnant of your 10000 lines of code that actually has no impact on the map's gameplay. YES, I KNOW: You could just remove -showscripterrors from your Arma-link, but actually nobody who uses that parameter will remove it (since it's a precious tool - for mapmakers). Edit: This command should also prevent the pop-up-error-dialogues that have to be confirmed by mouse-click. And maybe also the entries to the rpt-file.
  23. roguetrooper

    Command to prevent error-messages

    Create a file.sqF with _a = 0; goto "jumpto"; hint "this message won't be shown"; _a = _a+1; #jumpto _a = _a+1; ~5.0 if (_a==1) then {hint format ["%1",_a]}; exit; and execute it by [] exec "file.sqf"; in your init.sqs or in a trigger. Why then is there NO hint "this message won't be shown" and no blackbox-error message? Why then is _a == 1 at the end of the file? Why then does this sqf (f like fox) executed with [] exec "file.sqf" work as expected and without any errors? I do not understand why people maintain this example would not work whereas it works without any error or problems. :confused: Why then does this code work when "there is no goto in sqf" ? :confused:
  24. roguetrooper

    Command to prevent error-messages

    Lol, I absolutely have no error messages from what you said. In almost all my sqF files I have goto and such without the faintest error message. I only have (until I fix it) error messages from REAL logical/typing mistakes, like setpos for an object that doesn't exist or a wrong amount of {[(
  25. The Force Recon units from 'Chernarus' (ie. not Arrowhead) are capable of hiding dead bodies. Is it possible 1.) to take away this ability from the Force Recons? 2.) to disable the hide-function for CERTAIN dead units (i.e. OTHER dead bodies can be sunk into the ground)? ---------- Post added at 16:08 ---------- Previous post was at 15:58 ---------- Ha, found a workaround. A trigger with * timer 5 seconds (to prevent the freeze in the dying-animation) * condition: not alive unit * activation: unit enableSimulation false; There is still the action menu "hide body", but the body will not be hidden and can still be looted.