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Everything posted by roguetrooper

  1. 2D distance between "_object1" and "_object2" without the functions module: _d = [(position _object1) select 0, (position _object1) select 1, 0] distance [(position _object2) select 0, (position _object2) select 1, 0];
  2. roguetrooper

    Turning a vehicle with script

    I think 'setpos' also positions a vehicle properly on oblique ground: So: unit setdir x; unit setpos (position unit);
  3. Sorry to be off topic, but "we fight, we win" is "(nos) pugnamus, (nos) vincimus" in latin...
  4. There are 64 playable units on my map. When one player gains a certain amount of score, a trigger shall be activated. It could be done with a clumsy trigger, checking for all players separately. But 64 are to much. (score player1 >= x) or (score player2 >= x) ... or (score playerN >= x) is not very convenient for 64 units. Could somebody think of some elegant and short check construction containing "forEach" / "allunits" (or whatever is necessary) that works as a trigger CONDITION?
  5. It would be fine when there were medipacks, food portions and water flasks (just one kind each; they also may be 'military', not Pepsi & Coke or such) in the vanilla game - and the inbuild possibility to consume them. And maybe a script-command that defines whether medipacks can be applied by medics only or by everyone. A unit does not need to become hungry and thirsty then by default, it might be done by custom scripting. But I don't think that they'll implement this into Arma II now anymore...
  6. The possibility (some scripting commands) to turn the current civilian/animal class dogs into attacking units, would be quite cool. To make them aggressive towards everybody or certain sides. Not much waypoint behaviour or something except "move". Something like zombies (in terms of handling/behaviour). When they see an hostile unit, they attack it. I'm not asking because of DayZ, but just for the default Arma gameplay. Would add some melee component (and the units themselves are already ingame). Further, armed forces use dogs, so it would not be that unrealistic as well.
  7. roguetrooper

    Light Health Bar Script

    In my missions I use cuttext to display the health in the lower right corner. When you use a weird number (e.g. 666 cuttext [].) there is also hardly a conflict with other cuttexts. Further, I only have it displayed, when the health is below 100 (or below 99) %, to make things less arcadish with a permanent on-screen-text. Nevertheless some kind of health display IS quite useful. In real life you feel whether your "health" is 90% or 15% (you know what I mean!) after a hit. When you can still stand in Arma, it's somehow hard to say whether a step downwards from a stone is the missing 1% to make you die or whether the bullet rarely injured you.
  8. roguetrooper

    Stackable Items (Money)

    There is "EvMoney". But a character can have only one of it at a time. So there is not much you can do with it as it is without more or less extensive scripting. With stackable "money" you could have NPCs that sell stuff or have MP scenarios where everybody starts with a certain amount of money. The person or side who has looted (i.e. all at once in their inventory currently) a certain amount will have won the match...
  9. Is there a way to a) check whether shadows are enabled b) force shadows by scripting?
  10. roguetrooper

    Beta patch once a month enough?

    1. It's not a matter of installing speed, I also get it done within 20 seconds. 2. I'm not complaining... at all... I think... one might read up to the end of my final sentence in the OP. 3. It's just about having a single vanilla game version 'out there' for several weeks that servers and clients can rely on without making stuff "incompatible" to each other that frequently. Since it's existing, it's 'patched' several times a week. Seems to be a singularity in computer game history. I'm not angry or what... just wanted to have it said.
  11. Go to the shop (reallife or online). Lay down 25 bucks. Get the whole package on 4 DVDs with Arma 1, Arma 2 with all its extensions (except ACR) and a huge printed map.
  12. roguetrooper

    Weapons training scenario?

    You could build your own training scenario with the editor within 60 seconds. Neither DayZ nor the included campaigns are Arma's main feature. Arma's main feature (99%) is the editor...
  13. roguetrooper

    Official zombies

    This is probably a matter for Arma III (and even only a later offical addon/patch), since BIS won't put much time and energy into II any more. Some time ago I requested/suggested the implementation of zombies (at least by texture) by an official BIS-patch as some kind of easter egg. Not for turning Arma into an arcade game but as an OPTION for people who like that. Since the first 50 servers in the internet-filter are DayZ, you see that many people like it. Somehow it would be great to "simply" have a command to turn any humanoid unit into a zombie; using the (existing) dead/high-damage texture, giving it a pale and blood stained face with deadish eyes and a zombie'ish skeleton/animation set. Maybe something like unitIntoZombie [unitname,"slow","head"]; will equip the unit with * the according sounds and close-combat behaviour (claws strikes and biting) * the according dead/high-damage texture of the unit * a pale/rotten and bloody zombie face (and arms) * remove all existing weapons and make it unable to have weapons at all and to enter vehicles * the second parameter might define whether it is a fast Dawn-of-the-Dead or a slow The-Walking-Dead zombie * the third parameter might define whether it can be killed by headshot only * the zombiefied unit still should accept waypoints (unlike animals, that do not follow assigned waypoints)
  14. Does anyone know exactly how to create an ACR pond/river? I've put into the init line of a logic: o = "pond_ACR" createVehicle [position this select 0, position this select 1, [b][color="#FF0000"]10[/color][/b]]; No matter what height I use, all I get is a about 20x20 meters "rain water" area with 1 centimeter water height.
  15. roguetrooper

    More GUNS, Yes More GUNS PLEASE!!

    There are already tons of weapons with different iron sights, aimpoints, ACOGs and other means of aiming. Wouldn't new weapons basically be only new 3D models with (new?) sounds? What's for example actually the ingame difference between AK47, AK74 and Sa58 or G36 and M8 or FNFAL and M4A1? The noise zombies might hear isn't a great issue for the default game ;) Place a weapon crate in the editor, put "[this] exec bigbox.sqf" in it's initline and have a file bigbox.sqf with the following content: This is all vanilla (A2 + OA + PMC + BAF + ACR) equipment: if !(isServer) then { exit }; _box = _this select 0; _amount_weapons = 10; _amount_magazines = 100; _amount_throw = 100; _amount_explosive = 100; _amount_backpacks = 10; _amount_launchers = 10; _amount_rockets = 10; _amount_misc = 10; _amount_goggles = 10; _amount_belt = 10; _amount_strobe = 10; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _box; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _box; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["CDF_dogtags", _amount_misc]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Cobalt_File", _amount_misc]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["EvDogTags", _amount_misc]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["EvKobalt", _amount_misc]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["EvMap", _amount_misc]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["EvMoney", _amount_misc]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["EvMoscow", _amount_misc]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["EvPhoto", _amount_misc]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Kostey_map_case", _amount_misc]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Kostey_notebook", _amount_misc]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Kostey_photos", _amount_misc]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Moscow_Bombing_File", _amount_misc]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["PMC_documents", _amount_misc]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["ItemMap", _amount_belt]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["ItemRadio", _amount_belt]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["ItemWatch", _amount_belt]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["ItemGPS", _amount_belt]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Binocular", _amount_goggles]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Binocular_Vector", _amount_goggles]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["NVgoggles", _amount_goggles]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Laserdesignator", _amount_goggles]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["LRTV_ACR", _amount_goggles]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["IR_Strobe_Target", _amount_strobe]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M16A2", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M16A2GL", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M16A4", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M16A4_ACG", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M16A4_GL", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M16A4_ACG_GL", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M4A1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M4A1_AIM", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M4A1_RCO_GL", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M4A1_AIM_SD_CAMO", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M4A1_HWS_GL_CAMO", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_CAMO", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M4A1_HWS_GL", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["MP5SD", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["MP5A5", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["G36C", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["G36_C_SD_EOTECH", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["G36A", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["G36K", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M8_CARBINE", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M8_CARBINEGL", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M8_compact", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M8_sharpshooter", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M8_SAW", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AK_47_M", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AK_47_S", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AKS_GOLD", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AK_74", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AK_74_GL", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AKS_74_kobra", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AKS_74_pso", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AKS_74_U", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AKS_74_UN_kobra", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AK_107_kobra", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AK_107_GL_kobra", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AK_107_GL_pso", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AK_107_PSO", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Bizon", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Bizon_silenced", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["RPK_74", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["VSS_vintorez", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M240", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M249", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["PK", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Pecheneg", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["DMR", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M24", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Mk_48", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M40A3", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M4SPR", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M107", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["KSVK", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SVD", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SVD_CAMO", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Huntingrifle", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M1014", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Saiga12K", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M9", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M9SD", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Colt1911", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Makarov", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["MakarovSD", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["RPG18", _amount_launchers]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SMAW", _amount_launchers]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Javelin", _amount_launchers]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Stinger", _amount_launchers]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Strela", _amount_launchers]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Igla", _amount_launchers]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["MetisLauncher", _amount_launchers]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M136", _amount_launchers]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["RPG7V", _amount_launchers]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["20Rnd_556x45_Stanag", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_556x45_G36", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_556x45_G36SD", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["100Rnd_556x45_BetaCMag", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_762x39_AK47", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_545x39_AK", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_545x39_AKSD", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["75Rnd_545x39_RPK", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["64Rnd_9x19_Bizon", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["10Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["20Rnd_9x39_SP5_VSS", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["100Rnd_762x51_M240", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["200Rnd_556x45_M249", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["100Rnd_762x54_PK", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x51_DMR", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["5Rnd_762x51_M24", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["10Rnd_127x99_m107", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["5Rnd_127x108_KSVK", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["10Rnd_762x54_SVD", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["5x_22_LR_17_HMR", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["8Rnd_B_Saiga12_74Slug", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["15Rnd_9x19_M9", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["7Rnd_45ACP_1911", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["8Rnd_9x18_Makarov", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["8Rnd_9x18_MakarovSD", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["1Rnd_HE_M203", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["1Rnd_HE_GP25", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["FlareWhite_GP25", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["FlareWhite_M203", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["Handgrenade", _amount_throw]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["Handgrenade_West", _amount_throw]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["Handgrenade_East", _amount_throw]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["SmokeShell", _amount_throw]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["SmokeShellRed", _amount_throw]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["SmokeShellYellow", _amount_throw]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["SmokeShellOrange", _amount_throw]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["SmokeShellGreen", _amount_throw]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["SmokeShellPurple", _amount_throw]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["SmokeShellBlue", _amount_throw]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["RPG18", _amount_rockets]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["SMAW_HEAA", _amount_rockets]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["SMAW_HEDP", _amount_rockets]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["M136", _amount_rockets]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["Javelin", _amount_rockets]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["Stinger", _amount_rockets]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["PG7V", _amount_rockets]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["PG7VL", _amount_rockets]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["PG7VR", _amount_rockets]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["OG7", _amount_rockets]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["Strela", _amount_rockets]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["Igla", _amount_rockets]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["AT13", _amount_rockets]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["PipeBomb", _amount_explosive]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M32_EP1", _amount_launchers]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M47Launcher_EP1", _amount_launchers]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M79_EP1", _amount_launchers]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["MAAWS", _amount_launchers]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Mk13_EP1", _amount_launchers]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M249_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M249_TWS_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M249_M145_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M60A4_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["MG36_camo", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Mk_48_DES_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M240_scoped_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AKS_74", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AKS_74_GOSHAWK", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AKS_74_NSPU", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AK_74_GL_kobra", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["FN_FAL", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["FN_FAL_ANPVS4", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["G36A_camo", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["G36C_camo", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["G36K_camo", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["G36_C_SD_camo", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["LeeEnfield", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M14_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M4A3_CCO_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_H_CQC_CCO_SD", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_L_CQC", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_L_CQC_CCO_SD", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_L_CQC_EGLM_Holo", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_L_CQC_Holo", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_RCO", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_L_STD_EGLM_TWS", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_L_STD_HOLO", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_L_STD_Mk4CQT", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Sa58P_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Sa58V_CCO_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Sa58V_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Sa58V_RCO_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Sa61_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["UZI_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["UZI_SD_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["glock17_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["revolver_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["revolver_gold_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M110_NVG_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M110_TWS_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M24_des_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SCAR_H_STD_TWS_SD", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SVD_NSPU_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["SVD_des_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["M107_TWS_EP1", _amount_weapons]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["Dragon_EP1", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["6Rnd_HE_M203", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["6Rnd_FlareWhite_M203", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["6Rnd_FlareGreen_M203", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["6Rnd_FlareRed_M203", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["6Rnd_FlareYellow_M203", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["6Rnd_Smoke_M203", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["6Rnd_SmokeRed_M203", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["6Rnd_SmokeGreen_M203", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["6Rnd_SmokeYellow_M203", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["MAAWS_HEAT", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["MAAWS_HEDP", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["20Rnd_B_765x17_Ball", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["10Rnd_B_765x17_Ball", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_9x19_UZI", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_9x19_UZI_SD", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["17Rnd_9x19_glock17", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["6Rnd_45ACP", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["10x_303", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x51_B_SCAR", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["20Rnd_762x51_SB_SCAR", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["30Rnd_762x39_SA58", _amount_magazines]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_AS50_scoped", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_AS50_TWS", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_L110A1_Aim", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_L7A2_GPMG", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_ACOG", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_SUSAT", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_L85A2_UGL_ACOG", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_L85A2_UGL_Holo", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_L85A2_UGL_SUSAT", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_L86A2_ACOG", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_LRR_scoped", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_LRR_scoped_W", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["BAF_NLAW_Launcher", _amount_launchers]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["BAF_ied_v1", _amount_explosive]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["BAF_ied_v2", _amount_explosive]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["BAF_ied_v3", _amount_explosive]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["BAF_ied_v4", _amount_explosive]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["BAF_L109A1_HE", _amount_throw]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["5Rnd_127x99_AS50", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["5Rnd_86x70_L115A1", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["200Rnd_556x45_L110A1", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["NLAW", _amount_rockets]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["AA12_PMC", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["PMC_AS50_TWS", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["PMC_AS50_scoped", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["m8_tws_sd", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["m8_tws", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["m8_holo_sd", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["m8_compact_pmc", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["m8_carbine_pmc", _amount_weapons]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["20Rnd_B_AA12_74Slug", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["20Rnd_B_AA12_Pellets", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["20Rnd_B_AA12_HE", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["8Rnd_B_Saiga12_Pellets", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["PMC_ied_v1", _amount_explosive]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["PMC_ied_v2", _amount_explosive]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["PMC_ied_v3", _amount_explosive]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["PMC_ied_v4", _amount_explosive]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["CZ805_A1_ACR", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["CZ805_A1_GL_ACR", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["CZ805_A2_ACR", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["CZ805_A2_SD_ACR", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["CZ805_B_GL_ACR", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["CZ_750_S1_ACR", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Evo_ACR", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["Evo_mrad_ACR", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["evo_sd_ACR", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["UK59_ACR", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["CZ_75_D_COMPACT", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["CZ_75_P_07_DUTY", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["CZ_75_SP_01_PHANTOM", _amount_weapons]; _box addweaponcargoGlobal ["CZ_75_SP_01_PHANTOM_SD", _amount_weapons]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["10Rnd_762X51_CZ750", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["20Rnd_9x19_EVO", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["20Rnd_9x19_EVOSD", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["10Rnd_9x19_Compact", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["15Rnd_9x19_M9", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["18Rnd_9x19_Phantom", _amount_magazines]; _box addmagazinecargoGlobal ["18Rnd_9x19_PhantomSD", _amount_magazines]; exit;
  16. Do Battlefield and other games suffer the same amount of hacking?
  17. How can you add (more) flares ("60Rnd_CMFlareMagazine_H_DLC1") to the Hind? I've tried many combinations with addmagazine and addmagazineturret. To be honest, I've never understood the thing with the turrets [0,1] etc...
  18. Is there a way to prevent players bringing in their own scripts? BIS might implement this in a future patch...
  19. The usual notepad has a line view. Check "status line" in "view"...
  20. roguetrooper

    Names above heads

    There is an easier way to display names. Not the arcadish above-head display, but the names show up when targetting the unit: Put a trigger on the map: * axis 0 - 0 * multiple activation * condition: !(isNull cursortarget) and (alive player) and (alive cursorTarget) and (cursorTarget iskindof "Man") and ((cursorTarget distance player) <= [color="#FF0000"][b]100[/b][/color]) and ((player knowsAbout cursorTarget) > [color="#FF0000"][b]0[/b][/color]) * on activation: txt=name cursorTarget; if !(isPlayer cursorTarget) then {txt="AI"}; ctext = format ["%1",txt]; 123 cutText [ctext,"plain down",0]; * on deactivation: 123 cuttext ["","plain",0]; You can change the red values to your taste. There should be a distance limit (this example: 100 metres) up to which the names are displayed, to have no names show up of units that are hundreds of metres away. This example displays "AI" instead of the unit's name when targetting an AI unit. You can also give further conditions of what names shall show up, such as only the names of the player's allies: ... and (side cursorTarget == side player) and...
  21. I hardly suppose anybody to read page 843... hmmm. Of course there are thousands of tests and comparisons of graphic cards out there. But since I'm mainly playing BIS games, I just thought to collect one or another opinion here. I'd like to replace the GRAPHIC CARD ONLY. 1680x1050 is the native resolution of my screen (actually I really don't see the reason why people more and more tend to sit in front of cinema canvas on their desks that can be measured in square metres). The price limit is ~300 €. I thought of something like a Radeon 7870. Is ATI vs Nvidia more than a fanboy question? I'd like to enjoy Arma II further on (on really high settings and viewdistance in Chernarus) and be prepared for Arma III. Current system: Windows 7 64bit Asus P67 Sabertooth Rev. Intel i7-2600 @3.4GHz Corsair 16MB DDR3-1600 SSD SATA 6GB/S Sapphire HD5770 Vapor-X 1MB @1680x1050
  22. roguetrooper

    Height Restrictions

    1. You could destroy the player or his aircraft. Place a trigger with * zero a axis and zero b axis * repeated * condition: ((position (vehicle player)) select 2) > XXX * activation: (vehicle player) setdamage 1; 2. You can push down the aircraft when it exceeds a certain height. Place a trigger with * zero a axis and zero b axis * repeated * condition: ((position (vehicle player)) select 2) > XXX * activation: (vehicle player) setpos [(position (vehicle player)) select 0, (position (vehicle player)) select 1, (position (vehicle player)) select 2)-20]; Replace XXX by your custom height. You may also want to include a warning hint that shows up before the altitude limit is reached: * zero a axis and zero b axis * repeated * condition: ((position (vehicle player)) select 2) > [color="#FF0000"]XXX[/color] * activation: 0 cuttext ["THE MAXIMUM ALTITUDE IS [color="#FF0000"]300[/color] METRES","plain down",0]; XXX might be "limit - 100" or "limit - 50" or whatever you think to be useful. Remind, when you fly over a mountain, your current altitude raises instantly to a much higher value from one second to the other when you have passed the mountain.
  23. Is there a way to check whether a unit's / the player's head is under water? It must work with ponds, not necessarily with the ocean. Unfortunately "surfaceiswater" does not work with ponds. Since you can't fire when you're diving, there must be a way to check this...
  24. roguetrooper

    Check if head under water?

    Thanks for the hint. But it does not work this way. The attached object does not alter its height, when the unit kneels or crouches. Further, object attachTo [player, [0,0,0], "hlava"]; does not work. I have used a red dummy sphere (which might the globally hideobject'ed later, because I think a helipad is always on the ground, no matter how high it is setpos'ed or attached) to have a visible object for testing purposes, but it does not attach to the head. Nevertheless [0,0,1.75] could be used (don't know right now whether the second or third coord is the hight in attachto). Checking for the animation/move stuff might be successful: _moves = configfile >> gettext ( configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof player >> "moves" ); _state = (_moves >> "Actions" >> gettext ( _moves >> "States" >> animationstate player >> "actions" ) >> "upDegree"); _number = getnumber _state; if ( ((position _unit select 2) < 0) and (_number in [1,2,...]) ) then { }; ----> loop or repeatable trigger or whatever Don't know the "_numbers" right now, but "_number" are the returned numbers for: [kneeling unarmed, crouching unarmed,kneeling with pistol, kneeling with rifle, kneeling with bazooka, crouching with pistol, crouching with rifle]..... I'm too lazy at the moment of posting this to dig further ;)
  25. roguetrooper

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I hope, the FULL version ACR infantry units can be setobjecttexure'ed.