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About Rogueci5

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  1. Rogueci5

    Question for the ArmA Community

    So is there any servers in Australian Time frames that have more than 2 people playing now guys? Last time I was on it was 200 servers with 100 people distrubited between 60 of them.
  2. Rogueci5

    Your arma multiplayer experiences

    I am a dedicated Multi Play person, love teh Co-Op in this game. Its sad because the game can support what 200 pplayers with Bots if memory serves, and it has been Moded to death. You find lots of servers with lots of players all over them just cant find one with what I call Multiplay 64 would be the standard number for todays games. Single player is GREAT love it, mthere is no real multiplay tho. tis sad.
  3. Rogueci5

    Arma has it lost or gained?

    Well Iconsider myself to be the Average Gamer. I play lots of games, BF, BF2, BF2142,NavyField, Ultima Online the list goes on. ArmA was Great but with all the confusion with patches, I wont buy MODs for games so QG is out and with so many free mods that you need thias you need that, and the fact that I wont install betas has me not played for months, even tho I still want to be playing Multi its just all too hard.
  4. Rogueci5

    BattlEye problems

    $able Thanks for that !!
  5. Rogueci5

    BattlEye problems

    $able may I ask as I have limited knowledge of these things. BattlEye needs to connect to that arma1.battleye server thingy kind of like PB and it checkes every once and a while? This server is located in the US? If so us Australian players who have frequent issues with US connections, will get a lot of failures to contact the master server? So in an Australian run Server with BE running and a ping of 50 to 60ms I may not be able to play? due to constant booting?
  6. Rogueci5

    1.09 servers

    So are you guys saying that the 1.09 patch will not be a complete patch when its released? As in its a beta now and then they will beta it again? I wont put a beta on my machine, no I am not afraid of teh word LOL but I am old and trust nothing and nobody!
  7. This is why I play Co-Op it tends to keep the rif-raf out.
  8. Rogueci5

    Idea: Rambo Buster

    Gee seems Free Choice is out these days. Wont be playing on these servers.
  9. Rogueci5

    Punk buster is rubbish period

    Do you get kicked if ZD Soft is launched before BF2? Fraps works fine, as long as it is launched before a game is launched. Must admint I didnt try that, it was late I will check iit out tonight And I cant wait to see the first law case around the argument that "My child Cheats at school because its ok to CHEAT on a computer game!! They (the pc game creaters) do not do anything about it!!! I am gonna sue EA for failure to protect my childs ......................and it goes on! Cant wait its bound to happen
  10. Rogueci5

    Punk buster is rubbish period

    I am playing BF2 dont ask me why maybe because there is no Australians playing on decent games this time of night LOL but I am. Any way I get TKed a couple of times by the same guy and so I swap sides, then hes hunting me down like he has Radar, so I think I will capture his butt on Video and guess what http://img525.imageshack.us/img525....MG] http://img341.imageshack.us/img341....MG] I start up an image cap program and I am then kicked, so I want to pop over and tell them, but no! you have to give your ISPs email well SHAG that, spam city, and dont say they dont. PB total CRAP
  11. Rogueci5

    Request for official CD Key/ Player ID registry

    YES please god YES
  12. Because this is NOT OPF This is Arma! Different game A whole new crowd of players started with this game, on a personal note, I could not stand OPF Multiplay, made me want to hang myself. I love Arma Multiplay
  13. Rogueci5

    What ArmA Needs

    Congrats on the kiddo! Got two myself and boy do they eat all your spare time. huhu, grats! Same here, 1 elder 2 1/2 years old, + 2 newborn twins not even 2 months. Not much time for ourselves Congrats on the kids!! Get used to the no time part, I just got my life back 21 and 18 yrs old mine are and both out of the house
  14. Rogueci5

    Do the Mission makers take requests?

    Thanks for the help guys