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About RaymondLu

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. RaymondLu

    How to remove crosshair??

    ok, i got it. open D:\Fun\ArmA\@XAM1.4L\dta\bin\CfgDifficulties.hpp there are " weaponCusor={0,1} " in both class Regular and verteran sectors. i change the one in regular to {1,1} repbo done.
  2. xam mod is a good one, real sound, nice UI, but i dont think making the crosshair invisible is a good idea.. i want 2 know how they remove the crosshair, then i can get it back. i'll do that just for myself, i wont distribute that modified mod.
  3. RaymondLu

    help with triggers.

    use the synchronizer. put a "move" waypoint for those 8 boys by the chopper, then a "GET IN NEAREST" waypoint, and then an "UNLOAD" waypoint at the destination, put a trigger "east not present" (suppose ur blue) to cover all enemies, press F5 to select "synchronizer", click the trigger and drag it to the "MOVE" previously set, (NOT "GETIN" waypoint). this way, once all east troops are eliminated, ur boys will automatically board that chopper. if you want to manually give an order to tell ur boyz to get in, replace the trigger "east not present" with the one below: radio alpha(bravo,charlie...), no repeat(once).once ur done ur sniping job, press 0-0-1(1 for radio alpah, 2 for bravo..etc)
  4. hi Goldline, you can try this in the aircraft's init field, type this addEventHandler["GETIN",{if(typeOf (_this select 2) != "SoldierWPilot")then{_this select 2 action["eject",_this select 0]}}] only west side pilot can fly it , if you want to limit it to east pilot, change "SoldierWPilot" to "SoldierEPilot" i haven't try this script ,but it should work.
  5. have u tried this? civilian setFriend [east, 0]
  6. RaymondLu

    why don't infantry shoot at helicopters?

    AI is still AI. we can't expect that much.
  7. RaymondLu

    why don't infantry shoot at helicopters?

    they don't shoot even they are a large troop or the chopper is unarmed. this is just ridiculous. there are so many AI bugs in this game and some of them are so obvious(like path-finding, bridge-crossing...) but no much improvement have been made.
  8. only AA soldiers and machinegunners fire at choppers, the others just run and hide, even the chopper is flying low and slow,or hovering. how could they let such a big bird stay that way?
  9. RaymondLu

    Heli Flying Straight

    suppose helo setBehaviour "careless" "safe" "aware" "combat" "stealth" helo setCombatMode "BLUE" "RED" "BLUE" means hold fire, disengage
  10. i put an H(invisible) named h_boat in the water, then script: "Smallboat" createVehicle position h_boat. preview it, then the game crashed to the desktop..
  11. all AI in the mission suddenly halt, no matter what happen they just don't response.. i didn't use any scripting functions like "enableAI",,how this happen?
  12. RaymondLu

    Couple of Questions

    1. _unit action["eject",_vehicle] 2. _shilka dofire (( position _shilka) nearobjects["AV8B",1500] select 0) 3. you need a laser designator. 5. things like IED?haha trigger, blue present on Act : "Sh_122_HE" createVehicle position (thislist select 0) Sh_122_HE is ammo for east artillery D30
  13. I've tried "nearObjects", it works well. thanks fasad. Â here's my script: ;laser.sqs _unit = _this select 0 #LOOP1 _tpos = position ((position _unit nearObjects ["LaserTarget", 300]) select 0) _x=_tpos select 0 _y=_tpos select 1 _tmp="HeliEmpty" createVehicle _tpos _dist = _unit distance _tmp _str = "Coordinate:["+str(_x)+","+str(_y)+"]\nDistance:"+str(_dist) titleText[_str,"plain down"] ~3 "Sh_122_HE" createVehicle _tpos goto "LOOP1" exit the arty fire would never stop
  14. can i use the script below to get the targetted coordinate? _pos1=position ( nearestObject[player,"laserTarget"])