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Everything posted by Rivers

  1. First of all I have read the previous discussions, I have downloaded and tested scripts about artillery, but it hasn`t done what I had expected to be done. My wish is for a certain unit, in this case mortar or cannon (I have this ww2 stuff) to simply shell a certain area. The best I can achieve is that for example my mortar fires using command mortar dofire enemy. It only works when my mortar actually sees the target. So my aim is that my mortar can shell the area I want from distance without seeing it. In this case the dofire command doesn`t work properly. I`m sure it can be achieved, but the scripts I have checked use different methods. I hope you understood my issue.
  2. Rivers


    OMG It works Thank you so much. The trouble was with the magazien name...I thought it was FGLak 36, while actually it wasn`t Thnx a lot, you really helped me a lot. The only thing is they shoot a bit too close. Just about halfway where I want. I suppose I have to edit the height now, right? I found the prob: There were some mountains in front of my cannons. Now I will try with mortars Thnx a lot. More or less it all works liek I want it to be working...
  3. Rivers


    Do I need to edit anything else in the script, or just adapt the height? They refuse to shoot, so I have to adapt the height, right? The cannon turns to the palce where they should shoot, but no shot is fired...I guess it`s height which makes them not to shoot, right?
  4. Rivers


    So I can also make it possible for different conditions dor them to fire? LIke using radio, or when I enter area etc..? I`ll try and give feedback
  5. Well, now i have got an idea. MY idea is that i make something similar like in sector control ( MP mission). 1)On my map i should have markers appear when town controlled by me in green, when east -red, and when nobody or fights lets say unknown marker. Well, i have made it that far that when west goes in trigger appears green flag, when east red, but those are 2 different markers and one of them is on top of another. So there needs to be a better script i think. 2) When i write markername setmarkertype "flag" flag doesnt show, but shows objective marker. Thats annoying, perhaps it bug in game or need to reinstall? I hope i have explained this right and you understand what i mean. Perhaps there is a tutorial for this thing, but i have searched this forum and just the "markername" setmarkertype "flag" script appeared. Rivers
  6. thnx a lot. This really helps. BTW, is it possible to make an solid or grid type marker to appear when something happens, like with icon type markers?
  7. perhaps i have explained it too strange. Biggest issue is that when i write setmarkertype it shows "objective" marker.Thats not what i want to be shown on a base. The other question may be: How to make not icons to show up when trigger activated from empty, but how to make solid marker (Rectangle with red or green stripes) to show up when something happens I think now the questions are easier to understand.
  8. Hello. I am making a mission where some guys need to jump out of UH60-MG helicopter, and go to town and fight... They all jump out of helicopter, so far all goes smooth. But then leader doesnt order to go to the town, but he orders to get in helicopter. This group isnt connected with helicopter, and I made that they start mission already inside helicoper with unit moveincargo heli. T hey jump out helicopter with help of trigger unit action["EJECT",heli] SO where could be the problem? I guess it might be something with assign/unassign vehicle Cant figure it out. I hope someone can help me. Rivers
  9. yep, the unassign vehicle worked. Silly me, forgot to check Uber tutorial, there it was. Tnx anyway
  10. A lot thanks. I forgot about load/ unload waypoints.
  11. Hello. I have 1 prob in my mission.(Test version). Jeep waits and doesnt drive to next waypoint until a soldier gets in. SO far its normal( I dont control that soldier). When jeep comes to waypoint, it wont move to next until soldier will get out. But the problem is that soldier is not getting out of that jeep. SOldier has waypoint get in jeep,(Not as driver) and then get out, but this doesnt work well with get out. Any simple way to make that doldier leave jeep?
  12. hello everyone. Maybe this isnt right forum where to post this,but i cant see other place to do. I have idea to change face of me in game.not only those which are in options,but my own face.Is this possible to do? SO in my own missions i will have my own face? Sorry if this is asked,i didnt find...
  13. Rivers

    I have idea....

    Very big thanks.Now i am avaible to do face like i want
  14. Rivers

    Street lamps

    thanks,that editor update is great.Its best i have ever had.Thnx,and lightds wokrs too.Now i am reading tutorial to do a good mission.
  15. Rivers

    Street lamps

    thanx,i will try this editor. If it works or not i will reply anyway....
  16. Rivers

    Street lamps

    i tried.It worked on streetlampweiB with yellow. bUt on streetlampRES1,streetamp RES2 and streetampRES3 it didnt worked. Well that yellow shows light anyway its better than dark,but i am wondering why thos other 3 streetlapms doenst work Thnx for this
  17. Rivers

    Street lamps

    i will try that,thnx
  18. Rivers

    Street lamps

    Hello ppl. I have searched lots of things about streetlamps,tried many ways but still they doesnt work for me.I think only once o get light,but it wasnt on top of street lamp,and that light wasnt like on lights which are on original streetlight(not which i placed). Most times Editor Crashes to desktop.I have editor update dont remember which where are 5 different streetlamps. Any tips would be great,because this topic and others havent solved my problem:( Rivers