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Everything posted by rellikki

  1. rellikki

    KSK Units

    Closing thread. Please continue the discussion in the new release thread.
  2. Yes, but with an underscore before 'this', like this: _unit = _this select 0
  3. Try this: {[_x] exec "myscript.sqs"} forEach thisList
  4. rellikki


    Are you doing a single mission or a campaign mission? The weapon pool commands only work in campaigns, so that's mot likely the reason why it doesn't work for you, even though you seemed to be doing everything right.
  5. rellikki

    Nikiller's scripts pack

    Just wondering, why shouldn't I use it on triggers activated repeatedly? Didn't notice anything harmful in it.
  6. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    Obmar has passed away in a motorcycle accident, so he won't be responding to anybody. Your best bet would be to ask from the original OFP mod crew.
  7. rellikki

    Mission requests and ideas

    Thanks a lot! Zulu1 always delivers. :)
  8. rellikki

    Mission requests and ideas

    Requesting the Band of Comrades co-op series for vanilla OFP.
  9. rellikki

    Funny/embarrasing/best moments in school?

    Too off-topic.
  10. rellikki

    An old FAQ thread?

    The thread might have been deleted during a cleanup of the board. But if your questions are like "how to put a flag on a flagpole", you can most likely find the answers in other threads too. Don't hesitate to ask either if you can't find the answer, there are a lot of helpful people in here.
  11. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    Does anyone know if there's a way to contact Sebastian Müller regarding his addons? All his e-mail addresses seem to be inactive.
  12. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    SJB weapons pack has some arctic camoed weapons.
  13. You need to have a constant script running in the mission checking the passed time. In init.sqs type the following: #loop ? time < 2 : goto "setface" ~1 goto "loop" #setface unit1 setFace "faceX" goto "loop" This would reset the selected face back to unit1 every time the mission is loaded. You need to do that to every unit.
  14. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    Discussing ECP Redux is banned here. All recent posts refering to the mod have been removed. More info here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1426776
  15. rellikki

    No MP servers?

    This forum is for Arma: CWA / OFP: Cold War Crisis only. Please head to the Codemasters' forums to discuss OFP: Dragon Rising.
  16. rellikki

    Cant Join or Host Online

    This forum is for Arma: CWA / OFP: Cold War Crisis only. Please head to the Codemasters' forums to discuss OFP: Dragon Rising.
  17. rellikki

    Veni Vidi Vici Mod (Romans and Barbarians)

    I'm concerned about the mod's multiplayer compatibility. Have you tested if the stroke "weapons" work in multiplayer? Personally I've never got the StrokeGun or Fist to work, the weapons won't just appear. It seems like stroke weapons added at the init of the mission via config or script won't work, but a weapon acquired after the beginning will do. In singleplayer they work just fine.
  18. rellikki

    OFPr.info / ofp.gamepark.cz

    A reminder: This thread is about OFPR.info in general, not to submit your news. Please contact the site staff personally for submissions.
  19. There is a command to check if the unit has a certain weapon, the hasWeapon-command, but how can I check if the unit has a certain type of magazine?
  20. rellikki

    Objective completed

    I'd also suggest to search the forum before posting. A lot of your questions have already been answered numerous times.
  21. rellikki

    Jetpack Addon - Project

    Thread closed on request.
  22. Can you upload it on a different host? I haven't been able to download it.
  23. rellikki

    Gun politics

    Decided to start a thread of its own. This thread is for gun politics including gun laws, regulations, gun related social issues, etc. For general gun discussion and to show off your own stuff, use the following thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=39341
  24. CWA is the latest, standalone upgrade for OFP. You can find more info here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma:_Cold_War_Assault
  25. Weird, because those are the default addons that come with the installation. You should try downloading CWA and install that instead, using the CD-key from your OFP copy.