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Everything posted by rellikki

  1. rellikki

    OFrP Release #FINAL

    Did you check OFPR.info? http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10571&newlang=eng http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10447&newlang=eng http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10388&newlang=eng
  2. rellikki

    Can't find the Resistance campaign

    Yes, it is possible. Make sure you run flashpointresistance.exe instead of operationflashpoint.exe and you'll have the most up-to-date version with the Resistance campaign.
  3. rellikki

    Have to insert DVD to play OA

    Usually BIS tend to remove the DVD dependancy after a few patches. Any sort of cracks might trigger the FADE in game, which you probably don't want to happen and isn't even permited here.
  4. rellikki

    Veni Vidi Vici Mod (Romans and Barbarians)

    Looks really impressive! This is probably too early to talk about, but have you planned to make some SP and MP missions along with these? I often feel like there are a lot of good addOns, but lack of missions to play with them.
  5. Please do not dig up old threads unless you have something significant to add.
  6. No need to post the same video several times.
  7. Why don't you ask in the Arma 2 boards?
  8. rellikki

    starting prone

    You could try this: player switchMove "lying" Doesn't work from the init field. You'll need to execute that from a trigger for example.
  9. rellikki

    Peculiar sound issue

    Sometimes the mission editor doesn't load the newly edited / added description.ext in the mission, so you should save your mission, quit the editor into the main menu, go back again and see if it works after that.
  10. rellikki

    Trouble with groups created with CfgGroup

    I've had the same problem a few times and I can recall a few things that did the trick. You should make sure that you have spelt the specified rank for the unit correctly and that they have the correct side too.
  11. rellikki

    Blank firing

    There used to be a script for MILES system on OFPEC, but now it's gone. Basicly it would make the guns seem non-lethal by setting the injured units' damage back to zero as they get hit, using the eventHandler "hit". If you've got the skills, you could try scripting something like that, or ask in OFPEC if they still had the script stored anywhere.
  12. rellikki

    Not sure if mission editing or models

    Please use the dedicated addOn request thread for questions like this in the future.
  13. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    As far as I know, the only custom laser designators for OFP are only modern ones like the AN-PEQ2 that guziczek101 mentioned. The latest FFUR mods also have one, though I'm not sure if it's the exact same by BAS or is it a different one. FFUR also has some new binoculars you might be interested in. Some OFrP addOn pack also came with new binoculars.
  14. rellikki

    Resistance becomes extremely difficult

    If it's really come to that you've only got two tanks left, then yeah, that's gonna be a little hard. I can only suggest you to revert to the earlier tank missions and try to save as many tanks as you can, which will be then transfered to the following missions as you continue.
  15. rellikki

    ANY quality sci-fi addons?

    Please use the dedicated addOn request thread for questions like this in the future.
  16. rellikki

    MWF MOD : Total conversion pack

    As per this announcement, I'm closing this thread until all the permissions are sorted out. Please read that thread for more information.
  17. rellikki

    The best total conversion.

    We already have a thread for this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=18565
  18. rellikki

    OA pbos

    What version are you using? I have Eliteness v.2.76 and DePBO DLL v.3.02 but I'm still unable to open the PBOs. I keep getting "unknown header type" error.
  19. It is possible by doing a custom dialog. One would need to replicate the hint box displayed with the hint command and there you have it. You can then just add your text and images there easily. But I hardly know anything about those. Try searching for OFP dialog maker, that might come in handy.
  20. rellikki

    Best infantry models?

    I guess this thread is the best to be closed. :rolleyes: The original poster removed his initial post anyway. Not only it would have been against the EULA but I don't think the original authors of the models would have been happy with that.
  21. rellikki

    Best infantry models?

    So wait, you want to know what are the best infantry models around, so you can sell them for your own personal gain?
  22. rellikki

    Custom Headgear?

    Are you sure it wasn't a Stetson that the NAPA commander is wearing? (Like in my avatar)
  23. rellikki


    Please use the dedicated addOn request thread for these kind of questions.
  24. Quoting from BIS Wiki: I tested it in editor and it is indeed so. The knowsAbout value will stay at the peak value 4, once the unit has spotted its target, even when the target goes hiding and there is no way the unit could know about him anymore. Why has it been done like this? Is it going to be fixed? The knowsAbout command worked fine in OFP - The value would decrease when the target goes too far away, or the unit loses its sight to him. I wanted to make a script which checks which one of a select few units knows the most about the player, but now it's not going to work. :(
  25. rellikki

    knowsAbout command broken?

    Thanks. I wasn't expecting any other way to do it, hence I posted it here in the troubleshooting section rather than the mission editing section. I will try to see if it works, but it looks a little more complicated. Though, I'm still wondering why did they change the knowsAbout command like that.