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Everything posted by rellikki

  1. Warning! Campaign spoilers.
  2. rellikki

    Config for Visitor map

    You don't need a special kind of config for Visitor islands. Any ordinary island config will do.
  3. Respawning isn't possible in single player. That was only added in ArmA. Or at least I think it would require some advanced scripting for that to work, but I haven't looked into it.
  4. This is probably the simplest way: First create a trigger, activated by Anybody. On the activation field type: base = thisList This will be the base to be conquered. Now create another trigger, activated repeadetly, with condition: (west countSide base) > (east countSide base) This will activate when the west presence is bigger than the east presence inside the trigger. On the activation field you could type the following so you know what's going on: hint "West has conquered the base" Now do the same for the east side. Create one more trigger, activated repeadetly, with condition: (west countSide base) < (east countSide base) And on the activation field: hint "East has conquered the base"
  5. rellikki

    De binarized MLOD BIS models download?

    OFP was released before ArmA. It makes it a prequel, not a sequel. Using the ArmA sample models in OFP is not allowed. Period.
  6. rellikki

    PMC AA-12 Shotgun sights.

    That's pretty much the case with any weapon sights in Arma 2. And I agree that it should be fixed. Looking through weapon sights doesn't look like that. They should be a little faded / transparent around the aiming point.
  7. rellikki

    realistic zombie mode

    Wrong place to post. Addon requests belong into the dedicated addon request thread. Anyway, check this out: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=94013 Closing thread.
  8. rellikki

    WW4 Modpack 2.1

    @ Addonis http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8292&newlang=eng
  9. rellikki

    Forced crosshair?

    Is there a way to make forced crosshair, so no matter if crosshairs have been disabled in the difficulty settings, it would always be on? It's nearly impossible to shoot guided missiles like Stinger with the crosshairs disabled, since you can't tell if you're locked on a target or not, so I wanted to force the crosshairs on for all guided missile weapons, just like they've been forced on for some aircraft too. I could swear there was a config definition for this, but I can't seem to find it.
  10. rellikki

    Forced crosshair?

    Yes, I'm aware of that, but it isn't 100% reliable. Sometimes the target wouldn't just lock... or maybe it was just bad luck. I don't think it's a guessing game like that in real life with guided missile weapons, so I'd much prefer to have the crosshairs on for them, if possible.
  11. Well, apparently that's the end of that. But it was a good effort, nevertheless. Remember people: You can always post your videos in the OFP videography thread too: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=36861
  12. rellikki

    OFP videography

    4qFM-au_bt8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qFM-au_bt8 2mYsTxvbaqU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mYsTxvbaqU 19FIIt5-vok JMbiSD-BChg 6e2_5W-aQgs
  13. rellikki

    Do you still play OFP?

    We already have such a thread. Please search before posting: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83514
  14. rellikki

    Forest Sweep [Simple but hard SP mission]

    The mission is missing briefing and overview. You really should add some. You can find many tutorials about making them on OFPEC Editors Depot. Anyway, onto the mission itself. In the first playthrough I got scared when we were walking quietly in the forest and out of nowhere a burst of a silenced automatic weapon killed my squad leader right in front of me. I took some cover behind a tree but wasn't enough to keep me alive. "Ghosts" indeed. It was hard to know what's going to happen without any intel or briefing. After a couple of more tries and some minutes I think I managed to kill the last of them, but the mission never ended, so I wasn't sure. I ran around the whole forest but couldn't run into any last loons and my squad leader was doing nothing, so I considered the mission accomplished. The mission was very basic but challenging. It was fun while it lasted. The mission appeared to be in an unfinished state though, so once you sort that out, it'll be perfect.
  15. rellikki

    Clueless about PSU's!!

    Questions like this belong into the dedicated PC discussion thread.
  16. Addon requests belong into the addon request thread.
  17. rellikki

    Real OFP islands.

    We've already had numerous of threads discussing the real world counterparts of the BIS islands. Please search before posting.
  18. rellikki

    WW4 Modpack 2.1

    They should. But in OFP, weapon's characteristics depend on it's magazine, not on the weapon itself. How about making the current M16 with full auto firing mode, so it can share magazines with the M4? There is a full auto version of M16A2 in real life (M16A3), so full auto M16A4 wouldn't be a bad idea in my opinion, especially when many other things aren't entirely accurate in the mod compared to real world variants. Could you consider that Sanctuary? :)
  19. rellikki


    It's here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=75962 Use the search function next time.
  20. rellikki

    Simple models?

    Well, your settings already seem so low that I don't believe any kind of addOn could improve your performance anyhow. It's gotta be about your hardware.
  21. rellikki

    Simple models?

    No, the higher the number, the better the performance. Your settings are fine as you listed above.
  22. rellikki

    Simple models?

    Go to Flashpoint preferences (FlashpointPreferences.exe in your OFP installation directory) -> Advanced -> Details and increase your Objects LOD setting. This will reduce the graphics quality significantly and should get the results you want. You should also increase the Frame rate setting and decrease the Visual quality setting in the game options. The 1st person view will never be changed though, it is fixed as it is. Not that it matters much, since everything else will have a lower quality after those settings. Note that the CTI missions have a lot of scripts running, so your low performance might not be about your graphics, but rather your processing power. But you can always give it a try.
  23. rellikki

    WW4 Modpack 2.1

    The bastions are always in a fixed alignment: http://rellikki.armaholic.eu/paska/bastion.jpg They should rather get aligned with the terrain level, just like the BIS sandbags do. Two more comparision pictures below: http://rellikki.armaholic.eu/paska/bastion1.jpg http://rellikki.armaholic.eu/paska/bastion2.jpg I used the longer bastion pieces in my pictures.
  24. You can replace the default models by editing the main config located in the bin folder. You'll need to unbinarize the config and edit the model paths of whichever units you want to replace under CfgVehicles and change them to new ones. Don't replace the original game config though! It is recommended to use mod folders: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/modfolders
  25. rellikki

    Need help making a mission

    A lot of those questions have already been answered before, if you bother to use the forum search function. Please search before posting. I can answer some of them though. You can make a group start inside a vehicle with the moveInCargo and assignAsCargo commands. There are a couple of FIA flags included in the BIS flags pack. To put them on a flag pole, use the following commands: For a colored FIA flag: flagpole setFlagTexture "\flags\FIA.jpg" For a black & white FIA flag: flagpole setFlagTexture "\flags\FIAblack.jpg" You can make civilians aid the resistance by simply grouping them into a resistance group. Drag a group line (F2) between the civilian and the resistance group leader, and he'll be in the team then. You can give the civilian weapons with addWeapon and addMagazine commands.