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Everything posted by Ra-cal

  1. Ra-cal

    Harrier sound mod for ArmA

    Nice job on that mate
  2. Ra-cal

    Armed Assault..

    As things stand at the moment, OFP is better in terms of gameplay and everything else bar graphics when you come to think of it. However original flashpoint 1985 used to be buggy and had very little functionality until the community started work and patches were released. It is going to take a while before Armed Assault is fully patched and the community is in full swing of creating new content. Then this game will live up to everything, we jus have to wait for it, and there's no need to worry
  3. Ra-cal

    NV Goggles...

    It could just be a head mount with a beret over the top....
  4. Ra-cal

    New fire texture addon

    Looks like a job well done, hope to see some more of your tweaks
  5. Ra-cal

    OFP videography

    Amazing vids Deano
  6. Ra-cal

    Enterable buildings?

    There are quite a few, not every single one ofcourse. Ill have a rough guess from what ive seen at 30-40% are enterable. They still have the resistance blocks of flats in new textures
  7. Ra-cal

    OnGoing War - Video

    Video is up on youtube if you dont want to download Here Thanks.
  8. Just to clarify the wheels on the AV8B are static and do not animate
  9. Ra-cal

    OnGoing War - Video

    They are just set positions that you have when you get in the boat, not firing positions
  10. Ra-cal


    Who are you to judge who has and who hasn't played CTF. I can guarentee you most of the people here have.
  11. Ra-cal

    Armed Assault is -AMAZING-

    /Agree 100% with Red's review i also agree with the people on about bugs It is quite buggy at the moment, and some stuff needs looking at, but when this game gets patched/updated and it has spread amongst the community. It will be one hell of a game, just like OFP
  12. Ra-cal


    In my opinion i think Armed Assault does suit all styles of gameplay, and you can still have a decent ctf or whatever sort of game you are after, the controls are different yes. But they do not feel slow or anything else for that matter. There a few things that are missing, such as the run and spray side strafe that OFP used to have, however this game aims for realism and i don't see that happening in the present day. Just because you cant perform a few crazy moves from OFP doesn't mean you can't have a nice CTF. i dont recall leaning in standard flashpoint 1985. So how about you creep up to a corner and lean out to get your camper rather than run round on a spray and pray. Be glad they still use EAX since thats what all the ctfers rely on, Knowing where your opponent is defeats the object by itself. I had a skim through this thread and saw someone talk about double tapping W to run, either they havn't got the game or have not learnt the controls. You can double tap shift to either run or walk by pressing W once. Same goes for leaning. double tap on either Q or E ~End Vent
  13. Ra-cal

    ArmA testing...

    System: CPU: Pentium® 4 CPU 3.20GHz ~HT MEM: 1GB DDR2 VID: Nvidia 7800GT 512mb PCI-E Settings: Quality Preference: Very High Visibility: 1200 Resolution: 1024x768x32 Advanced Settings: Terrain Detail: Very High Object Detail: Very High Texture Detail: Very High Shading Detail: Very High Post Process effects: High Anisotropic Filtering: Very High Shadow detail: Very High Antialiasing: Very High Blood: High Runs perfectly, up to 5000 VD too, after that fps drops to 25 and is not worth playing on, runs on 10k VD at about 15 - below.
  14. Ra-cal

    ArmA Photography

    Some raw screenies taken with Average Joe's posted specs. Enjoy
  15. Ra-cal

    First ARMA impressions

    All is not lost, patches are patches and they will slowly but surley cover every aspect which needs to be looked at, First impressions. Speechless, When the hole OFP community gets a hold of this game, things will only get better and better with time, just like flashpoint.
  16. Ra-cal

    Armed Assault videos

    Regarding the holding of the mounted gun in the blackhawk, why is there still no animation showing that the hands stick and move with the gun. If ArmA strives for realism as a combat sim then how am i going to feel immersed when my hands are locked infront of me, and a gun is operating itself so many inches away from my actual grasp. Before anyone replies to this i would like to point out that; 1. This should be hard coded into the game(unlikely patchable) 2. There is no reason for them not to hold the gun 3. Older games have used this as the most basic and essential animation. and lastly for 2/3 years of development i think it should have been a feature in this game. Sure theres bits here and there but i think this is quite important.
  17. Ra-cal

    Armed Assault videos

    Community will fix that sound problem im sure Â
  18. Ra-cal

    Armed Assault videos

    "Sorry, we have encountered an error. Details are below: This download would take you to a total downloaded amount of 1,022 MB, which is over your allowed limit of 1,000 MB You can upgrade your account to a FileFactory Premium account to increase you daily limit to 4,000 MB if you wish."
  19. Ra-cal

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    If you dont know already, then i may be considered to be bringing good news to people in the UK and maybe some elsewhere, I had a little chat with ODB-Mario about Amazon.de and asked him a few questions which i had no clue about finding, he started off by saying they dont deliver overseas. only books in this case, until i got him to look into it. He found out that they upgraded a while ago and now ship Software and the likes.  "<ODB_`Mazza`_Mario> Computer- und Videospiele sowie Software können nur in folgende Länder geliefert werden: Andorra, Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Finnland, Frankreich, Gibraltar, Griechenland, Großbritannien, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Niederlande, Österreich, Schweden und die Schweiz. <][THC][RaScal> i love the germans For those that have preordered from Amazon.de already know that you get a nice confirmation email, not one saying we dont deliver to UK. However i hope morphicon/amazon dont reject the offers, just for the sake of 505, which will sky rocket anyway.  *English help at Amazon.de* Hope this helps answer some questions, an i hope its in the right thread  Big thanks to Mario Â
  20. Ra-cal

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    Im not sure if its just me, but im getting no backblast smoke after firing an RPG or law. On a good note, this is a great mod cant wait for a fix