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Rebel Man

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Everything posted by Rebel Man

  1. Rebel Man


    Needer@: the small change like this will not make the community love it, I sggst you to add more things, Canadian terror wanna to advice you, so you must add many change on the config, just read agien what he says, that's will help you, and about the topic title, you must type something good, i'm sure that you will get good comments, and then you wanna release addon for every one have a fun, not for fameous things, you must go now and give it many things to your seals, for me m8, i can see any changes on the addon, really sorry about that. you also can play in the configs, just add many many changes, that's all. I hope you understand USMC Needer. and sorry for my bad english.
  2. Rebel Man


    You guys stop flaming and insulting , Soon the moderetor will close this topic and do many problems. NEEDER, Just explan what did you make?,so anyone understand what did you do, that's it.
  3. Rebel Man

    Iraqi Insurgent Pack

    Hello all. I want to know you guys reveciving the last update for the iraqi insurgent pack?. and who's still play OFP, I will compleat all my iraqi insurgent with every every thing, i will release it in some a few weeks, With pouches and new thing will be on, so every one will play my addon, and I will add some black units, so you can use the iraqi insurgent in every iraqi map you like. Thank all
  4. Rebel Man


    You can't do that, but if you can convert your models to 3ds that you can, and if you want to use it into ArmA, you just can import it from the 3ds useing the O2 .
  5. Rebel Man


    You can't do that, but if you can convert your models to 3ds that you can, and if you want to use it into ArmA, you just can import it from the 3ds useing the O2 .
  6. Rebel Man

    Radio Interview with DJFrogstar!

    Well thanks you jerryhoper to hear the djfrogstar voice. @djfrogstar: I wish the best of luck for you TCW mod .
  7. This is Island made by (Someone in BIS forums) for OFP with my help, And me tray to convert it to ArmA, And grow it up with many buildings model, Will post about it in next a few days: http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q319/Reblman/F.jpg (Over 100kb sorry) Picture taked from me, Operation Flashpoint useing FFUR\SLX 2007 Mod. Edit: (this addon out from IMW Mod)
  8. Rebel Man


    any pics? Wondering how your stuff has come along? more the merrier lol, I'm now start learning the 3d studio max, I didn't find who's teach me yet for this program, So I take to traning from the NET, And ASAP you will see some shots .
  9. Rebel Man


    I work on iraqi insurgents for IMW (Iraq modern warfare) MOD, I didn't finish it yet, but very soon .
  10. Rebel Man

    Best SoundMod..!

    For me I will say Chammy  , Good firefight sounds ever.
  11. Rebel Man


    Use the FFUR\SLX2007 .
  12. Rebel Man

    Armed Assault videos

    Very interesting work Good work m8, but the arabic speak don't match when they talking on the shillka , anyway Great work .
  13. Rebel Man

    Armed Assault videos

    Hi All, I'm Starting now movie called "World Without War", now 20% Compleat, See you soon guys  . @Supershooter: Really Great Vedio , 5/5.
  14. Rebel Man

    Armed Assault videos

    Shoot a 6 or 4 bullets in the car, and you will know what the bug, all car go to be dirty.
  15. Rebel Man

    Armed Assault videos

    This my first vedio, But that vedio talk about bug in my ArmA  : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFMLb-5CCIk (Sorry for the qaulity or whatever ) Other good vedios soon  , Thanks.
  16. Hi all . OH-58 Kiowa Worrior, I'm was Importing this choper in a Weak ago, Finished and done everything. The Choper Also ready with every thing, its need to helping with the Cfg, Anyone like to send me Rebl man a PM. Note: That's old picture Thank you All .
  17. Rebel Man

    OH-58 For IMW Mod

    That's What I do for this OH58: 1- Add OH58.pbo, Then convert the model from odol to mlod. 2- Convert the outside texture for the OH58. 3- Open the PS, and Press "Ctrl+alt+U", Saturation 100, the lightness +70. 4- Check your OH58, Will be Black. Now, You can be Called "Stealer" in BIS forums because you do that, Thank you All.
  18. Rebel Man

    OH-58 For IMW Mod

    Edited  .
  19. Rebel Man

    OH-58 For IMW Mod

    Ohhh, Okay i'm didn't made it, I import it .
  20. Rebel Man

    OH-58 For IMW Mod

    Ive say "made it" Because pepole will know that i'm not stealer  , Also I don't like to do something bad, That's really make me angry, This is the BIS forum member just wanna see the true, I'm not lair, And also i'm desearve a Banned for any lie ive say, Here in BIS forum i feel UNrespect for this bad comments, Shame that for me, because i'm makeing addon for pepole desearve  .
  21. Rebel Man

    OH-58 For IMW Mod

    WOW GUYS . Why All angry like this, I'm Sure god this is my OH58, ive make it, and give it other fixes. 1- Yes, this is the same BIS Kiowa OH58. 2- this is isn't the BAS Choper, not also the textures too, Also this is the first time ive see the BAS OH58 Black in OFP. 3- Ive Used The PhotoShop on Changeing the BIS OH Coloer, That i'm didn't used the BAS Textures. I'm don't know What to do, I should Close this Topic , Its nearing the Spaming, Sorry for my Damn Work, It won't been Happen Agien .
  22. Rebel Man

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Can you Please Change the Topic Description for this therad: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=65578 Its "Helping with Config.cpp" Can you make it "Need a Config maker" , Thank you.
  23. Rebel Man

    Arma's Patch

    Hi guys  . Didn't Install any patchs yet. http://www.armedassault.info/index.p....temid=2 What patch should i download, I'm Have the 505 Version. Europe or the International ? Thank you.
  24. Rebel Man

    Arma's Patch

    Thank you m8, i'm also downloading the European . But he's Very Slow 30 mins 5% , don't know how to do. Thank you .
  25. Hi Chammy  . I'm also wanna to test you sounds in OFP & Arma, Good luck .