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Everything posted by Robalo

  1. Robalo

    ASR AI 3

    1 for subsonic, 16 for 50cal, 8 for calibers in betwen.
  2. Robalo

    ASR AI 3

    New version in first post. Changes 0.9.23 - AI got new hearing implants so they can now detect gunshots better - ammo audibleFire tweaks (lower overall, subsonic a lot less detectable) - reduced aimingSpeed slightly (AI coming around the corner shooting at you are less ninja) - updated RHS muzzle classes for throwing smoke support - civilians were told to stop looting
  3. Robalo

    ASR AI 3

    Well it's the same as it was for AGM, the matter has been discussed before. For the hearing issue, I increased some AI values in ammo config and it happens they used the same values to create a player effect. Good news (I hope): I'm re-adding the scripted solution for AI hearing aids because the pure-config solution is not satisfactory. Will also tweak the audiblefire parameters back to vanilla-like values so the ACE hearing conflict will be solved. Update inbound (soon). About ACE having it's own AI configs: yes it's compatible in the sense that nothing will break, but since they change some AI configs that I also change in this mod, obviously running the game with them combined will be different. So it's up to you whether you want to experiment with that. My personal preference would be to remove the ACE AI addon.
  4. Robalo

    ASR AI 3

    I can reproduce it myself so no need. It's vanilla behavior and I tried to explain above. Since I can't go too crazy with bullet danger radius in config, the only solution I see is to reintroduce the scripted hearing aids for AI.
  5. Robalo

    ArmA III Ballistics Overhaul

    My plan for JAM is to do ammo and magazine classes for reference barrels only (eg. 20" for 5.56, 24" for .308 etc.). Then we can play with negative initSpeed coefficients in weapon configs to adjust the muzzle velocity per weapon specs. What do you think ? Will this work or will the resulting ballistics for weapons defined this way stray away too far from realistic ? Otherwise having ammo and magazines defined for various barrel lengths would become a config nightmare to maintain and I'd like to avoid that.
  6. Robalo

    ASR AI 3

    If it's not creating any issues then I guess it works :) I have some work done for 0.3.7 but not finished and the way I'm finding time for it they'll release another right after I finish my config. ---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:04 ---------- Was that with vanilla weapons and ammo ? Since dangerRadiusBulletClose was available I switched to tweaking that at config level to increase detection/awareness and removed the fired event handler which used a variable reveal. The new method is way more efficient performance wise but the radius is smaller (100m in ASR_AI - was 4-8m in vanilla). The downside comes from the fact that you can config how audible/detectable is the ammo, not the weapon. Fire a loud weapon in vanilla with subsonic ammo - it's loud but unless you hit somewhere near the AI they will be oblivious.
  7. Robalo

    Mag Repack

    Hi Outlawled, What licence is this mod released under ? Are you still maintaining it ? Thanks,
  8. Robalo

    ASR AI 3

    RHS config is outdated anyway (was done for 0.3.6), not sure about CAF one.
  9. Robalo

    ASR AI 3

    Have you read the instructions in first post ?
  10. Robalo

    ASDG Joint Rails

    There are lots of AI related properties in cfgAmmo which I will try to avoid touching here and instead inherit from vanilla superclasses so they can be modded elsewhere: audibleFire visibleFire dangerRadiusBulletClose dangerRadiusHit suppressionRadiusBulletClose suppressionRadiusHit JAM will be separate from JR ---------- Post added at 13:59 ---------- Previous post was at 13:58 ---------- Hmm, no, that would defeat the consistency purpose of this addon.
  11. Robalo

    ASDG Joint Rails

    Way ahead of you, check github sources :) Be advised I don't plan messing with AI related values inside JAM, sticking to ballistics and inheriting other things.
  12. Robalo

    Advanced Ballistics (WIP)

    Noticed how ACE3 and AB 3.5 use very different numbers for the same parameters: AB 3.5 class arifle_MXM_F: arifle_MX_Base_F { ACE_barrelTwist = 9; ACE_barrelLength = 18; }; ACE3 class arifle_MXM_F: arifle_MX_Base_F { ACE_barrelTwist=228.6; ACE_barrelLength=457.2; }; I assume you switched to metric system for ACE. Will you please update AB so that we can have ammo parameters compatible with both mods ? Thanks!
  13. Robalo

    ArmA III Ballistics Overhaul

    Thanks ! Here's some work in progress based on your data: https://github.com/robalo/mods/blob/master/asdg_jam/config.cpp
  14. Robalo

    ASDG Joint Rails

    Anyone, non-1tbsers are welcome too :))
  15. Robalo

    ASDG Joint Rails

    Added config skeleton: https://github.com/robalo/mods/blob/master/asdg_jam/config.cpp Feel free to contribute config data.
  16. Robalo

    ASDG Joint Rails

  17. Robalo

    ASDG Joint Rails

    Yeah, it would be a lot more to it than just magazineGroups. First post updated with slot class named and expanded config examples. Also, JR 0.16 is now available: Changes ----------- 0.16 - added CfgPatches class asdg_jointmuzzles for backward compatibility with older mods which require this - added muzzle_snds_H_MG and muzzle_snds_H_SW as compatible devices for the asdg_MuzzleSlot_762MG slot
  18. Robalo

    ASDG Joint Rails

    It just never worked.
  19. Robalo

    ASDG Joint Rails

    Good idea, will do. This is something I'd maintain at config level, provided I get the values handed over by someone who has done the research already. I could put provided data into CfgAmmo and CfgMagazines classes and define magazine group names (do they work already ?).
  20. Robalo

    ASDG Joint Rails

    That is strange, even if VTN does not have JR support it should not change how JR compatible weapons and mods work.
  21. Robalo

    ASDG Joint Rails

    Please elaborate.
  22. Robalo

    ASDG Joint Rails

    Just tested in arsenal and works fine (mod list below), must be something on your end. Remove any old files and update to latest versions. 20:25:56 name | modDir | default | origin | hash | hashShort | fullPath 20:25:56 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20:25:56 RHS: United States Forces | @RHS_USF3 | false | GAME DIR | 0d915aafa39ce9b404b309cdc01a4a9565e5ee95 | 2562fd9f | D:\Games\A3MODS\@RHS_USF3 20:25:56 RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation | @RHS_AFRF3 | false | GAME DIR | ac0ef66d8a35f70a2f39df8476d1659b9c32ab8f | 15d58766 | D:\Games\A3MODS\@RHS_AFRF3 20:25:56 @fhq_accessories | @fhq_accessories | false | GAME DIR | dbe7f3f2f59a4c1a8a7bd4e42473cd56511bfc49 | f121be09 | D:\Games\A3MODS\@fhq_accessories 20:25:56 @asdg_jr | @asdg_jr | false | GAME DIR | 2d8798b2c693898deb29b1384709c0fce414e514 | 3c655a45 | D:\Games\A3MODS\@asdg_jr 20:25:56 Arma 3 DLC Bundle | dlcbundle | true | NOT FOUND | | | 20:25:56 Arma 3 Marksmen | mark | true | GAME DIR | 6dd39c5107ca313a7532333ecc26c1b57211bb2b | 29cd1833 | D:\Games\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\mark 20:25:56 Arma 3 Helicopters | heli | true | GAME DIR | 7c11a2536045433486d788011197e174644922d8 | ce993be6 | D:\Games\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\heli 20:25:56 Arma 3 Karts | kart | true | GAME DIR | c0c8a3c29bec719ef5244616e5514a1fda9b1d37 | 993f3073 | D:\Games\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\kart 20:25:56 Arma 3 Zeus | curator | true | GAME DIR | 5ea3160ee79b92b03f96e3bf483fb823c3bdd8da | fad5d129 | D:\Games\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\curator 20:25:56 Arma 3 | A3 | true | NOT FOUND | | | 20:25:56 ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================
  23. Robalo

    ASDG Joint Rails

    What exactly isn't working ?
  24. In this case correct slots would be "asdg_OpticRail_G3ka4" and "asdg_FrontSideRail_G3ka4" (not CowsSlot and PointerSlot).
  25. Robalo

    ASR AI 3

    It's a dedicated machine, quad core Xeon E3-1230 @3.3 (8 threads). We are also running on it TS3 and a Linux VM for hosting the mods.