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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. Reddy

    Multiplayer Questions

    1. thats not a problem to do that with a scripts 2. as many modes as people can create 3. limited buy map settings and connection possibilities 4. what do you mean? write demos? i think it's impossible. But it is possible to place in spectator slot and make a video
  2. Reddy

    Anti-Cheat in ArmA

    all anticheats will be hacked the better solution is auto-screen utility, which would send pictures to server with IP, ID, nick logs
  3. Reddy

    William Porter's Blog

    i think he is already dead
  4. Reddy

    Lets have a closer look.

    i thought it is a hole in leafage
  5. Reddy

    Kill yourself!

    What about it? In ofp we should fire down some times under your feet. If that bug got fixed, what should we do in AA? That would be great to have some bind as "suicide" and smash head out with bullet
  6. Reddy

    Kill yourself!

    You reflect so simply and linear Situations: - you play CTI and your base is being attacked. What are you doing in OFP? You begin shooting earth to respawn on base - you play C&H map and tank has respawned, you have to get in that, but you are deep in a forest far from respawn. Guess what do you do... - you play CTF map, enemy flanked you and you have info they are going to take your flag, you need to defend it but you are far from respawn. You shoot the earth again... I cant describe the whole list of situations, because ofp maps are so different, and in theory number of game types is infinitness. I dont want to have an action in menu, I want to have a special button. Now you ask why should it be an animation. I answered you before, because it must pass some seconds before sui is committed, because maybe player do it not to be killed by enemy. And enemy must see that player is going to kill himself but not pointing his gun at him
  7. Reddy

    Kill yourself!

    That option could have a switch to mapmaker make a decide. Some people are agreed with me, so dont blame my thread in stupidity
  8. Reddy

    Kill yourself!

    I said there are many games having suicide option, i didnt said that games have suicide animations. But that could be a problem when you point your big gun at reloading enemy and he pushes button with bind: "\kill" and dies before you hit a trigger. Suicide should be commited after some seconds, and that time should be used for playing suicide anim (what else you think should it be?) OK big guy with dangerous shaking finger, sorry.
  9. Reddy

    Kill yourself!

    PartizanasLT most of pop games have suicide. So in that case when you say " developers would have to put an +18" i think you are stupid and your opinion is BS. Best regards
  10. Reddy

    Kill yourself!

    Frantic, every bullet fired into the ground doing you damage. Its not bouncing, it's a bug. Bullet as a shell has explosion radius. It's small but that's not right i guess. It would be more realistic if you can shoot yourself by your own weapon
  11. Reddy

    Kill yourself!

    goes what?
  12. Reddy

    Kill yourself!

    sometimes it happens you need to die in ofp to respawn and go on
  13. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Stendac, it's rather stupid to think that BIS could cut off some part of players. Everyone loves money. More players - more money, you think they do care about heap of ofp fans? Dont make me laugh, the first purpose is to sell as much copies as they can. What do you why they do this:
  14. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    3-4 months to wait, crazy bananas
  15. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    meyamoti listen buddy, all we know what BIS updated in OFP for now. Updated multiplayer + updated engine. We cant see updated MP from this video, neither updated engine. Good'ol anims, gameplay, physics. And, some advice - calling someone fool doesnt make you cleverer
  16. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    i still see ofp
  17. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    i agree, BIS do your best please
  18. i will burn first disc with CWC, i will smash RH with hammer and i will do nothing with resistance cuz i dont have one, i have virtual only so i will delete it. I should do that earlier cuz discs are totally scratched and useless Come on, say goodbye OFP
  19. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    you did your best posting this here
  20. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    why won't we have about 5 SKs and 59 cops then with that new multiplayer code?
  21. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I meant i dont want to make you insults Oh you play it for whole 5 years! Great! But can i ask you? How do you play OFP for 5 years if "WORLD RELEASE DATE: June 22, 2001"? All right here, i guess you've made some mistake with calculations or something. I play it since 2001 too. What my statements tell you? About OFP? I thought i've been talking about arma here.
  22. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    We have a limited number of vehicles right now. No, of course we can place about a billion units on the map, but slideshow is not playable. CTI has vehicle limiting and it would be hard to play with more than 20 players in it too cause of beginning desync. So does the ability to play without any vehicle limit and with 64 players get you chance to play it in reality. All of us know that OFP can have low FPS at all computers we have today, so i'd be really happy if only that problem with optimization will be solved
  23. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    i think i know ofp better than you, no insults please. Please dont try to explain what OFP is. I said above, that for now we have screenshots only... oh yes and list of abilities. What about graphics it doesnt look too great by my look. Abilities havent expended too much as i think.
  24. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    you know, one detail - "2001". If OFP would be selled todays, i dont think it would have such success. So the general question is: did BIS updated OFP to 2005 year level. That's what i'm talking about