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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    aint you thinking WHY they aint having publisher? Maybe noone of'em doesnt count on success of the product? Just an assumption
  2. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    mmm i think u made mistake, maruk call preprocessfile {showscreenshots.sqf}
  3. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    what what? could you speak a bit louder? Â What can i say about game engine, having screens only. I try discuss what can i to discuss having facts that BIS gave us. I dont really care about graphics, i'm just sick of some game "features" as going through walls, AI stupidity, plane physics, undead parachuters and so on. We'll see will be it fixed or not. Of course i want it will be, but i dont hope so. call {ofp=0; {ofp=ofp+_x} foreach [physics, engine, MP, abilities, 0.5*graphics]}
  4. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    oh ye i saw "reworked lifilike animations", i posted my opininon about that yea i've read press release, also i've seen screens, i posted my opinion about that i'm capable to decide would i buy or wouldn't, you are right with that notice. And the most of you are only capable to scream how it will be great, i posted my opinion about that
  5. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    we have no another new better shit you know
  6. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Yeah i call ofp old and shitty but i do it lovely cause we all know there is no same game at the moment. Why am i trying to ruin your hopes? I care about you really. If you are expecting the best game in the world and get "same old shitty with dx9" it could make you unhappy. But if you are thinking the game will be as i said above, but BIS gives us the best game in the world - you will be happy for all 200% Â Really, i was soooo bored to read all this threads with begin "I think ArmA will be so great and perfect, omg i dont believe" and "I think ArmA will give us an ability of .......................................................................................... ..........................blablabla" Who asked about OFP:E? Yes you r right, i havent played. But tell me, where are shadows from tank and forest on screenshots. What's the difference between models from VBS1 and ArmA. You think water looks great? I think i saw that animation when the soldier goes stand in ofp about 5 years ago. And that animations of running. Looks like soldier has really hard problems with legs. But yes again i havent played OFP:E so i have no right to say about ArmA, sorry for i did that. Thank you all for replyes you made me smile, thats the general what i wanted from my posting. I'm not so young to be "weeeee kid" I wont call you anyone "idiot" "dumb***" or something, i understand ofp is part of you, i made you hurt with that words, and all in all i dont care what you think about me, you dont know me
  7. Reddy

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I think arma is same old shit ofp with directx9 support and grass all over the ground. Models, animations look not changed. You expect a miracle, you will got blured and grassed ofp-1 with same shitty water with new wave texture where you can dive to death for sure. Dont blame me if i ruin your last hope, i just like to do it
  8. Reddy

    Mission Editor

    that would be nice if we could write scripts and another text files without alttab. I mean ofp has to have an ability to edit text files insidely. It also would be nice to have integrated paa and ogg converters. Briefing editor. Description edititor. Menu-maker is very needed! It's so time taking to create complex menu in ofp via description.ext. And other tools. BIS please make editing more comfortable