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Everything posted by R3MF

  1. R3MF

    What will you take with you?

    BAS stuff UKForces DKM FDF 1982 Falklands
  2. R3MF

    time to standardise?

    i'd like to see open standards such as jam3 and cavs be adopted by mod-makers.
  3. R3MF

    Engine comparison

    i don't mind if the engine is only a tarted up OFP engine, because the most important part for me is complete compaitibility with OFP addons. There have been many good UK military addons by people like DKM and UKforces, but where have they ever been used...........? AA is a second chance for those excellent addons to actually be useful. can't wait R3MF
  4. God bless BIS. best game ever, set to get even better this winter. i knew there was a reason i had just upgraded my PC. oh, and happy birthday
  5. R3MF

    What do you play Ofp with?

    A64 3200+ s939 Shuttle SN25P (nForce4 Ultra) 2x 512MB PC3200 GF 6600GT 20" Widescreen (1680x1050)
  6. R3MF

    sound problem

    hi all, just built a new PC which works flawlessly on other games, but seems to have real problems with audio in OFP. most of the time i cannot hear voices, or even environmental effects, but every now and then the voice will fade back in perhaps due to camera panning. i have resistance and 1.96 all funky sound options (like EAX) disabled. Shuttle SN25P Via envy 24/96 onboard sound 6600GT A64 any ideas?
  7. R3MF

    New Engine

    will mods made for flashpoint work in this OFP 1.5 powered game?