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Everything posted by R3MF

  1. where did you find it, i have been everywhere!
  2. R3MF

    Manhatten Bug List

    if i have no uav or chopper, nothing but my guys and a rpg, and i have trawled the entire map unsuccessfully, how do i find the damned base so i can finish the mission? cheers
  3. R3MF


    Here are my two test results for Default settings and Play settings, all scores taken from the second run, and System settings listed below. Default: 1680x1050 All settings on NORMAL, except Post processing on LOW Anti-aliasing on LOW Test #1 = 28.7 Test #2 = 33.1 Test #3 = 25.9 Test #4 = 35.9 Test #5 = 20.6 Score = 2888.53 Play: 1920x1200 All settings on HIGH, except Post processing on LOW Anti-aliasing on NORMAL Test #1 = 17.6 Test #2 = 23.2 Test #3 = 19.3 Test #4 = 25.0 Test #5 = 14.8 Score = 1999.09 System: Vista 64 - SP1 nVidia 186.18 driver - SLI patch Arma II patch 1.02 (latest) C2Q 6700 @ 2.66GHz 4GB DDR2 800 nVidia 9800 GX2 Asus Xonar
  4. R3MF

    Manhatten Bug List

    any help appreciated....................
  5. R3MF

    Patch 1.03?

    I have the following hardware running a fully patched game on a fresh Vista 64 install: > 2.66GHz Intel C2Q > 4GB DDR2 800 > Nvidia 9800 GX2 > Asus Xonar At the following settings: > 1920x1200 > 1600m view distance > 4x AA > All settings on HIGH except post processing which is set to LOW and i estimate i get an average of 25 FPS, varying between 20 and 35 frames per second, which i find pretty playable.
  6. R3MF

    Manhatten Bug List

    are there any ammo crates for resupply in the base, cos i can't find any? i get a gun symbol when i approach a vehicle, but that only brings up my inventory and the take option is always greyed out. cheers for any assistance
  7. R3MF

    Grass on or off?

    keep grass. if i find myself on a no-grass server i will log-out, if only because i won't be turning grass off myself as i don't want to play op-flash v2.
  8. i'm having this problem too. i hear on the radio that that is a missile soldier that needs targetting, but i have never found the body to be able to pick up the rpg which would let me kill the shilka.
  9. R3MF

    bomb runs too easy

    sounds like a jdam to me.
  10. R3MF

    Patch 1.02 Stability Survey

    awesome game bis, thank you ever so much. runs fine with: C2Q 2.66GHz 4GB DDR2 800 9800 GX2 Asus Xonar sound card with settings a mix of high and ultra-high at 1920x1200
  11. R3MF

    last mission of royal flush

    bump.............. *hopeful*
  12. R3MF

    last mission of royal flush

    Yes, i have played through the Ramadi conflict in GQ, but cannot see where to access Royal Flush............? cheers
  13. R3MF

    last mission of royal flush

    where is royal flush? there is no sign of it in the campaign section, or in the mission section (tho there are some locked content missions).
  14. What do i do if i have no radio? This is bad bad bad mission design. Me an OpFlash fanatic of 5+ years, who is only just coming back to look at this expansion 10 months after i received it.
  15. R3MF

    will e-books ever take off?

    every year or so there is another attempt to launch the e-book market, as if it were new, and every year it fades into obscurity. i believe this is because books are perceived as the ultimate convenience, pick it at your leisure, leave it on the shelf, loan it to a friend, do whatever you like with it. this stands in stark contrast to the restrictive DRM to be found in encrypted e-book formats. well here is the latest attempt from sony and waterstones: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news....ck.html if you feel you would like to voice an opinion, comment under the linked article and make your voice heard. i would also like to hear your thoughts here. for myself, if i could buy e-books from amazon or waterstones in pdf format i would jump at the chance, but we need the big guns to change there tune and follow the music industry with unencrypted mp3 tracks.
  16. R3MF

    Project: UK Forces

    Congrats PUKF. I cannot wait to see these released and used in a full Brit Campaign.
  17. R3MF

    Political Change

    you're talking to an anachronism, i personally would have given up by this point.
  18. R3MF

    British teacher imprisoned for naming

    why, there is no islanmic consensus on whether it is ok or not ok to call an inanimate object mohammed. not all consider it idolatorus (sp?) What are you talking about? There is an absolutely clear consensus on it. It wasn't just an inanimate object, it was a depiction of an animal which is already forbidden by Islam. an article i read was quite clear on the matter, after interviewing various muslim groups/bodies around the world there was divided opinion on whether it was in idolatrous to name a teddy-bear Mohammed. Some groups think yes, other no, there is no inscription saying "thou shalt not name stuffed animal icons Mohammed", so it is a matter for interpretation. There is no consensus.
  19. R3MF

    Political Change

    Be careful getting into an argument with this guy R3MF. It is his sole purpose in life to trawl through internet forums pimping his commie views. Even when you counter one of his points he will reply in arrse covering double speak. Noted, my thanks to you.
  20. R3MF

    Political Change

    Near the top? In what way? Like when people freeze to death every winter because they can't pay their electricity bills? Unemployment? Is that good? we have the fifth biggest economy by GDP. the second highest level of absolute military spending. and a disproportionately large international influence for a small island nation. not too shabby.
  21. R3MF

    British teacher imprisoned for naming

    why, there is no islanmic consensus on whether it is ok or not ok to call an inanimate object mohammed. not all consider it idolatorus (sp?)
  22. R3MF

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    the rumoured G92 based GTS with all 128 SPU's enabled sounds like a winner to me. about time i replaced this 7950GT
  23. R3MF

    ET: Quake Wars demo

    ET:QW has me playing online at least an hour a day, which is a surprise to me because i don't normally play FPS online at all with the exception of Arma.