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Everything posted by rainbow

  1. rainbow


    Implementing ragdoll in MP is no problem, but the problem is synchronizing flying bodies (and their equipment) in one place. In BF2 physic works on the client side so a corps synchronizing does not exist. I don not know how about COD4, but I guess that there is synchronizng left weapons only.
  2. rainbow

    XAM 1.4 Light

    It's good idea. Any info about release?
  3. rainbow

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    Does someone know that have someone upload the video(s)? that have been mentioned in the preview?
  4. rainbow


    I think that Ragdoll would be implemented in SP mode only. For sychnronizing whole physic packets in multiplayer it's worthless. Presently ArmA got some problems with lag and desync in MP so just think how would it be if you had to load next parts of packets - just death. So I prefer ragdoll in SP only but in daily multiplayer world entertainment like humanVScomputer is going down on the farther plan and wasting time on it is completly nonsense.
  5. rainbow


  6. rainbow

    GameCam V2 increasing FPS ??

    As you wish http://www.planetgamecam.com/
  7. rainbow

    Best prog. for Screenshots.

    Always you can try X-fire. It's a some kind of game communicator with taking photos and recording videos. Ofcourse it's free. I also heard about 3rd party applications for graphic cards. I know Ati tray tools which can take photos but it's only for ATI graphic cards.
  8. rainbow

    Armed Assault videos

    Arma Magic Boxes, don't ask, just watch it!
  9. rainbow

    Vilas' addons

    Yea, the models of the highest quality. These AKS also look pretty nice. Look forward to play it. [ZresztÄ… sam dobrze o tym wiesz :P]
  10. rainbow

    Xam 1.4 released

    It's the same with 1440x900. I think the logo doesn't support widescreen.
  11. rainbow

    Vilas' addons

    Nice one Że tak powiem :P
  12. rainbow

    Xam 1.4 released

    I confirm, I have also noticed it.
  13. Hello! I create a mission and I have encountered the problem. I would like to rearm static MG and artillery when it is out of ammo. I got a trigger for this and it works fine only to the moment when this static weapon won't be revive (by respawn script). It's just a trigger with condition: !(someAmmo mg3) and on activation: mg3 addMagazine "50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM" It seems that the static weapon lost its name after revive. Has someone the idea how to do it?
  14. rainbow

    Changelog/Patch1.09 question

    It's not but what can we say? BIS still try to fix the game when it's around one year after release.
  15. rainbow

    QG United Sahrani

    In the fact main changes are noticed in north Sahrani. You can find a few new prison camps. TV station in the east part of Bagango. Some roads changes/added (mainly in forests' area) and other things.
  16. rainbow

    (co04) Mine Boss

    Another "light" mission for 4 players. Your goal are factories which are holded by RACS soldiers. You are one of four mercenaries. Good luck! Addons: Queen's Gambit ! Mine Boss v1 (armaholic mirror)
  17. rainbow

    Lowplants v1.1

    It really works. In forest I had before 19-20fps, now i've got 35-40fps
  18. Almost 7 moths ago I have released first version of "War on Rahmadi". I've decided to refresh my mission and rebuild it to the one of the best multiplayer mission. All scripts have been updated, I've also added and I've deleted a few scripts. In my mission you can find things which you won't find in any other missions. For example bridges between islands on Rahmadi, speeched commands of artillery, 100% dynamic patrols, multilanguages (presently english and polish) and great gameplay. Enjoy
  19. rainbow


    I have never used any Sound Mod
  20. rainbow


    Sorry but I don't know what is it - csmsound?
  21. rainbow


    (link updated in main post)
  22. rainbow


    Today new version of "War on Rahmadi" is available - BETA4. This is probably last version of this mission. All propositions and bugs please report here or on my PM. Enjoy (link updated in main post)
  23. Â Â "Operation Strong Splash" is a cooperative mission for 5 players. Your objective is the city of Tiberia. You have to clear the city from enemy units. Enjoy Mission uses a few scripts: *** BAS FRAMEWORK 1.0.3 *** Urban Patrol Script 1.8.2 *** Mine Field 1.4.1 *** Respawn Script by KaRRiLLioN *** Ammo script by Interal OSS v2 (rapidshare) OSS v2 (megashare) OSS v2 (filefront) OSS v2 (armaholic)
  24. rainbow

    ArmA 2

    GAME2 - R.I.P. the biggest game2 gallery: http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=25602