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Everything posted by rainbow

  1. rainbow

    Euphoria in ArmA 2

    How about MP sync? Buy GTA4 and test it online. I don't have any console so I can't anything about that. I have just seen IGN movie about GTA4 and there you can find some scenes from Online Playing. Physic there works brillant. http://xbox360.ign.com/dor....08.html
  2. rainbow

    SLX MOD public release

    then game loads.. and i knw it wasnt just me getting this a clan mate also did. Â @Matt Rochelle You have to download addon SLX Vehicles which is external, http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=news&id=704 Mainly SLX is a great mod. Anyway I got a few issues to your mod: * Slower weapons reloading is a bad idea. Pls. change to normal speed because presently reloading weapon looks stupid like one-man-slow-motion. * Slower M9 shooting animation is also useless. I propose to change to default. * Changed animation of throwing grenade is stupid too. Soldier hides his weapon back and then he throws grenade. It takes longer time than original ArmA. Pls. revert it to default. * "Safety Weapon_Name" in action menu is useless and it covers the screen. It's the same action as double click CTRL key. Similar thing about putting NV Goggles in action menu. Everyone knows it is N key. * Some problems with animations. Sometimes when I take pistol and crouch a soldier crouchs, he hides his weapon back and he takes it to the hands again. A bit strange but I hope it is able to fix. I have also had some problems with installing extra addons (CA and Weapons). During installation it is looking for CA.pbo or Weapons.pbo in my beta folder. I haven't got them there so I don't know why this installer is looking for them right there? Anyway, your mod is a great piece of work. You have probably spent a lot of time working on it. Just a few minors make scratches on this diamond. GJ!
  3. rainbow

    Armed Assault videos

    Very good movie! Especially the scene where the man is dragging the wound man. GJ!
  4. rainbow

    Advanced Combat Environment

    SuperB progress! I want to hear next week you'll reach 0.0251114% complete!
  5. rainbow

    Sigma Six Vehicle Pack

    Outstanding School bus like in Dexter Lab
  6. rainbow

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Last time I took a little intel about EiS. Illusion Softworks has been taken by 2K Games and they have been renamed on 2K Czech. 2K Czech works hard on Mafia2 and after it they are going to continue work on Moscow Rhapsody. Enemy in Sight was probably canceled for ever. Atari tore off the agreement with Illusion Softworks.
  7. rainbow


    I don't know why but the second photo reminded me old and still exciting screenshot. The same dust, climate and atmosphere...for my anyway. GJ and keep it up guys!
  8. rainbow

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    The last movie confirms new CTI by BIS in coming 1.12 patch.
  9. rainbow

    Advanced Combat Environment

    Do these screenshots show ACE units and effects? If so it is outstanding! It reminds me old flashpoint WGL's times...ahh...
  10. rainbow

    Armed Assault videos

    Both trini scourge and supershooter's movies are great GJ guys.
  11. Hello! I'm not good at doing configs and scripting but I would like to know if is here any possibility to hide action menu and fire mode bar? I know that it is connected with UI.pbo and some changes in the config of this file but I'm not good enough to find the way. THX for help.
  12. Yes, I have found it long time ago Anyway,thx for reply.
  13. rainbow

    Request Polish Community Support

    Very good samples Shinbusan! +1 for you!
  14. rainbow

    SLX Vehicles

    Mod is very good. Regarding these pictures, it reminds me very similar addon to OFP. Anyway, GJ and keep working
  15. rainbow

    New VBS2 features

    I would named it by one word: Game2
  16. rainbow

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    The same in ArmA
  17. rainbow

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    Hello people! I think these RHS units are really nice, one of the best on my favourite list. I got an annoying problem with RHS UAZ (I use Russian Vehicles Replacement Pack). Every time if I play Multiplayer Mission RHS UAZs are in the air (I mean more or less 3-4 meters above the terrain). Is it something wrong with addon or replacement config? Thx for any help.
  18. rainbow

    Armed Assault videos

    A little in-game movie which shows combined assault on Sakakah Al Jawf city with many community's addons. http://youtube.com/watch?v=WwNjMDIWd7g
  19. rainbow

    FFN config replacement

    I mean you (as a player) have got the same new moves like this AI on the movie (strafe left,right, move backward (in prone and crouch)).
  20. rainbow

    FFN config replacement

    This mod changes AI moves and yours too
  21. rainbow

    Sky Replacement

    It would be great if we could had Llauma or Husky Sky Pack to ARMA Anyway, nice work mate.
  22. rainbow

    XAM 1.4 Light

    What time is it going to be released?
  23. rainbow


    So here we go to the another discussion about jump. I think that jump is not necessary for ArmA but here suppose to be any "possibility" to go "through" the wall or the trench.