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RN Escobar

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Everything posted by RN Escobar

  1. RN Escobar

    at 250m my snipers shouldn't be losing to pkms

    if the AI are too hard for you turn their skill level down, or turn friendly skill level up, either way BIS do such a good job with their programming ,unlike many other game developers, that they actually allow u to control things like this in the game. check this entire thread devoted to the topic Whole thread about AI skill and try searching before posting
  2. RN Escobar

    What happened to Dive to Crouch?

    oh yeah i noticed this and thought it was just me, but i do remember sprinting and when i wanted to crouch i hit the ground first then got back up. i kinda liked that
  3. maybe your OC isn't that stable? with the ram pushed that hard u might find that u have corruption, and therefore instead of reading/writing to ram once it has to do it several times. if u have altered to patch 1.02 and altererd your CPU/Ram speed then that is hardly a scientifc approach, alter 1 thing at a time and then complain that 1.02 is worse on high end systems. if u change eveything at once how can u know what is the cause in the drop in performance? with a similar system except Mobo, i found that 1.02 improved performance, so it sounds like memmory to me, u could try using a bit more memmory voltage.
  4. RN Escobar

    Dedicated Server Beta available

    if u haven't found it yet check what its called in your game i.e. difficulties tab in options, change it and see what its written in your playerprofile, then just copy it out and across to your server profile looks something like this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Difficulties { class regular { class Flags { Armor=1; FriendlyTag=1; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; AutoSpot=1; Map=1; WeaponCursor=1; AutoGuideAT=1; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=1; Tracers=1; UltraAI=0; AutoAim=0; UnlimitedSaves=1; }; skillFriendly=0.750000; skillEnemy=0.600000; precisionFriendly=0.750000; precisionEnemy=0.600000; }; class veteran { class Flags { HUD=1; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=1; WeaponCursor=1; ClockIndicator=1; 3rdPersonView=0; Tracers=1; UltraAI=0; }; skillFriendly=0.850000; skillEnemy=0.850000; precisionFriendly=0.850000; precisionEnemy=0.850000; }; i would guess its the friendlytag and enemytag that u want to play with, don't forget u can set cadet and vet mode independantly p,s, did u find view distance? same file <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">viewDistance=1200; i should've realsied it would be in there
  5. RN Escobar

    Severe performance problems

    oh well nothing for it u best uninstall the game bye
  6. RN Escobar

    WOW huge performance boost!!!

    don't confuse unoptimised with the fact that trees are made up of vertices, your standard gfx card has pixel shaders and vertex shaders most games are pixel shader heavy so Nvidia and ATI rightly put more pixel shaders on their cards than vertex shaders, this is fine for most games, but when u hit a game made up of many vertices u have a problem. the same issue was seen in Oblivion, people could play the indoor sections fine, but when they went outside and entered a vertex haevy environment there frame rates plummeted. it isn't a bug with the game, its the way your card was designed i'm bored now of gathering info, but there u go, its all about shaders
  7. RN Escobar

    Demo dedicated

    right a 9550 taken direct from AMD/ATI website so u expect a card with 4 pixel shaders and 2 vertex shaders to cope with a game like this? wake up and smell the coffee
  8. RN Escobar

    Severe performance problems

    Some of our members had trouble with their aging systems and they did this u can also try this, also posted by one of our members if any of these help please let me know
  9. RN Escobar

    Demo dedicated

    its not poorly optimised, just 99% of peoples systems suck ass "this game wont run on my radeon AIW 7200 with a whole 64Mb of graphics ram, what a shit program" nah, shit gfx card is the trouble there i'm getting real bored of reading posts in this style, yes the game has some bugs, but your hardware barely scraping minimum spec aint a problem with the game
  10. RN Escobar

    Dedicated Server Beta available

    yes, i agree, seeing as this community relies on publically run server, instead of BIS owned pay2play server, you would think that they would offer a lil more support to the people that run the servers. we will see what happens in the next few weeks now that they have a wordwide demo relesaed and the 505 release not so far away. maybe we will get a few things sorted out, now they have some spare time (LOL)
  11. RN Escobar

    Demo dedicated

    nah 1500 will do it nice i spent a bit less than that and i get 60+FPS everywhere with everything cranked
  12. RN Escobar

    Some Server Config commands?

    i whole heartedly agree, the support for dedicated servers is pitifull as it stands. the biki/wiki contains information that is misleading and in some cases (as far as i can see) just plain wrong. BIS needs to spend some time providing server admins with the tools they need to run the servers thew way they want. Which would mean better run servers for the masses that play online. RPT files, where's the damn net.log?
  13. RN Escobar

    should you be able to move and shoot in ARMA?

    you could always do what the l33t CTF'rs did in OFP, remove your anims that way u don't drop to a knee or anything else, even though other players still see you doing it on their end, on your end u don't so you'll get your advantage back.
  14. RN Escobar

    Dedicated Server Beta available

    there is some info further forward in this thread about turning third off on your server. you basically have to alter the ArmaProfile that your server is using and setup the difficulty level that want, not 100% about setting VD though, but i know that on our server we haev tweaked it so that n vet mode, there is no third and no extended map info. if u can't find it PM me and i'll try and help you out, i can send you our server profile which might point you in the right direction Esco
  15. RN Escobar

    Peformance on demo compared to full game

    i got an old 19" CRT that supports a max resolution of 1600x1200, but even if i switch down to 1280x1024 the CRT resizes itself so it still fills the whole screen. i tweaked my setting a lil bit and did ound that my CRT only supports 65Hz refresh rate at 1600 or 85Hz at 1280, so now i play at 1280x1024, everything cranked on high/very high and in the middle of the woods i get 50-60FPS, in the the towns or dessert i get a rock solid 85FPS those that complain its the game are clearly wrong, its your ancient systems, stop complaining about the game being badly coded, breaking your systems, overheating your graphics cards and all the other lame excuses i've seen posted in these forums. system specs: e6600 @ 3.2Ghz per core asus P5B Deluxe WiFI AP 2 gig Corsair XMS2 pro 8800GTX at stock timing 74Gb raptor system drive 200Gb maxtor storage drive X-Fi Antec 900 gaming case with sharkoon fans throughout
  16. RN Escobar

    Dedicated Server Tool for Armed Assault

    nice work for those that don't run firedemon i'd add a little check bos for disable VoN as well now its supported
  17. RN Escobar

    Dedicated Server Beta available

    just confirming that to turn off VON it is actually disableVoN=1
  18. RN Escobar

    Dedicated Server Beta available

    also has anyone had any joy with this new switch? and would i be right in thinking that to disable VON it should be as i hate VON when i'm allready using TS
  19. RN Escobar

    -maxmem -nosplash crash

    i thought i'd read in another thrtead that it was using around 400Mb of ram without using the -maxmem switch in the command line i can't confirm this as i never looked at taskmanager while game was running
  20. RN Escobar

    ogg files

    i don't think u can make a list of words that won't be allowed but u can set the cutom file size limit, which will stop people from using any custom files over a certain size. the line posted in the above post will set the file limit to 0kb, which will stop people connecting to your server with any cutom files, this includes custom sounds and faces. so by adding that to your server.cfg u can disable the use of those files
  21. RN Escobar

    Dedicated Server Beta available

    according to the latest release it is, if u read down the list of bug fixes it quite clearly states so i ask again, has anyone got it working, or more to the point found out in which folder the log is created
  22. RN Escobar

    Dedicated Server Beta available

    anyone got netlog working yet? i started another thread about but nothing, figured i might as well post in here as well
  23. RN Escobar

    Dedicated server1.02

    despite in the change log it says that -netlog works it doesn't appear to be. that is i can't find the log file, i have looked in all the places i would expect it to be, including user profiles. has anyone got it working yet or do we need to start a new WIKI?
  24. RN Escobar

    Dedicated Server Beta available

    doesn't that depend upon how mnay players are on it and how much it is used? i think what u really want to know is the BW per player, i think mal worked it out for OFP to about 28Kb/s per player so u need to work out how mnay players for how many seconds to get your rough total
  25. RN Escobar

    OpenAL Performance

    seems this is an issue, enough for BIS to incluse this in the new 1.02 patch so if the file remains down, people can just wait for the patch