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Everything posted by Ratcatcher

  1. Ratcatcher


    Great news! Hopefully can try it tonight!
  2. Ratcatcher


  3. Ratcatcher


    Hi Tony, Glad to hear the update is close! What do you mean by "just use the SP and MP replacement to close or open something needed" I dont understand what you mean. Cheers
  4. Ratcatcher


    Thanks for the heads up Manzilla, good to know it wasn't just me. Â Tony, how's the update going? I really want to keep using this addon. The other night I did a quick test, first running FFN then going back on the same mission with ECS. ( Just basically postioning OPFOR at a base and then running a load of BLUFOR at them through waypoints. Then watched it using RTEditor. ) FFN troops moved so much better when coming into contact with the enemy, very vey good work mate!
  5. Ratcatcher


    Just found another problem, when running FFN I can no longer select grenades or smoke grenades. I can just select semi or auto fire. When I run ECS I can select nades as normal. I'm pretty sure when I first installed FFN I could select grenades, can't think whats changed??? Any ideas? ( Still running ACE now on .4 )
  6. Ratcatcher


    Im getting the same error as kremator, Im also using ACE and was playing in multi. '# Error Local Variable used in Global space' Im also getting when I fire.
  7. Ratcatcher


    Thanks, much appreciated.
  8. Ratcatcher


    Sorry Tony, was your reply about the voices being turned off directed at my question? I've only tried it in the mission editor as yet, if it's turned off during multi then thats great, will await your update. Thanks again for doing a great job with the A.I One thought I had, and I don't know if this is in any way possible... but I'd placed guards into the towers on Opteryx's ecellant Afgan map. I think it would be great if you could get the AI to take cover but then randomally stand to take a shot and then go back into kneeling cover. Any chance of this being doable? I think you've done an outstanding job btw.
  9. Ratcatcher


    Hi Tony Good job, but one question, can you disable the voices? The repeating "come get some" is getting quite annoying, especially as I'm using the Brit Para's mod. If only we had a UK voice pack... Thanks
  10. Ratcatcher


    Apologies, just sorted out the problem, great addition btw, thanks for your efforts. They look great on the afgan map.
  11. Thanks Anderson, I will give it a look. The problem I seem to have with the ACE AI, and it only seems like I'm the one suffering!!!, is that my men seem to go for their bino's all the the time. I see this in the other mods and vanilla but for whatever reason in ACE they seem to just stay with their binos and dont engage, even when opfor is right in front of them. I'm not running any other mods, but am using Opteryx's excellant Afgan map and Brit para's, but I've used other ACE units and it still seems to be doing it... weird!
  12. I love the features of ACE but would like to try it with the ai of ECS, could someone please explain how I can do this. I've added the -mod=@ECS to the shortcut, is that it? Or do I need to remove the ai parts of ACE? Thanks!
  13. Ratcatcher

    Puny animation pack

    Great addon well done. Two things would make it even better (imho), firstly, could you add another anim that simulates pulling yourself up then swinging over the 5-6ft walls? Second, if you could get the a.i to use it as well!
  14. Ratcatcher

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    OK, here's a new twist on the game won't start after 108... I've a dual boot system, on XP I try and start the game, disc spins up, but then nothing. Tried on Vista, game disc spins up and...game loads normally! ( But runs like poo ) I have tried all the solutions so far posted but they have not made any difference.
  15. Hi Tom, I'm looking at doing something similar on a mission I'm writing. I've tried to follow what you have done but having no luck. Could you explain ( in basic terms , how you set up your triggers? As I have set a trigger with your on act but nothing happens??? Do I need to name the trigger. I named the script "recon_countdown.sqs" Any help gratefully excepted.