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About RDK

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  1. Thanks, that worked great, but now i have a new problem, how can i get a voice command and maker on the chopper saying 'pilot get in chopper' for the player while a seperate infaltry group has a get in marker on it already ?
  2. I'm having problems joining some choppers into my group, i have it so I start in the chopper on an island with a group of infaltry boarding then i fly over to another town were there are 2 more choppers who are loading up with infaltry also, i have them set to join the main group but all they do is hover and spin, the join command I am using is 'chopper2 join gp' and 'chopper3 join gp' gp is the name of my group which includes me as pilot, gunner and the chopper, the infaltry are seperate. After they join i am planning to have them drop of thier cargo in another area after landing the loading the wounded then moving to another location
  3. RDK

    Red dawn-what the hell do i do?

    Ok yea i know this post is old but i gota add a new way of finishing it After stealing the russian heli i took of and destroyed guba's uaz before he could get in it (took out a spetz also) landed, destroyed the t80 with 3 laws then killed last spetz then got guba, jumbed back in heli with all my team, flew across the sea at safe distance to avoid shilkas then took a left to the scud site, left again to the forest and ejected, funny anough the heli nose dived with the crew in it and wedged between the trees then i ordered the relitively un hurt team mates including guba but guba made a run for it so i shpt him before sneaking to the hill looking down at the scud and took it out with a law, mission complete i got lucky on that 1 heh sorry my screen of guba jumping from the tree lodged heli i lost cos i forgot to save the image before turning of the pc :/