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Everything posted by ROR

  1. I have the same problem, it will only show .pac files and not .paa. It is a problem with visitor for opening files.  When you go to open a texture file the default "file of type:" is (*.pac, *paa). To open a .paa file go to the line above where it says "File name:" and type   *.paa     this will show all of the .paa files in that folder. This is an extra tedious step, maybe they should have released a beta version first to iron out the problems.
  2. ROR


    Is Visitor coming out or what?
  3. Is Visitor coming out or what?
  4. ROR

    The Iraq Thread

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So now any nation that COULD supply an enemy to the US should be attacked? You just declared war on the world, since all nations COULD supply your enemies. Good luck!<span id='postcolor'> What did I say about being obtuse. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Why does it matter if they died on one day, in one year or in ten?<span id='postcolor'> You can't kill 10 people anymore and get any real attention. 2800 people were killed at once, that is what the bar is set at now. Why should europe care what happens to the U.S., all the hate is directed towards the U.S. In the end it is all about covering your own ass, and that is what we are doing. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As for Saddam hating the US, it isnt so strange. I would hate it to if I was Saddam.<span id='postcolor'> How you state it, it sounds like you think saddam is justified in his hate. Did you forget what the iraqi people did to the kuwaitis, what iraqis did to the kurds.
  5. ROR

    The Iraq Thread

    When was the last time any other country in the world besides the U.S. lost 2800 people to terrorists attacks in one day; none. Saddam and al-qaeda hate the U.S. and from what I gather that has been written on this forum most of europe does too. Saddam has been in active search of weapons of mass destruction. How you can not draw a conclusion that iraq could supply al qaeda or any other group with weapons of mass destruction is daft, down right obtuse. The guy who was in charge of the iraqi nuclear weapons development program said that inspectors would never find nuclear materials ( That was supplied by the french). Â They have been trying to disarm iraq for 12 years, how f.ucking long to you want it to go on. We are not going to wait for some nuclear , biological, or chemical weapon to be released in the U.S. before we react. There does not have to be any links between iraq and al qaeda, iraq COULD supply al qaeda. As long as this is a possibillity we will prevent it. Maybe if you lost 2800 people, you would have a different stance on the matter.
  6. ROR

    The Iraq Thread

    The school of americas is closed. And for those poor peasant farmers in columbia, who supply the world with cocaine. They deserve death. Canada, always willing to point out what it does not like about the U.S., but never willing to look in the mirror and face its penis envy of it. Your ignorance in the face of international realities is staggering.
  7. ROR

    The Iraq Thread

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So is the Taliban somehow related to blowing up the American soldiers in Lebanon? Is the Taliban related to PAN AM downing?<span id='postcolor'> Yes they are related, they are all terroists.
  8. ROR

    The Iraq Thread

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It would be foolish to suggest you had no use for the european nations during the cold war.<span id='postcolor'> What use?, to ensure a stable europe, well we are guilty of that. Europe is far better of today than it was on May 8 1945 Â ...As europeans shout in an inaudible voice "Thanks Marshall Plan" </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Oh - I see! It's our fault now - and US does not have an agenda of it's own?<span id='postcolor'> Yeah, it is a proactive agenda to rid the world of terrorism AND the states that support it. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I believe US screwing the banana republiques of latin america went on a wee bit prior to second world war.<span id='postcolor'> Â This "screwing the banana republiques" could be worthy of the nobel peace prize comared to the colonialism of the dutch, england, france, portugal, and spain. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I for one can't stand the thought of living in your nation.<span id='postcolor'> Why? Have you ever been to the U.S.? If so what happened that made you so envious of it? I noticed no one disputed my remark about france. Did any of you read what I stated about the iraqis living here. Surely iraqis who lived under the terror of saddom and support regime change can not be wrong, can they europe? Or is that arrogant of me?
  9. ROR

    The Iraq Thread

    I guess what pisses Americans most off about europeans is their ignorance to the workings of the world; or is that arrogance. If you bothered to read the whole message at the top in bold print it clearly says "WHY WE ARE HERE", it then list acts of terrorism against American citizens and others. Bush clearly stated after September 11 that our aim is to rid the world of terrorists AND the states that support it. If the world has a problem with American foreign policy then blame japan and europe for it. Until  6 December 1941, 98% of Americans did not want to go to war in europe. 79% of Americans were ok with the german occupation  of france (if asked today I bet it would be a 100%). American foreign policy was one of pacifism. As some of you know this policy forever changed on 7 December 1941 with the attack on Peral Harbor by the japanese. We learned that you can not fight action with inaction. This was reaffirmed on September 11. Pacifism is akin to communism, they look great on paper but just do not work in  reality. So since 7 December 1941, American foreign policy has shifted from pacifism to one of being proactive. Over 100,000 iraqis live in the Detroit Michigan area, and the majority overwhelmingly support the war in iraq. So why does such a large percentage of iraqis in this area support the war, and by the way who have lived under the terror of saddam, and so many europeans are against it.  Makes me question the true nature of european opposition to the war. France in particular is worried about there economic situation in iraq and nothing else. Americans are not perfect, and we would be the first to admit this. As an American who has lived in europe I can tell you this we have the best thing going.   O how the europeans tolerated us so, when there was big bad russian bear in the backyard, but now there is only a cub and they resent us so. You wonder why so many europeans immigrated to the U.S., to get away from the likes that inhabit it now, I reckon.
  10. I am getting visible lines where surface textures meet. I am trying to rotate the runway textures 45 degrees. I used the runtr_d.paa. I used the texView.exe to change the file from a .paa to .tga. Then in adobe photoshop 7.0 I rotated the pic 45 degrees clockwise. Since the original file is 512x512 when you rotate 45 degrees it changes to 724x724(with empty space in the four courners) when you keep the same aspect ratio.To keep original dimensions I cropped the image to 1024x1024, filled in the empty space with the appropriate textures, then cut out four 512x512 images. So how I have done it is; you need 4 surface textures to make one complete 45 degree runway section. The problem is in wrp-edit and in-game there are visible lines where these 4 textures meet(to each other and other unaltered textures). Any help with this will be appreciated.
  11. ROR


    Not to sound like a RTCW commerical. I know it was a OFP Mp/Sp question, but I wanted to explain my vote. At heart I am a Return to Castle Wolfenstein die hard. In my opinion RTCW is the best Mp game ever made; play a round on a full Destruction map and see how intense the fighting is. OFP is more realistic in its portrayal of combat engagement, but to me RTCW Mp is more fun to play, mainly for this reason alone; RTCW is more fluid in-game. The smoothness of movement is the best that I have seen. Play a round of MOHAA Mp and see how jerky the movement of players can be. Trying to pick off people with a sniper rifle when they are move side to side with respect to you is almost impossible. OFP is not as bad, but at times the movement is very unnatural. Smoothness of player movement is what I would like to see improved in "OFP 2". Disregarding the last paragraph, I do like OFP, but propbably for different reasons than most people. The team play is great in OFP. One of the things I hate about RTCW is the lack of team play, it is nearly impossible to get a group a players who are not part of the same clan to acheive a common goal. Which makes most maps on RTCW free for all's. Give credit to the design of the maps, OFP naturally fosters more team play, even with a group of players who have never played together before. This is why I prefer coop missions the most. As a side note what I would like to see in the Mp world is attack/defend missions. Take the A.I. out of coop missions and replace them with players. What I like most about OFP is the modding aspect of it. Since their are land, sea, and air units OFP offers a greater range of possibilities than any other game, this is where realism is important for game play. This sense of involvement, interaction with the game, appeals to me.
  12. ROR

    Island editing tools

    Whats the word on VISITOR, is it going to be released? Whats up with ofp internals, I notice their site is addios; http://ofpinternals.megaforums.ru/ I am just starting to construct an island, and find wrp-edit slow and not really meant for resistance(Since it was coded before resistance was released). Too state the obvious; the interface between wrp-edit and in-game is not exact, what looks ok in wrp-edit, at times looks jacked up in-game. This is annoying and time consuming. Basically I am wondering if VISITOR is a go or a no go, since the wrp-edit team seems to be on an extended hiatus? Any news and or correction to my ignorance will be appreciated.