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Everything posted by rimblock

  1. Hi, So I see that some of the commands retun the weapon (or item / backpack etc) class names plus an ID. eg. magazinesDetail May return something like (example from the wiki but have seen the same in basic testing). [ "6.5mm 30Rnd STANAG Mag(30/30)[id:3]", "6.5mm 30Rnd STANAG Mag(30/30)[id:9]", "9mm 16Rnd Mag(16/16)[id:12]", "Smoke Grenade (Green)(1/1)[id:14]", "Chemlight (Green)(1/1)[id:16]", "RGO Frag Grenade(1/1)[id:18]" ] Are there commands available to allow the manipulation of single items via these returned IDs or if I wanted to do this then would I need to build some scripts to parse the ID 'field' in the return ?. Ideally something that breaks the return in to something a bit more usable like the following I could see as being much more helpful. ["6.5mm 30Rnd STANAG Mag", [30,30],[3]] The underlying idea is to better control / validate weapons / items etc in game. Thanks
  2. I would like to create a unit on the server and then pass it to a specific client as the commands that need to be run against it need to be local to a specific players client instance. Is there a way to pass ai unit ownership to a client via SQF or is there an activity that automatically passes ownership (like getting in to a vehicle as a drive passes ownership of that vehicle to the drivers client). Thanks.
  3. Hi, Back again. I have finally found a work around for using xCam on my new install. Issue: All iniDBi functions are not available to xCam on xCam startup (new A3 1.5, iniDBi 1.4 and xCam 1.05 install). Workaround: If when previewing the mission in the editor you run "diag_log call iniDB_version;" and then start xCam, everything works fine. If I do not then the issue above occurs. For me this is easily repeatable. Any ideas why this may be (have also reported to code34) and has anyone seen anything like this on a recent clean install ?.
  4. Ok, it is now working. I have not changed anything at all. The only difference is that I have just got an A3 update (1.50 -> 1.52). Anyhow. it is working and that is great. Many thanks for taking the time in replying. Update: Spoke too soon. Now it is not working again Previous result 23:36:52 Unable to get file version size: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@inidbi\iniDB.dll 23:36:52 "Inidbi: 1.4 Dll: 1.1" Now the result is 23:51:17 "Inidbi: 1.4 Dll: " 23:51:45 "inidbExists: any, value: any" What happened in between working and now not working..... Added another mod. -> Stopped working. Removed the other mod -> Still not working. Maybe there is an issue with the launcher. Will try with a batch file. Update 2: Ok, if I go in the editor and preview then open the diag GUI and run the command to get the dll version it all works fine. If I run xCam before doing that it all fails. Seems to be something to do with activating the .dll in the game before it is used. I will also report on the xCam thread. At least I can use both iniDBi and xCam now with that one extra step.
  5. Good spot on the var name in the file. To make it simpler I have moved back to trying to reference the TEST.ini in the 'db' folder that comes with iniDBi. Code is being run via Debug Window in the A3 editor on Stratis. call compile preProcessFile "\inidbi\init.sqf"; inidbExists = "TEST" call inidb_exists; value = ["TEST", "GLOBAL", "units", "STRING"] call iniDB_read; diag_log format["inidbExists: %1, value: %2",inidbExists, value]; Output from the Diag_Log "inidbExists: any, value: any" The TEST.ini is exactly as it is in the @inidbi distro. Is anyone able to verify they are running iniDBi on Windows 10 ?.
  6. Hi Schatten. Thanks for the reply. X-Cam is using iniDBi for storage of various setting. It installs in to a xcam folder under the db folder in @inidbi. More details can be found here. I have also tried it with the test.ini which is in the DB folder of the latest inidbi version and have the same issue.
  7. Hi, I believe it is something to do with iniDBi itself at this point. I posted on the iniDBi thread here with the details of my quick test (outside of X-Cam) and am not able to pull data back from a test.ini (could be user error of course ;) ). If someone with more experience was kind enough to take a quick look and verify that the testing looks reasonable and would be expected to work then that would be great.
  8. Hi, I am having a little difficulty getting iniDBi to run as expected. I have installed in tot he iniDBi folder in the Arma3 directory (on my client machine as it will be used for saving map editor work). I have unblocked the .dll file that comes with iniDBi. Under the DB folder I have created a folder called 'test' In that folder I have a file called test.ini The contents of test.ini is [testItem] testVariable="working" diag_log call inidb_version results with the following in the client log file "Inidbi: 1.4 Dll: " I cannot get the exists or read functions to work at all though. Both of the following commands return nothing. _doesinidbExist = "test\test" call inidb_exists; _value = ["test\test", "testItem", "testValue", "STRING"] call iniDB_read; I have had this working a number of months ago but this install is after a PC rebuild on Windows 10. Any pointers greatly appreciated. Thanks
  9. Hi Silola, Sorry for the delay, life getting in the way of ARMA fun. Ok, so I have tried removing all A3 content and full downloading from scratch. I have then installed X-Cam as detailed in my previous post. Still the same issue. A3 is in the default location (well on the D: rather than c: but the rest is the same). in the Arma3 folder is @inidbi @xcam @inidbi\db\xCam\Library_Obj exists and is empty. The errors are all to do with loading data from the XCam ini DB from inidbi. The first script listed in the log with an issue is "File xCam\xCam\data\xCam_Start_UI.sqf, line 28". The initial 'build object library' never comes up and any attempt to access the obj or veh tabs in XCam highlight the underlying issues (presumabily loading data from the inidbi db). @xCam\addons contains both 'xCam.pbo' and 'xCam_EU.pbo'. I am running on stock A3 with nothing extra added. A3 is being launched from the A3 launcher with the following command; "D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -window -skipintro -nosplash -enableHT "-mod=@inidbi;@xCam" I have also tried the newest version of inidbi but still get the same issue. I am currently trying to create another inidbi db folder and test .ini to verify that I can read that from A3. UPDATE: iniDBi does not seem to be working for me. Only thing I can think of is that I am now on Windows 10. Will check out on code34s thread as well. Thanks.
  10. Hi all, Used to use X-Cam when it came out and had the 1.05 patch working fine. Stopped using it and uninstalled due to other work with coding and now I come to reinstall following the video guide I am getting quite a few errors. Have installed v1.0 Have installed v1.05 over the top of v1.0 Have unblocked make_file.dll and iniDB.dll Have added the mods in the A3 Launcher (BI launcher). Have turned all other options off except 'showscripterrors' & 'windowed' Arma Details Type: Public Branch: Stable Version: 1.50.131969 I go in to the editor -> place playable character -> place game logic -> click Preview. Errors 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Active_1.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Active_2.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Active_3.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Active_4.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Active_5.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Active_6.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/xCam_Dlg/xCam_Plain.colorDisabled'. 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array 23:37:10 Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array Then 23:37:22 Error in expression <this]; _data = call compile _data; if((_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the> 23:37:22 Error position: <_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the> 23:37:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _data 23:37:22 Error in expression <this]; _data = call compile _data; if((_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the> 23:37:22 Error position: <_data select 0) && (_data select 1)) the> 23:37:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _data 23:37:22 Error in expression <Cam\xCamSettings" call iniDB_exists; and a few more (will post if requested to save spamming the thread). I suspect it is either a config item I have not set somewhere (possibly for inidbi) or something to do with A3 v1.50, although no one else has posted the same problem so probably not that. Would like to do some map building and there is no better way than with X-Cam. Any ideas ?. Thanks
  11. Hi, So I am eager to use the new Lamps implemented in ArmA 3 but the usual light commands that work for lightpoints do not seem to be affecting them. I can change the attributes in the relevent config files but I would like to be able to change the colour / brightness 'on the fly'. Is there any way this is possible with lamps as #lightpoints are omni directional lights and I would much prefer lights with reflectors to direct the light. Any suggestions ?. Thanks
  12. Ok so from my testing, so far I have not found a way to change ambient / brightness / colour etc of config file based lamps. Seems once set int he config they are fixed and cannot be changed via sqf script which is more than a little disappointing...
  13. Sorry, I was a little unclear.... for a #lightpoint the colour is set using a scalar based on the RGB values (0-255 for each of the R,G,B). ie. _lightPoint = "#lightPoint" createVehiclelocal var_s_debugzone; _lightPoint setLightColor [0.5,0.5,0.5]; Where color is [ (1 / RRR), (1 / GGG), (1 / BBB)]; With config file lamps BIS seems to have changed to a different scale and so now they are using color[] = {1000,1000,1100}; Now I presume they are still RGB but what is the top / bottom end of the scales for the different shades and will dividing by 1 still give a colour that (more or less) matches with what can be set to a #lightpoint ?. Bottom line, What are the top and bottom ranges of the color [] attribute under the lamp class ?.
  14. So for A3 there is a new reflector class and this can have lights but for some reason, the color and ambient properties are not using the 0 -> 1 scalar values for RGBA but are using a different scale. ie. Reflectors {//new class Light_1 { ambient[] = {10,10,11}; color[] = {1000,1000,1100}; Anyone know what scale is being used for these ?. Thanks. Wiki reference for Config vehicles has no real info. Here is the section on reflectors.
  15. Hi, Have lights changed in A3 ?. I do not seem to be able to create a visible light source using #lightpoint. _LampArray = nearestObjects [(getpos player), ["Lamps_base_F"],200]; diag_log format ["[%1] Found Lights: %2.",_scriptname,_LampArray]; { diag_log format ["[%1] Setting light on %2.",_scriptname,_x]; _lampPos = getpos _x; _light = "#lightpoint" createVehiclelocal _lampPos; diag_log format ["[%1] Light %2 created.",_scriptname,_light]; _lightPos = getpos _light; diag_log format ["[%1] Light position now %2.",_scriptname,_lightPos]; _x setvariable ["Light", _light, false]; _light setLightBrightness 100; _light Attachto [_x, [2,2,2]]; _lightAttached = attachedObjects _X; diag_log format ["[%1] Items attached to lamp %2.",_scriptname,_lightAttached]; }count _LampArray; DiagLog output "[fnc_c_setLights.sqf] Found Lights: [4b91cf00# 586: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b91d600# 585: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b926b00# 573: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b93a400# 565: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b938800# 569: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b941d00# 557: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b91c800# 587: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b938f00# 568: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b927200# 572: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b926400# 574: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b942400# 556: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b927900# 571: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b91e400# 583: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b938100# 570: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b925d00# 575: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b939d00# 566: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b91dd00# 584: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b941600# 558: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b925600# 576: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b91eb00# 582: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b940f00# 559: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE,4b91f200# 58"[fnc_c_setLights.sqf] Setting light on 4b91cf00# 586: lampharbour_off_f.p3d REMOTE." "[fnc_c_setLights.sqf] Light 629: <no shape> created." "[fnc_c_setLights.sqf] Light position now [9168.27,935.47,0.0222931]." "[fnc_c_setLights.sqf] Items attached to lamp [629: <no shape>]." Result. I spawn in at night and there are no light sources visible anywhere. Have tried with lightAttachObject and have the same effect of it not showing any light source. Have tried attaching to player and again, no light source shown. Have also tried createVehicle and CreateVehicleLocal but again, no change. I have also tried the following code in the debug console and again, nothing is produced. lamps = nearestObjects [(getpos player), ["Lamps_base_F"],200]; lamp = lamps select 0; lampPos = getpos lamp; light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle lampPos; light lightAttachObject [lamp,[1,1,1]]; I did have some lights working in A2 before but no longer have the code so I have had them working before but in A3 they just are not doing what I would expect. Probably a silly error but if anyone has any ideas, that would be great. Oh and I am using light sources rather than the lamps own light settings as I want to create lighting effects I do not believe I can do with the config defined lamps light source. The usual light source commands seem to have no effect and I would like the effects to be local to the client. Thanks. ---------- Post added at 03:22 ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 ---------- Ok, looks like you must set setLightAmbient or you will just not see anything. Think it is sorted...... :)
  16. If you put , 20 light sources in a 5m radius circle and stand in the middle then as you walk towards some, others will turn off. The light source seems to stay on but its effect on the surroundings gets switched off. Thanks for the group limit. If someone can confirm if it is side based or not then that would be most helpful. ---------- Post added at 11:49 ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 ---------- The problem I see with this is light, not usually the furthest away stop affecting the surroundings as you move back and forth. I will check my graphics settings as well though. Thanks for the reply.
  17. Hi, Just trying to find out if ArmA3 still have the same limit with groups allowed per mission and if so what is the max limit ?. Also, is there a hard limit to the max number of lights that a player can see at any one time and is there anyway to code around it as a "only light the streetlights around the player" is about as good as painting a big green arrow pointing at the player. Any ideas or just something we currently have to live with. I am working with villages at night and spooky mood lighting so reliable lights would be good. Many thanks
  18. Ahh, that is what I was missing, being able to delete without having to select. I did not realise that was possible. Cool, thanks.
  19. Thanks for the reply, will try the suggestions. Yes a dropdown for filtering by class for the placed objects would also be helpful if alphabetical sorting is problematic. To give you a use case I have experienced a number of times for the no selected after deleting... I place a building in the top left of the area I am building on. I then rotate around and place a number of wall parts. Having finished in that area, I then move to another area and build a barrel, another building and lots of other stuff. I then reconsider the barrel and decide to delete it and to place something else there instead. On deleting I am moved to another section on the build area (as the previous object was the last item I placed in that area) but I cannot see anything selected so I start to move back to the area I have just been moved away from to build place the barrels replacement and then discover I am dragging a chunk of wall with me that was hidden from view by the building. The irritation is being transported to another part of the map as the item placed before the item just deleted was there and also there are some cases where you cannot see the item auto selected as it is hidden by other objects and move it out of position without it clicking that this is what is going on (usually after a few hours staring at the monitor). I appreciate there is a key to put the object back but with the option to turn off the autoselect (I can see its usefulness in the examples you have given) I can also prevent the camera being moved away from where I wanted it to be in the situation I have just mentioned. Thanks for the notes on the [END] and [HOME] keys, they will be seeing a lot of use over this long weekend I suspect. Regards RB
  20. Hi Silola, Thanks for the reply. Cool for 1,2 & 4. For 3 I think a slight missunderstanding. After I delete an object I have selected the object I placed before the deleted one is automatically selected. Is there anyway to remove that selection so no object is selected after a deletion. i.e. I place objects 1,2,3,4,5 I select and delete object 4 X-Cam then selects object 3 after deleting object 4 and waits for my input Is there any way to stop object 3 being auto selected after object 4 is deleted ?. One other suggestion. Any possibility to be able to sort the placed object list alphabetically ?. I have close to 300 objects in the current project. I may want to select a small water barrel of which I have 10 scattered in the list of 300 objects and have to scroll up and down the list trying each one of the water barrel until I find the right one. The doubleclick and drag select is great for a group of objects (thanks so much for adding it) but not so good for a single object in a complex scene. It is sometimes pretty hard to find just the right spot which allows you to select an item. The list is, in this case, the easiest way to get the object selected but it could be easier if I could group the objects by class name rather than by placement order. Thanks again.
  21. Cool, thanks, will give it a go. Any other responses on the other items from anyone ?. Remapping the keys is probably the biggest thing for me as I got close to throwing my keyboard out the window after another carefully placed item vanished as I hit the [sPace Bar] to "save" it. I had been working for around 6 hours on the port including a couple of rebuilds and relocations, none of which would have been possible, whilst retaining my sanity, without X-Cam.
  22. Thank so much for this fantastic tool. I am currently building an area on a new map and this is so much easier to use than anything else. I do have a few questions / suggestions if you would be so kind. I have watched a number of the tutorial videos but not all so please forgive me if it is covered there. 1. Is it possible to remap the keys ?. I am especially finding the [space Bar] functionality to be quite counter intuitive. I create an object, manipulate it in to position with mouse and the left [CTRL] and [ALT] keys and then want to place it. Naturally I am finding I want to hit the [space Bar] rather than taking my hand off the mouse to press the [insert] key with the result of the painstakingly placed object vanishing. Personally I would rather have the [space Bar] and [insert] keys swapped. I there a way I can swap them myself please ?. 2. Is there a way I can stop the camera defaulting to going to a set position above the landscape after every placement ?. I am building a docks and after I place each item the camera moves to something like 1 meter above the terrain which is under the floor of the docs. I have to constantly zoom out after each placement. Ideally after placement I would like the camera to not change position until I move it. 3. Is it possible to turn off the 'autoselect last placed item' after I delete something. The number of times I have deleted something and then moved the mouse only to find another carefully place object has just been shifted position is quite high. Ideally no select may be better based on how I use it. 4. Any chance of an undo option ( [CTRL] + [Z] mapped to would be good). Unless I save the project after every move there is no way to undo a mistake currently. Just one step backward would be fantastic and save so much time fixing the stupid self inflicted errors. Again, fantastic tool and so generous of you to provide it to the community after the masses of time you must have spent on it. If the answers are in the tutorial vids and I may have missed it then if someone would be kind enough to just point me to the correct one then I will just go back and have a look.
  23. So, I think I am doing it wrong. I have a script that will add items from an array in to various eauiped holders on a player (vest, uniform, backpack). The indication that something was amiss was when I dropped the weapon on the floor (along with associated mags) and then could only pickup one of the three mags I had just dropped. The script to add items to the player is not checking for load capacity in the items as I assumed ARMA would do that but it would seem not. WHat commands can be used to verify if enough capacity exists in a weaponholder before adding an item ?. Had a quick search but nothing is coming up as a likely lead based on my search terms. Thanks
  24. rimblock

    Items capacity checks.

    thanks guys. Will take a look.
  25. Ok, some progress, Have sorted out the joinSilent (was using joinAsSilent) and it appears better with the units reporting the right side in the "side unit" check although for the two armed units, the crosshairs are red and for the Civ model (even though it is reporting WEST as the side, the crosshairs are grey... Relations are set with; Civilian setFriend [independent, 0]; Civilian setFriend [blufor, 1]; Civilian setFriend [Opfor, 1];