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Everything posted by Renagade

  1. Renagade

    Schwarzenegger to run for governor

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3128015.stm "Mr Schwarzenegger, best known for his role in the Terminator films, revealed his intention during a taping of the American television programme The Tonight Show, despite widespread rumours that he would not run because of concerns expressed by his wife. "The politicians are fiddling, fumbling and failing," he said. "This is why I am going to run for governor." " more on the link. So any of u in CA thinking of v oting f or him
  2. Thinking about ho everyone and their goat has started driving about in those silly 4x4s or SUVs as u lot on t he other side of the pond call em(quick children, get in the monster truck so can drive u a mile to school).Looking back on it,it started off here with ppl buying landrovers and other similiar vehicles and then the manufacturers cottened onto this and built all these silly vehicles like ppl carriers and hybrids between 4x4 and saloon cars and all the other odd oversize cars. Now i get to the point of the thread,how come military vehicles are still smallish,what reason is there behind not having a gigantic tank or a bomber thats about the size of a city block that could of flattened iraq on one pass or even a collosal warship.Is it a case of not putting all ur eggs in one basket??
  3. Renagade

    Gun control debate thread

    http://www.guncontrolnetwork.org/ http://www.guncontrolnetwork.org/rep_guns1.htm#*Imagination Found this  place while looking around and found it quite funny I took this quote from the gta3 thread ur not quite right there assault,they came in .22  or.177 over here with large shells(9,10mm possibly) as far as  i know they way the  made them shoot  live ammo was to put small pipes in the chamber of the revolver so u could stick .22 ammo in it or so they say. I wonder what they`re going to  do when it reaches the satges that ppl start building their own guns  After the shooting in birmingham with a real gun,uzi  i think,the government set their sights on replicas and wanted  to  ban them and the broccok guns got drawn  into this too though u can still buy them but i think they`re going  try and make some form of license for it.
  4. Renagade

    Famous  leaders biographys

    I found hitlers diarys,which is making interesting so far, now im looking for more from the other leaders. I think mussolini had a book about him but im not so sure on stalin,churchill,roosvelt and the japanese guys. Can anyone recommend any books so i can get a bigger idea of the actions and motives ??
  5. Renagade

    Wolfenstein: enemy territory

    Hmmmmm I have just been looking through one of the cds off a games mag and found this and thought it awfully odd for someone to release a free game another thing thats odd is it forces u to install punkbuster instead of it being optional. Now normally i wouldn`t think any more of it except that ravenshield has just got a new patch which has just got punkbuster and some ppl have been questioning just what else punkbuster gets up too asideincreasing ur ping and the empassioned speech from this guy doesn`t make matters much clearer heres the post ps, does enemy territory have a flamethrower like RTCW in it?
  6. Renagade

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Weren`t the iraqi police not that hot under saddams rule,let the US soldiers blow em to bits for all i care
  7. Renagade

    Yet another cd-key suggestion

    The cdkeys are in the manual unless u mean cdkeys u searched,man i got a load of them so i can work around the stupid thing where u can`t play lan unless u have more than one copy OFP although my other players all got OFP now
  8. Renagade

    The american dream

    It depends if it meaningful work or just plain crap that u work to the bone for while someone else reaps the rewards I`d give it all for a shot at the bigtime
  9. Renagade

    The american dream

    The american dream in a  few  worse - to have it all and i`d mopve there right now if i could( plus some start up cash  ) ps, i don`t like shift  cops with guns though
  10. Renagade

    Config file for uk 512/256 adsl settings

    well if it was half life id of capped the bandwidth that each player could use so everyone gets an even share a nd the server won`t lag out but i don`t know about OFP,sorry
  11. Renagade

    Famous  leaders biographys

    I found some books on churchill and napoleon in my search for stuff,there wouldn`t happen to be any norwegian ones i should look out for
  12. Renagade

    The Iraq Thread 2

    I realy hate that silly phrase Now we`re talking about this stuff did u guys over there get t he news about one of our weapons inspectors killing himself,or getting hit if ur one for a conspiracy
  13. Renagade

    What is this gun?

    The nades knocking about can`t be good. Has anyone made a shotgun which fires a blast of pellets at t he same time instead of them streaming out really quickly ?
  14. Renagade

    Famous  leaders biographys

    I think its just in germany and surrounding areas but elsewhere u can freely to copy it from what i`ve heard What was the link amp removed ? One paragraph that could be applied to today was at the end of the book Anyway if mein kampfs a load of bable what`s maos bible about then?
  15. Renagade

    Famous  leaders biographys

    then how can u comment on the book if u have never read it? ps, i think u meant to say demented instead of diluted
  16. Renagade

    Famous  leaders biographys

    I haven`t got that far into it yet,have u read all the way through it?
  17. Renagade

    Naga fish found by us service men 1968

    Hopefully we might find a megaldon sometime in the future Interesting site too
  18. Renagade

    Famous  leaders biographys

  19. Renagade

    Berlusconi goes europe !

    hush,he got the trains to run on time
  20. Renagade

    Famous  leaders biographys

    I meant mein kampf unless thats fake too
  21. Renagade

    The Middle East part 2

  22. Renagade

    The Iraq Thread 2

    this makes quite an interesting thread. morons would be a better word and i would laugh if only we aren`t much better
  23. Renagade

    The american presidential election

    i`d say he had a 50/50 chance,of course i may change my mind in a blink of an eye How does compulsive voting work,does a little man with a stick come round to everyones houses and herd them into the booths?
  24. Renagade

    War and militay footage

    I found the one with the a-130 but its just from a crappy ir camera,how it was deemed bannable here is odd as it looks like an ancient video game with the little men as white blocks Anyway i don`t want that kind of stuff of ppl getting blown up apart from the blitz on iraq.Think more along the lines of what misterfrag found or stuff like in the opening to ravenshield although if someone founed the funny video of the russians or chinese having a brawl in their courthouse it would be sweet I also found some more stuff by searching back through the threads.
  25. Renagade

    War and militay footage

    I found some cool atomic bomb footage(can`t post the link because it would break the forum rules cos of the other vids on the site). Well im looking for some more,for example vietnam,wwII or other stuff getting blown or shot up. so can anyone point me in the right direction to get them ?