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Everything posted by rekrul

  1. Use nowp or nomove in the reinforcement line. Then they will stand still until true.
  2. First of the wepon needs to have upsmon in the initfield. Secondly, the max range of artillery is only 800m while the safe distance (between target and friendlies) is 300m (or maybe 200?) so the "firefield" isn't that big.
  3. No, the % is the % of remaining soldiers left before they surrender. Meaning, if you have 100 takis and the variable set to 10% they will automatically surrender when 90 of them are killed. If you set it to 0% they will fight to the last guy (and he'll continue until he's killed).
  4. I don't have it here, but at the bottom of the variables you can change in UPSMON_Init.sqf there's a surrender variable. Change from 10(%) to 0(%). I just went with insurgents to make my life easier. However, one thing I noticed when moving my marker is that the units are moving along with it. They're still running around in the old area so I think I have to "re-init" the units. Basically I need help with three things; 1) I want to group all remaining playableUnits to one group 2) I want to pick a random guy that's alive and not in agony from the playableUnits list 3) I want to give the playableUnits a new Init line, so they move to the next marker I think most, if not all, of these are trivial but I'm pretty green when it comes to this, so any help would be appreciated.
  5. I have a weird problem. I first have a marker in Bastam where BLUFOR and most OPFOR are set to attack/defend. When OPFOR surrenders, BLUFOR are heading to the airport. Now on the airport I have two markers and two OPFOR squads where each squad fortifies their marker. I then move the Bastam marker to one of those to get BLUFOR to attack. Now all that works fine, but the problem is that once OPFOR surrenders in Bastam, the other OPFORs on the other markers surrenders as well. Is there any way around that (apart from using Independents)? And I need the OPFOR in Bastam to surrender so I can't tune the surrendering variable either.
  6. Sorry about the delay, but tested today and I see the same. I believe it's the AI in general though. They're not that good when you're close. Just remove the text in the init-field and you'll see that it'll take some time before they react (although not the same as with).
  7. rekrul

    Ai thread

    fyp :)
  8. One question, did you move the mission from A2 to OA? If so, there's numerous examples of where you have to re-create the mission. Do you mind posting your mission here? I'll try to make an ambush example tomorrow when I'm not drunk. :)
  9. Nope. I've never used the ambush thing, but are you running it in debug mode? It might be easier to see what's going on then. Have you tried running over the mine? I assume the script tells them to be stealthy so they dont attack before you have a chance to run over the mine. Or if you're not using mines, that might be the problem. ;)
  10. rekrul

    Help with landat

    D'oh. I obviously suck at searching, how ever it doesn't seem to matter what number you put in there, it will land (well circle) at the closest one anyways, but thanks. Also, if I use Get out and landAt <whatever number> it will land, while only get out WP will make it circle it seems. It stops by the control tower instead of hangar but the pilot stays outside, so that's cool.
  11. rekrul

    Help with landat

    Does anyone know the landAt IDs for OA? I'm trying to get a C-130 to land at the northern airfield so I put a C-130 on the south airfield but no matter what ID I enter it circles the south airfield. I then made a move WP to the North airfield with this landAt 0; on the Act field but it just circles that WP. However I'm on board, grouped to the plane and eject over the airfield it lands, taxis stops next to me in the control tower and powers down. If I climb down, it taxis and takes off (??). I've also tried this land "LAND"; with same result. I'm not using any scripts btw. Anyone got any ideas to how I can get it to land? I could always place a trigger next to the hangar and setFuel 0, but for now it just circles the airfield for hours...
  12. Does anyone know why end2 isn't working or can point me to somewhere where I can read up on this? I just re-wrote the text from an example and didn't do anything with the html-tags.
  13. Wait, there's a function where you can "record" your flying and then "play" it in a mission? I didn't find any info on unitPlay or unitCapture in the Wiki.
  14. Well it worked, so as soon as I'm a seagull/crow, the mission ends but there's no debriefing. The trigger is End #2 and this is my briefing.html. It works with End #1. <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250"> <title>Title</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <! -----DEBRIEFING-----> <hr> <br> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End1">Bastam is under US control!</a></h2> <br> <p> <! ------victory------> Well done! The airport siege was just a decoy to ambush US troops in Bastam. Although casualties were high and a lot of extra resources were deployed to the area, we managed to kill or capture the Takis that were controlling Bastam and re-take control in the area. CivAid should start up again soon and the area surrounding the airport will be heavily patrolled. </p> <br> <hr> <br> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End2">Bastam is lost to the Takis</a></h2> <br> <p> <! ------KIA------> Takis used the airport siege as a decoy to ambush US troops in Bastam. Not only did they maintain control of the area but they served a major blow to our operation. Casualties are huge despite all the resources we pushed into the area. This is unacceptable and they now have a major stronghold in the north. Retaking control will take time and costs lives. </p> <br> <! -----DEBRIEFING END-----> </body> </html>
  15. I'm sure this is more of a bug than a feature but I lost the link to bug-reporting thing to check if this is already reported. STR: In editor, pick group (F2) and make a mechanized BLUFOR group (either Stryker will do). Link the three First Aid (FA) modules to all the members and the Stryker, and add some/many Metis AT further away. Preview the mission, get all the units into the stryker and make it explode by driving into the Metis area. Now you'll see that virtually all members survive and they're all injured. However, instead of twitching on the ground they just sit on one knee or stand and look normal. If you control one of them, you can walk, run, etc but you don't have any actions (such as reload, heal, etc). They should be, well dead, but at least in agonized state on the ground where they max can crawl. Edit: Ooops, and this if for OA. I haven't done any further testing as I don't know if this has already been reported.
  16. rekrul

    Ai thread

    Uh, what?
  17. rekrul

    Ai thread

    Well, like they've said - more threads creates bigger overhead which I guess means higher latency and/or higher CPU usage.
  18. I have a mission where 4 mechanized US squads are playable and respawn is set to "SIDE". However I want players to get +1 score for giving first aid and -5 for killing civilians or enemies who has surrendered but I have no idea how. I'm guessing I have to use addEventHandler (?) but checking the wiki and searching here haven't helped much so can anyone point me the right direction? I hope I don't have to make an addEventHandler for all 44 playable units?
  19. The handleHeal thing worked, thanks! How do I fix it so those killing civilians gets negative score? I assume I have to use an eventhandler and "killed" but since the civilians are created by Alice, how do I add the eventhandler?
  20. Aha! :) Ok, I'll try to export it then, thanks for your help!
  21. I have a timeout of 15 on min, mid and max but both of your suggestions fires the trigger (in the editor at least). I changed it to count [{alive _x} foreach playableUnits] == 0 so now it doesn't fires, but I don't know if it actually works.
  22. Thanks, but when I test this in the editor, it ends immediately. Is that because they're not counted as playable units in the editor? They're set to playable though... Edit: Shouldn't there be a forEach in there somewhere, otherwise _x isn't defined...
  23. Does anyone know how to get tanks (specifically the M1A2) to drive at a reasonable speed? I have 2 Strykers that are escorted by 3 tanks, however the tanks drives at 20 km/t while the strykers blast away at 70 km/t. It's near impossible to time it so they reach the destination at the same time. If I don't use UPSMON, or group the strykers with the tanks, the tanks move at a reasonable speed, but then a tankcommander leads the strykers and I don't want that.
  24. I've been pondering this, can someone help me and tell me whether I'm on the right track or not. So for every (playable) unit I need this: this addEventHandler ["handleHeal",{_this select 1 addScore 1}]; I know this will give the healer 1p even if the wounded die during the healing, but I can live with that (it's the thought that counts, etc). However some questions arise: 1. If that eventHandler is on both the wounded and healer, wouldn't that run it twice giving healer 1p twice? 2. Do I have to run this on every playable unit or just once in a script? Since it reports both, it doesn't seem to be triggered by a unit, just when someone is starting to heal. 3. Wouldn't this give AI points too? 4. I'm using all 3 First Aid modules, where all units can give first aid but only corpsman can heal (completely). Does this mean that one wounded guy can "give" 2 points? (1 for FA and 1 for (complete) heal?
  25. Thanks, but how do I use that? I guess AISFinishHeal is the one I want to use, but I have no idea how to as I've never used EventHandlers.