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Everything posted by rekrul

  1. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    There are some deciphering tools here that we could try playing with. Haven't had the time to look at them yet. http://rumkin.com/tools/cipher/ Also, post 666.
  2. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I've been going down the matrix road from the start. Unfortunately I know nothing about crypto, but I've read up a bit. And for traditional ciphering you have two methods - Transposition and Substitution. However, the problem I have is that the 3 x 11 doesn't match up with 3x3. If it was 3x12 then I would get it, but it's not. Or 33 chars vs 9. The hill cipher seems only applicable to 3x3 matrix and we don't have a key anyways. Although if I were to go out on a limb, one could always interpret "the" as the key (www.arma2.com/bin/null/thecode/) but that's a real long shot. Edit: Check this link http://www.diysciences.net/uploads/collge%20science/lecteres/computer/stage4/computer_sec.pdf for basic crypto stuff or jump directly to page 13)
  3. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Guys, I'm pretty sure they made it a tougher task than to paste a easily spotted text into an url. I'm pretty sure that the 3x11 chars is the encrypted code and the 3x3 is the decryption key but we have to find out how to use the key... Then I think we're supposed to replace thecode in the url with the decrypted string we get.
  4. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Wtf?! I see now that there's double characters but I could've sworn it was single characters the first time I looked. The code should be OO YY uu etc then.
  5. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I was looking at this one: http://www.ofpec.com/gallery/images/album9/camouflage.jpg
  6. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Is it just me or does the ofpec picture have double letters.
  7. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I think the code you see there is encrypted and the 3x3 numbers is the code key. So the numbers somehow tell you which letters above you should replace with thecode in the url. So we have to figure out how to use the numbers to extract thw code from the first string.
  8. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I put up a (cheesy) countdown to the next hack here: http://grimtask.com/
  9. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    OYu iMr 3GU CVE ETK dYJ aVI MAC 6qV Vnb 4Io 001 690 759 My eyes hurt and I'm sure I'm the 8th guy posting this now... Edit: corrected some capital letters. There is quite possible some errors there
  10. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    It's a 3d image with 3 characters per line.
  11. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    armedassault.info message was posted 20.45.... Anything on their facebook-page?
  12. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Well since most persians are in iran, (and assuming we're suspecting an iranian invasion) this seems counter-intuative to me.
  13. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Another question is why would the Iranian hackers expose this?
  14. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Seems like "they" (whoever they are) are thinking of dividing Europe into regions. My guess is that Scandinavia is given to Russia along with the Baltics and Ukraine (?) and then you have some sort of interim government shared by e.g. Russia, Iran and China. Maybe North Korea as well so you have the entire "Axis of Evil" in there. I don't see how Iran could invade (and hope to conquer) all of Europe without any support. Also seems like UK and Iceland is left out of this if you look at the XXXXX borders.
  15. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Obviously the Iranians are going to Iceland to fire up the volcano again to gain air superiority.
  16. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I don't want to scroll through 20 pages to find a useful one.
  17. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Page not found The requested page could not be found. on your last link so maybe you're on to something. If so, they sure act fast... Edit: nvm, it's working now...
  18. This seemed as appropriate as any other forum as there's a story about the Spanel brothers (don't remember their nicks now - brain freeze). http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/02/technology/02gameside.html?src=busln
  19. I think you're confusing me with someone else, as I don't have any triggers in my mission. Also, as I've said before, I've tried with the markers both visible (when doing SP testing and in editor) and invisible (MP testing), so I'm not sure if that is what you're referring to.
  20. I don't get it. That's just to make the markers invisible, not how to move them (and have UPSMON react to it). What I want is to first attack one area, then another. I tried with both visible and invisible markers to no effect. I also tried making the survivors joining a new instance but they still keep their original instance from the init-field so that really confuses them.
  21. I have the same problem without any solution I'm afraid. I've tried moving the marker and I've tried giving them a new init-line but nothing works. Well moving the marker works, but they keep running back and forth between where the marker was and where it is now. So with some distance between the "was" and "is" they keep running back and forth. They do make it after a while but as you can understand, it takes forever. Giving them a new init-line with the new marker just gives them a new instance so now they're member of two instances and that's really chaotic.
  22. I'm trying to make an End trigger that kicks in when there are no more playableUnits alive, but when I enter this into the Condition Field, it gives me a blank error message: ((isServer) and ({!alive} forEach playableUnits)) I guess that's because !alive is a check and not a command (?) but what should I enter into the Cond. field? Also, I guess if all are in agonized state (or dead) it should end as well, but I'm guess that's way too complex for me.
  23. Hey Monsada, is there a way to make a unit first go to one marker and then a second? I've tried both moving the marker and issuing another upsmon-command but neither helped (the last one just gave them another grpid so now they get one waypoint around marker1 and their other id gives them a waypoint to marker2). Is there a way to delete a groupid?
  24. I believe that was only true for the 1st gen of SSDs. Granted it's alot of write cycles with pagefile but the latest gens can handle a lot more writes than before.