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Everything posted by rekrul

  1. rekrul

    Repeating sound bug in V1.4

    This isn't a new bug, I experience it every now and then with 1.30. And always on ReturnToEden. I think it has something to do with the respawn rules. Like if you are #2 and #1 is dead, then you die and the guy you respawns as e.g. #3 will keep saying "Oh no! 2 is down". I'm not sure tho. -Rekrul
  2. rekrul


    Thanks for your answer Suma! Like a godsend, my home ISP has now a kickass connection to my server at the office, so I'll try lowering the size a bit and see how much of a toll it takes on CPU (as the bandwidth isn't any prob). Still with my 40-50 in ping now I get 'teleporters' but I guess this goes under 'nonguaranteed'? Also Suma, do you have any 'preditction' code or similar that those of us with low ping can turn off? I keep getting enemy (and humanplayers too btw, but that could be _their connection) moving 4-5m in 1/10th of a second and I have very little PL if I try continous ping (~1% PL), do you have any idea what this could be? Since this merging is just for smaller messages, I guess this isn't used in larger battles (with 5-10 on each side) where I'm having problems. Could it be the CPU? I usually only have 5-6 ppl on and the monitor says ~25 fps. Also, do you know the average OFP packetsize is so I can try a continous ping and see if the PL rises, or is there much variations here (sorry, I'm too lazy to put up a packetsniffer -Rekrul (Edited by Rekrul at 2:33 pm on Dec. 20, 2001)
  3. rekrul


    Well you have to realise that they most likely can't answer these types of question(s) off hand and have to check their own documentation for it. If that was their only job, I'd complain but this is actually an extra service on their behalf. It's not many games you'll have the coders themselves answer for you and they do have a day job too wich I bet is usually more than 8 hrs a day. I'll just bump this thread until their conscience kicks in and they check it. -Rekrul
  4. rekrul


    You'd prolly get a (better) answer here: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/cgi-bin/YaBB/YaBB.pl
  5. rekrul

    Chopper Bug... and lag

    Whoa Ed! That's some serious setup! However I doubt it would matter if you run single or dual CPU tho, as I doubt OpFP utilize the other CPU. -Rekrul
  6. rekrul

    Hostiles A.I Shooting true walls

    Oh yes! Especially on Lost Squad this is noticable. We've had ppl shot thru 2 buildings here. Personally I more often than not get shot thru buildings as I tend to take cover behind the buildings. Some of us hide inside the buildings and gets shot thru the walls (i.e. from an enemy on a side of the building that has no windows). -Rekrul
  7. rekrul


  8. I'm pretty sure this has been reported earlier, but I searched and couldn't find it, so sorry if I'm repeating someone. When you have an non-moving AI as group leader in MP missions, and you enter a vehicle and drive off he will keep saying 'Return to formation'. Once you get out of the vehicle he will say '<number>, driver, get in <vehicle you just disembarked>'. Now on several occations, if you enter another vehicle, you'll end up in the vehicle you just disembarked and AI told you to get in to. This can happend even if this vehicle is on the other side of map, making sure you're making one helluva teleport. It isn't easy to recreate this, but I've manged to do this on user made mission, as the AIs here often have no idea what to do and is basicly standing still the entire mission. Never the less it's quite confusing and ofcourse annoying so it would be nice if BIS would look into this. I recon other ppl have experienced the same thing? -Rekrul
  9. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from BigQEd on 7:16 pm on Dec. 18, 2001 heh... I have to admit... I am so used to using completely routable IP's because I have so many at my disposal I am not as up on NAT as I should be I guess. Rekrul... you are probably correct. However, if NAT works like a proxy which I know it does... I would believe if BIS' software was not able to communicate with several different ports to the client you would have some issues when using it on multiple systems...<span id='postcolor'> Well it would depend. If it sends back on ports you didn't transmit them on, then yes. Then the NAT would kick in and drop the packets. However if you send out on e.g. 10 diff. ports and the software responds to these same ports, it wouldn't be a problem. I still would like BIS' comment on the issue tho... -Rekrul
  10. rekrul

    Getting in vehicles in MP and teleporting

    Hmmm, this FADE thing, how does it actually work? I have the original 1.0 CD, only applied official 1.20 and 1.30 versions (no betas) and run the game with CD in the CD-Rom (no NOCD patches). And ofcourse I use the CD-KEY in the manual. -Rekrul
  11. Ok, as I'm guided to the tent with a BMP infront of it. I jump into the BMP and kill everyone including the T80 (or was it T72?) and the other BMP, and every other soldier. Then I pick up a rifle, steal the Hind and fly back to the base that I've just captured with Armstrong. Happy as ever I walk over to my fellow soldiers (who is american) where they turn around and shoot me dead. Every time. Ok, new approach then. I eject from the Hind over a forrest and I get the "You're alive but cold, hungry and alone" msg. Then I look at the big dipper and go south, back to the base again (this is the big base btw, wich you capture first with Armstrong) same result - shot dead by teammates. Then I try the smaller forward base wich has one "friendly" soldier, but if I arrive by foot or Hind, he freaks out and shoots me. So where the h**l do I go? I've also ran by several other empty bases too. -Rekrul
  12. BigQEd: Actually when running NAT this is not relevant. When you're running NAT, the client sends a packet to the router (the gateway) with DestIP, DestPort, SourceIP and SourcePort. This packet is then 'repacked' or modified by the router. It changes the SourceIP and SourcePort (as 192.168.x.x or whatever LAN IPs you use are not Global IP adr.) to the router's WAN IP (so the packet is returned correctly). It then stores this in the NAT table. It records this info, so it can see "Oh I got a packet from e.g. on port 12345. That was the packet from" it then repacks/modifies the packet and sends it back to the client. For the client it would appear as the router is the OFP server while the OFP server thinks it's talking to the client, not the router. The problem here (if it actually is a problem and not a configuration error on StormCrow's part) is prolly that there is no Client ID in the packets sent to the OFP server wich means that the OFP server use the client's IP adr. as the client ID wich is kinda strange, since it already operates with a client (user) ID in the game itself. This might be done because BIS wants to reduce the size of the packets tho. I can't say for sure so a comment from BIS would be most helpful (hint, hint). -Rekrul
  13. rekrul

    Dedicated Server Problems

    - Are you running any routers on either location? - Can you ping the diff. machines from the other? - You do run 1.30 on both, right? I belive I read something that if you installed the betas, you should install 1.20 again then 1.30. cause the betas change some files wich are not compatible with 1.30. -Rekrul
  14. Hmmm, no I would rather put my money on BIS nothing having Client ID in their packets since it works with UT. I'll see if I can test it here later and/or set up a packet sniffer and look at the payload if I can analyze it, but don't hold your breath on that one. It's wierd that they wouldn't have a client ID tho, but I guess BIS have to answer why this doesn't work. It's not the router's fault tho, if you run NAT. -Rekrul
  15. rekrul


    I know you can choose between the three, but how do you change it on the official MP missions? Is it in the server.cfg or in the mission template? What's the syntax, and if I have to change the template, does that mean that all players must DL 'my' template? -Rekrul
  16. rekrul

    Ded. Server 1.30 Does Not Release Memory

    I discovered the same thing here. I started a DS and after we had played for ~12 hrs with lots of traffic, players and big missions, the server ran out of memory and I have 640 MB RAM on this box. -Rekrul
  17. The source port will be different as the router makes this indiviual for each open connection and according to it's own NAT routing table. (remember that the router repacks/changes the packets (IP header and checksum)). Â However if there's no client ID in the packets (wich I can't see why it shouldn't be) you're in trouble. I can't think of a game that doesn't use client ID so I doubt that BIS don't use it. -Rekrul (Edited by Rekrul at 9:20 pm on Dec. 17, 2001)
  18. rekrul


    Wow, excellent Mr. Frag! A final question, once i've modified this mission, will the other players have to download it, or will they just follow the server's respawn rules? -Rekrul
  19. Is it e.g. : maxplayers=6; ? I know someone posted a FAQ about DS here, but I couldn't find the URL. -Rekrul
  20. rekrul


    Anyone? DeathCam might be a bit confusing, what I meant was how do change your 'afterlife' when you get killed in MP? You can 'respawn' as seagull, or AI. How do you change this on official missions (on the server)? -Rekrul
  21. No, Mr. Frag is wrong. Unless he has the world's crappiest router this is no problem. This is because when the clients send packets to the router the IP header has both source and destination IP, this is then handled by the router and the information is added to the router's NAT table. I can go into detail about how this works, but I don't see any point. Conclusion: Unless the router sucks, or BIS has made the code anti-NAT wich I can't see why anyone want to, it will work. -Lurker
  22. rekrul

    DS - MOTD and hostname

    Yeah I noticed that afterwards. However my point is that most other MP games, use the default .cfg supplied with the game so I didn't bother to read the syntax for it when I saw it was only an additional command. It works like a charm, now so thanks. -Rekrul
  23. rekrul

    DS - MOTD and hostname

    I have this problem when running a DS that I don't get the MOTD nor the hostname up. This is what I have in my server.cfg: hostname="Norwegian Whalers' OFP server"; motd[]={"Norwegian Whalers' OFP Server", "----------------------------", "Testing...", "- Lurker"}; I've also tried with a comma after "-Lurker" (as the DS documentaion is contradictionary on this field) but that didn't help. If you run a DS server and get the hostname and/or MOTD up, please post the lines you use and wether or not you are behind a NAT router/firewall (running 192.168.x.x, 172.16.x.x or 10.x.x.x IP on the server). Any ideas to help would be welcomed. :) -Rekrul
  24. Sure, as long as you don't host multiple servers there. Running multiple servers is possible, but only DS or one hosted. -Rekrul