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red oct

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Posts posted by red oct

  1. You are throwing away all the accomplishments she made as a politician because of a couple of video clips.  It just seems shallow to me.

    What were these accomplishments?

    she came in 3rd in the Miss Alaska pageant

    and has a investigation pending in her home state that she used her position as governor to have a ex brother in law dissmissed from the police force.

    yea she fits right in the current republican party.

  2. IMO the only company worth anything is Blizzard. i am still upset w/ vivendi/seirra just killing off Tribes which was the only good online shooter that was 100x better than those lousy battlefield games. they could of really had a good thing going, instead they put out a very medicore 3rd sequal and rather than make it better w/ a major update they were about to put out, they pulled the plug on that and just simply stopped supported the tribes games all together.

  3. Seen the gameplay videos today and also noted the similarities to oblivion ..

    that guy who gives the megaton quest even has a voice actor from tes4 speaking in exactly the same 'rythm' (or whatever else the proper word here is..)  crazy_o.gif

    Kind of a little showstopper, but i guess it´s mostly kept that low-fi due to better compatibility with xbox360.

    Still looking forward to it  confused_o.gif

    I kinda liked the voice actors from oblivion. but thats just me i guess. does anybody know if theres any mode of transportation in this game or is it strickly on foot?

  4. RA3 looks seriously lame, i just looked threw the list of units and have you seen some of the Empire of rising sun units? a giant robot and a Japaneses school girl...Seriously? I wasnt keen on the art direction and style of units in RA2 but i tolerated it and it was an enjoyable game. But this is getting a bit too out there and wacky for my liking. One of the russian APCs has got a man cannon that FIRES infantry units!!?

    R.I.P Westwood.

    i agree, i hate the man cannon almost as much as the armor clad bear they have put in too. and no the bear isn't a acronym for some cool armored vehicle its exactly that. a 4 legged hairy mammal, i really would of prefered the attack dogs those are a little more realistic and i don't at all like what they did w/ the new japanese army. i really wish they left out the sillyness and left it like it was from the first games. they didn't do this to tiberium wars and was actually a decient game.

    anyway how do you install this game? it keeps asking me for the disc. the readme doesn't help either cause its looks like it was from the retail verson as it mentions the cd rom also.

  5. Another important think for Sahrani is the truck, RACS don't have trucks for transport his troops...

    A good truck can be for the RACS the Iveco M250 (the FFAA mod team have yet do it for the Spanish Force).

    Instead for a moltirole vehicle the Iveco LMV can be a good option.

    <img src="http://digilander.libero.it/en_mezzi_militari/html/lince/mmi-vtlm_02.jpg<img src="

    yea i was hoping for a very nice troop carrier to go w/ the RAC's Huey and M60 tank that's available. but idealy something other than a retextured bluefor truck.

    here is a idea of my own:



    M1078 military truck

    I like something like this mainly cause its sorta has that "hand-me-down" look to it that i think fits the RAC's well i don't like seeing them rolling out in expensive high tech stuff, that and it looks cool when the SLA ambush it.

    also wouldn't mind a wheeled APC like this brazilian EE-11 Urutu


  6. If it has the same socket type (939 or AM2) as the processor in question, it will work. It may need a BIOS update though. AMD based motherboards dont suffer the backwards compatibility problems of Intel boards - if the CPU fits, it will work.

    939 i certianly have.(at least that is what WHinfo tells me whats inside) awsome.

  7. never been in the military, but

    Mortors in general just sound like bad news in general. my best friend while in a military hospital was in a room w/ a guy who lost his hand from one of those things. crazy_o.gif

    better off just using good old fashion artillery imho

  8. USA is too big, let's split it.

    how about we not Balkanize every nation on earth shall we?

    Quote[/b] ]Ron Paul sounds good except for his anti-women stuff. Definitely the best republican candidate though.

    when you say anti-women, are you refering to the abortion stance or is there something else?

  9. the US army should stay in its country. a lot of people would be still alive. (i mean after the ww2).

    i'd rather we had just stayed out of all conflicts including both world wars.

    But on topic

    There are plenty of FF incidents that were done by the British in the Falklands War and in the Iraq war, does the BBC and other report it? No, they don't. I've never once seen any of the British Media air reports of FF caused by their forces on their web site. if they do is certianly is very brief. The usual cluster bombs and artillery strikes landing on civilians sort-of-thing.


    wikipedia article about FF:


    Quote[/b] ]1461 – War of the Roses: At the Battle of Towton, wind conditions often resulted in arrows falling amongst friendly troops as well as the enemy.

    1471 - Battle of Barnet: The ‘radiant star’ battle standard used by the troops commanded by the Earl of Oxford was misidentified as an enemy standard (which depicted a ‘brilliant sun’) and were fired on by their own archers.

    1809 - Battle of Wagram: French troops mistakenly fired on their allies from the Kingdom of Saxony. The uniforms of the Saxon’s were grey and misidentified as white, the colour of uniform worn by their Austrian enemy.

    1815 – Battle of Waterloo: Famously, Marshal Blücher’s Prussians came to the aid of the British, and defeated Napoleon decisively. Lesser known is that Prussian artillery mistakenly fired on British artillery causing many casualties, and British artillery returned fire at the Prussians.

    1863 - Lt. Gen. T. J. “Stonewall†Jackson, famous Confederate Civil War general accidentally mortally wounded by his own troops at Chancellorsville, VA.

    1914-1918 – World War I: The French have estimated that more than 75,000 French soldiers were casualties of friendly artillery in the four years of World War I[5].

    1939 (10 September - early World War II) – British submarine HMS Triton sank another British submarine, HMS Oxley, mistaking it for a German U-boat and having received no responses to challenges. Oxley was the first Royal Navy vessel to be sunk and also the first vessel to be sunk by a British vessel in the war.


    Italian Air Marshal Italo Balbo shot down by his own side.

    Operation Wikinger: German destroyer sunk by Luftwaffe bombs, another sunk by mines during confusion[7]


    Fleet Air Arm torpedo attack on HMS Sheffield during the hunt for the German battleship Bismarck

    RAF fighter ace Wing Commander Douglas Bader shot down in what recent research suggests was a friendly fire incident [8].

    1942 - Polish submarine ORP JastrzÄ…b was mistakenly sunk by British destroyer HMS St. Albans and minesweeper HMS Seagull.

    1943 – Operation Husky (Allied Invasion of Sicily): 144 C-47 transport planes passed over Allied lines shortly after a German air raid, and were mistakenly fired upon by ground and naval forces, 33 planes were shot down and 37 damaged, resulting in 318 casualties.


    British flotilla attacked by RAF Hawker Typhoons, off Cap d'Antifer, Le Havre. HMS Britomart and HMS Hussar sunk. HMS Salamander damaged beyond repair and scrapped. HMS Jason escaped major damage.

    Operation Wintergewitter (Winter Storm) - Italian Front: American forward observer John R. Fox called down fire on his own position to stop a German advance on the town of Sommocolonia, Italy. In 1997 he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for this action.

    In October 1944 Soviet troops with help of Yugoslav partisan's movement has oust German Nazi forces from city of Nis, in southern Serbia. While in Nis liberation celebration was underway, Soviet troops consisted of tanks were gaining toward Serbian capital Belgrade. In the same time about 50 km west, American air force were bombing German-Albanian unit which were entraining from Kosovo. Somehow, US air-forces probably uninformed about fast gaining of Soviet army have identified them as Germans and attack them. Soviet troops unable to defend, has called up for help, and soon from Nis airport has arrived Soviet air planes. Fight between US air forces and Red army airplanes took places above Nis itself, and last only 5 minutes, when both Russian and US command has ordered to their own plains to retreat.[citation needed]

    1945 – Operation Bodenplatte (Baseplate): 900 German fighters and fighter-bombers launched a surprise attack on Allied airfields, approximately 300 aircraft were lost, 237 pilots killed, missing, or captured, and 18 pilots wounded - the largest single-day loss for the Luftwaffe, many losses were due to friendly anti-aircraft guns.

    1956 - Suez: Attacks from British Royal Navy carrier-borne aircraft caused heavy casualties to UK 45 Commando and HQ.

    1967 - USS Liberty Incident when Israeli aircraft attacked U.S. Navy ship in international waters during the Six-Day War (between Israel and Egypt).

    1968 - USS Boston, USS Edson, USCGC Point Dume, HMAS Hobart and two U.S. Swift Boats, PCF-12 and PCF-19 are attacked by US aircraft on June 17 in the Vietnam War.[9] Several sailors were killed and PCF-19 was sunk. [10]

    1969 - U.S. Helicopters attack U.S. 3/187th Infantry Battalion CP during the Battle of Hamburger Hill, killing two and wounding thirty-five, including Lt. Col. Weldon Honeycutt.

    1974 - Turkish Destroyer Kocatepe was sunk by Turkish aircraft during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.


    HMS Cardiff shoots down AAC Gazelle (UK) in the Falklands Islands.

    3rd Battalion, Parachute Regiment, British Army (UK) Companies A and C engage each other in an hour-long firefight in the Falkland Islands involving heavy weapons and artillery strikes. At least 8 UK casualties.

    United Kingdom UK Special Boat Service Commando killed in firefight with UK Special Air Service Commandos. Falkland Islands.

    British Royal Marine Christopher Maddison killed when his river patrol boat was hit by missiles after being wrongly identified as an enemy vessel approaching a Royal Engineers checkpoint on the Al-Faw Peninsula, Iraq.[6]

    Heres a very recient one from the same wiki article

    Quote[/b] ]British Challenger 2 tank came under fire from another British tank in a nighttime firefight, blowing off the turret and killing two crew members, Corporal Stephen John Allbutt and Trooper David Jeffrey Clarke [12]

    at least when we cause FF we usually have the excuse of being up 16,000 feet traveling mach 1. What was the excuse of these tank boys? I could say that all Brittish Tank crews are complete morons and should learn how to opperate a tank just like contry y,x, or Z  like what everybody is saying about the US military, but I'd just settle w/ the fact FF is a reality of war and the larger the army or conflict the more likely it's going to happen. that and some certian individuals in britain stop w/ the "We are perfect" attitude. Art

  10. Note: I made this thread separately from US politics because i wanted to focus 08 elections and what candidate would be best for the US. Discussions tend to change too much in US politics thread anyway.


    heres a recap of the 08 candidates (there's a lot of them)


    Joe Binden

    Hillary Clinton

    Christopher Dodd

    John Edwards

    Mike Gravel

    Dennis Kucinich

    Barack Obama

    Bill Richardson


    Sam Brownback

    Rudy Giuliani

    Mike Huckabee

    Duncan Hunter

    John McCain

    Ron Paul

    Mitt Romney

    Tom Tancredo

    Constitution Party

    Don J. Grundmann

    Bryan Malatesta (no information)

    Green Party

    Elaine Brown

    Mike Jingozian

    Jerry Kann

    Kent Mesplay

    Kat Swift

    Libertarian Party

    Daniel Imperato

    Bob Jackson

    Steve Kubby

    George Phillies

    Wayne Root

    So far im set on Ron Paul

    Summery on Ron Paul's political positions:

    Quote[/b] ]The political positions of Ron Paul are in line with this American politician's stance as a Constitutionalist who professes a libertarian philosophy. Accordingly, he opposes presidential autonomy and judicial activism, and rejects a welfare state or nanny state role for the federal government.[1]

    Paul says that the Republican Party has lost its commitment to limited government and has instead become the party of big government.[2] He regularly votes against almost all proposals for new government spending, initiatives, or taxes.[3] His unwillingness to vote for proposals not expressly authorized by the Constitution, along with his medical degree, have earned him the nickname “Dr. No.â€

    Paul supports free trade, the military "don't ask, don't tell" policy, states' rights, tighter border security, gun ownership, voluntary school prayer,[4] and a return to free market health care. He opposes abortion, capital punishment, the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organization, the income tax, universal health care,[5] the federal War on Drugs, federal regulation of marriage, and foreign interventionism, advocating withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the United Nations.[6] He voted against funding same-sex adoption.

    couple issues i don't agree w/

    His policies on Abortion and Capitol Punishment.

    fortunately Capitol Punishment is decided at the State Level, so if he supports rights of the State, he's going to have to leave it alone.

    and i don't like his proposed free exercise or establishment of religion. i see it as a easy way for the likes of Pat Robertson turning every public school into 700 clubs. all government buildings whether they are schools, post offices, court houses, or parks, should remain neutral in terms of religion. if individuals want to be publicly religious that's fine w/ me. so long as they aren't forcing me to convert or pray w/ them.

  11. Only 10 factions? :/

    those were my thoughts too, they can include soo many nations. example, to include the US w/out the "Five Civilized Tribes" of the Native American Nations is IMO stupid.

    wikipedia article about the five tribes:


    i happen to be part Choctaw and Chickasaw

    i hope they at least reconsider extending the time period the late period to the 1890's where the most notable conflicts in the new world accured. there was the Mexican American War 1846 to 1848, the Civil War 1861–1865, and Spanish American War in 1898.

  12. Bought the collectors addition and im liking this game. best part of the game so far is in Raptures Theater in the Arcadia district. won't spoil what your supposed to do here, but it involves my character w/ a shotgun and a psycho pathic theater director sending a horde of splicers after you while classical music Waltz of the Flowers playing on this intercom

    this is currently my most favorite shoot-out in a FPS pistols.gif
