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Posts posted by Pain

  1. Im sure there are some new cool strykers in work atm.

    Watch this thread!

    You can watch them on the iwm mod site. i mean its your choice what you make but i would think if youre able to make good models maybe you should take some new stuff which dont have similar addons around.

    My suggestions would be bradleys or any other military vehicles which are not in arma atm.

    maybe the Hemmet in 4 diff versions, instead of those small trucks


    just my 2 cents.

    p.s. in my opinion there is a lack of amored vehicles (apcs) with larger then those cal. 50 guns in arma at the moment.

    I mean there are no vehicles with 20 or 30mm guns around, and thats very unrealistic. I know no army operating without such equip in this times...

  2. Looking foreward to it!!

    Could you implement a config in which you can enable/disable unused parts of the airconsole?


    if ppl want use your bomb console but with less then all functions, they maybe could disable sadarm in your config and then the whole button/option wouldnt be shown in the console. I f they dont have much knowledge like me or just delete parts of code for this type the console would have useless buttons left.

    This would be a very helpful for non profi mappers to use your great scripts more specific in missions.

    Just my 2 cents.

  3. Are you asking how to add an action to the player's action menu?  Or how to add an action to the radio menu, i.e. 0-0-1?

    If you want to add an item to the radio menu, I think you have to have a trigger either pre-placed in the mission editor, or you can use createTrigger and then set the options for the trigger type, etc.  So, AFAIK, there's no way to add an item to the radio menu without using a trigger.

    As for adding an action to the player's action menu, you use this:

    object addaction ["Action Name","actionScript.sqs"]

    If this is a mission where the player is respawning, then you'll probably want to create a trigger with a condition of Alive Player and an onActivation with the addaction command.  Object would be whatever object/man/unit you want to add the action to.

    If it's a mission where there is no respawn, then you could add the action via the init field in the mission editor.

    Another thing you need to be aware of with actions, is that once you board a vehicle, your action will likely vanish.  That's because ArmA only attaches the action to the soldier, not the vehicle the soldier boards.  In that case, a looping script of some sort that adds the action when the player is in another vehicle works well.

    Anyway, I'm guessing you're after the information for a radio command, not an action menu item.  If you need more info on adding actions, I can put up more detailed stuff.

    Hope this helps.

    I need that releated stuff to not delete the command after leave car. I made a mission WITHOUT spawning, and with much help of mando i connected his air console with a addaction order and only players wich have a laser designator will get this command added.

    it works ok but the command will be deleted after get out a vehicle.

    here is the piece of code which manage this all:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    //code by mando

    [] spawn


    private["_acidx1", "_acidx2", "_unit", "_veh"];

    _acidx1 = -1;

    _acidx2 = -1;

    while {true} do


    waitUntil {("Laserdesignator" in weapons player) && (alive player)};

    _acidx1 = player addAction ["Console: Air support", "mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

    while {("Laserdesignator" in weapons player) && (alive player)} do


    _unit = player;

    if (vehicle _unit != _unit) then


    _veh = vehicle _unit;

    _acidx2 = vehicle _unit addAction ["Console: Air support", "mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

    waitUntil {(vehicle _unit == _unit) || (!alive _unit)};

    _veh removeAction _acidx2;


    Sleep 1;


    _unit removeAction _acidx1;



    i added 2 lines more to get it working for me but im not sure if its a good way to do it:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    [] spawn


    private["_acidx1", "_acidx2", "_unit", "_veh"];

    _acidx1 = -1;

    _acidx2 = -1;

    while {true} do


    waitUntil {("Laserdesignator" in weapons player) && (alive player)};

    _acidx1 = player addAction ["Console: Air support", "mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

    while {("Laserdesignator" in weapons player) && (alive player)} do


    _unit = player;

    if (vehicle _unit != _unit) then


    _veh = vehicle _unit;

    _acidx2 = vehicle _unit addAction ["Console: Air support", "mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

    waitUntil {(vehicle _unit == _unit) || (!alive _unit)};

    _veh removeAction _acidx2;

    _unit removeAction _acidx1;

    _acidx1 = player addAction ["Console: Air support", "mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];


    Sleep 1;


    _unit removeAction _acidx1;



    Now it seems to work, but im not sure....

    Any ideas?

  4. Lets hope it works mate. I did a little research and found this thread here (post by karillion 2 before my post):

    <<<<BI Forum Thread>>>>

    Seems a few more got the problem too....

    But thanks for your help here. i got it work now, and i remove those 2 lines after i found the problem.

    Now i cant wait for the fixed bombs   welcome.gif  

    Do you release the new fix here? or do i need check other sides for?

    edit: seems is has to do with the spawn... maybe i get a answer there whats the problem.

    I wish i could code like you  crazy_o.gif  then i would have much much less problems.

  5. Youre right, im wrong

    But without the line i lost console after get out vehicle. and with the line it add lines after even ride

    banghead.gif  so still have problem banghead.gif

    p.s. i use 6th sense mod, sakakah and wp insurgents. so maybe that cause the error that delete added commands after get out a vehicle

    is this working after get out vehicle?:

    _unit removeAction _acidx1;

    _acidx1 = player addAction ["Console: Air support", "mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];


    edit: it works for me now with all mods and no line will be added. (never tested it without the mods!! im sure youre right but i really got this error. dont know what delete the added commands...Finaly i found a way around the bug in one of those mods)

    but i know thats not a error from me in my mission. i can add a empty car in your demo mission and then get in/out and the message is gone too. must be in a mod (3gb mods at all started with arma)

    i hope this are the last questions out of topic now:

    Is my wayaround now working for all too, or does it cause new bugs? what you think?

    Thanks for your patience!

    Sry for my english but im german wink_o.gif

  6. tested it, before i lost the ability to call console after get out car. There i need to drop designator and get up again to have the option for the console again.

    with the new line it works perfect after get out car at my test.

    I have very poor scripting knowledge and after my test

    i just copied your line which add the console after get out the car in your script. Finaly that works after testing for me.

    As soon as the bomb works i will make a playable version of my mission. I think its really awesome now thanks you and some of your scripts.


    p.s. i tested my mission in the editor only maybe youre right if i test with mates in mp. i will do that asap and give you a report.

  7. Can someone say me which is the correct name for all the m16a4 aimpoint m203 and the field radio which are in the 6th sense weapon box to put it with :

    this addweaponcargo ["name",1];

    to an empty box?

    Ps. the gun isnt the rh_m16a4aimgl, i need the one wich work with sound mods out of the 6th ammo box in the complete mod. Its replaced model on standard m16a4 acog m203 for sound and ballistic.

    And i really need the field radio name to get it in the editor without the whole weapon box.

    Sry couldnt find anything in the readme`s.

  8. I got all working now, i only need to put 1 line more in it and now it works great! Now only the person who got the designator is able to open the console. And it works all time in vehicles and after got out of it.

    Now i just need working planes on sakakah, hope you fix the waypoint problem soon, but i would dont care about it for my mp coop mission. I dont have team AI in it.

    Thanks for your help  notworthy.gif

    Here is the working code again:

    Maybe you put it in your console demo mission or a readme, to give ppl this alternate option to use the air support console:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    [] spawn


     private["_acidx1", "_acidx2", "_unit", "_veh"];

     _acidx1 = -1;

     _acidx2 = -1;

     while {true} do


        waitUntil {("Laserdesignator" in weapons player) && (alive player)};

        _acidx1 = player addAction ["Console: Air support", "mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

        while {("Laserdesignator" in weapons player) && (alive player)} do


           _unit = player;

           if (vehicle _unit != _unit) then


              _veh = vehicle _unit;

              _acidx2 = vehicle _unit addAction ["Console: Air support", "mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];                  

              waitUntil {(vehicle _unit == _unit) || (!alive _unit)};

              _veh removeAction _acidx2;

        _acidx1 = player addAction ["Console: Air support", "mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];


           Sleep 1;


        _unit removeAction _acidx1;



    (the new line will safe console after get out vehicle)

  9. Easy, give the player with the console a laser designator. Then, for each player, check not for alive condition but for the presence of the LD:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    // For each player, run inside your init.sqf



      waitUntil {"Laserdesignator" in weapons player};

      _acidx = player addAction blah blah blah;

      waitUntil {!("Laserdesignator" in weapons player)};

      player removeAction _acidx;


    This wont work and i found a 2nd problem. if i add the console to a player and he get in a vehicle so the console command disappears and will not shown again.

    So this method by adding it to a player after search for a present piece of gear in the inventory wont work too.

    I really need the console added in a piece of equipment like a laptop or the laser designator (placeholder).

    If i use the designator/laptop or whatever the console pops up OR if i have it in my inventory there should be a PERMANENT option in the sidemenue, as long as i have the item, which not disappears after getting in a vehicle or something.

    Sry about that but im really bad in such coding things. I mean i could change a few parameters or get downloaded scripts in my missions, but i dont know much about itself.

    My init sqs includes the start of your bomb script, the heli route and 1-2 other things. I couldnt get it working  confused_o.gif

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    mando_support_left_WEST = 8;

    mando_airsupport_type = "AV8B2";

    mando_airsupport_range = 3500;

    mando_airsupport_bomb_alt = 150;

    //s3 addAction ["Console: Air support", "mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

    //s3 AddAction ["Radio: Artillerie","westari\setfire.sqs"];  

    // For each player, run inside your init.sqf



    waitUntil {"Laserdesignator" in weapons player};

    _acidx = player addAction ["Console: Air support", "mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

    waitUntil {!("Laserdesignator" in weapons player)};

    player removeAction _acidx;


    //titleText["text", "PLAIN DOWN"];

    _scr = [heli1,[getPos dest1],50, true]execVM"mando_heliroute_arma.sqf";

    Sleep 1;

    waitUntil {heli1 getVariable "mando_heliroute" != "busy"};

    {_x assignAsCargo heli1} forEach units group soldier1;

    units group soldier1 orderGetIn true;

    waitUntil {{_x in heli1} count units group soldier1 == count units group soldier1};

    //titleText["We'll bring them to Vallejos's hotel", "PLAIN DOWN"];

    _scr = [heli1,[getPos dest2],50, true]execVM"mando_heliroute_arma.sqf";

    Sleep 2;

    waitUntil {heli1 getVariable "mando_heliroute" != "busy"};

    {_x action ["GETOUT", heli1];unassignVehicle _x} forEach units group soldier1;

    Sleep 4;.................................and so on

    Thats my init but it causes errors and if i add it manualy to a player the console get lost after get in a vehicle...

    (the disabled s3 lines were to add in a named soldier/vehicle)

    Try to place a empty vehicle in your mando console test mission, get in drive a bit and get out. Then call in the planes.... See it?

    The console should be a piece of equipment for inventory to activate not just a added command in the sidemenue of the player or a vehicle which get lost after driving around.

  10. Thanks for the fast bugfix!

    Maybe i find a way to add the function to an object in the weapon box, there is no way for me to add to players because there is and will be no respawn.

    After death i need a way to give the console to a other player which is alive. I need to add something for inventory that a teammate can rescue  from dead persons in the field without give too much person the control of such powerful and limited resources at the same time.

    In other words i need your console not as simple function, i need it as an object which you can have in the inventory. And i have no idea (till now) how i could manage this...

  11. I got a other problem too:

    I´m on a coop mission and i want air support in it, but only 1 or 2 players should have the ability to call in the airstrikes.

    But its a realistic mission, so there will be no respawn in it. The problem is now, if the guy got killed there will be no airstrikes at the rest of the mission.


    maybe add a laptop which need 2 mag slots like a satchel for activate the console instead give it to the player menue.

    this would add a bit more realism to it. and there is no need to make a specific class, object or radio message for airstrike support.

    The mapper can put as many of them in the mission as he want persons which are able to call in planes. And if one die the laptop can be secured by the team to have contact to their planes in the air.

    just my 2 cents

    If you want i could give you a playable editor version (alpha). There you will see the sakakah bomb drop bug on it, and my problem with the console. I went around the problem by ading it to vehicles, but its not a beautiful way around.

    sry for my english

  12. I registred to the forums here just for the mando bomb problem on sakakah.

    I made a sakakah mission with a few scripts for artillerie, airstrike and chopper support, all scripts work there except the bomb script.

    I was playing around with the script and tried to change parameters for the bomb runs, but the planes always fly to high and they drop bombs in just 20-30% of all fire missions.

    If you call just 1 plane it doesnt drop bombs. More planes MAYBE drop bombs. In cause of the much to high alt, the bombs dont hit correct. You need to aim about 50-100m in front of the target.

    (maybe the hight isnt correct in the map at all (its a beta), so the script got wrong coords for sakakah)

    p.s i love all your scripts, awesome work and it really works perfect!

    but i think sakakah needs some specific fixing of the bomb script, because something in the map wont work with it.
