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About Psycho_

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  1. Or..? I see other players having 200 points, and if I play an entire day, I might get like 70 or 80 maximum. In the breifing it sais that it will "save my stats if i disconnent". Well, it doesnt. Or have i missed something? What's the point with the mission if you can't save?
  2. Oh well... But it's still a model in-game, so somehow it should be possible to extract it and convert it. Or maybe I could rework one of the civilian models from OFP... darn, thought I had found something to spend my weekend on Has really no one created a female ArmA model?
  3. Installed a new DVD device and it seems to be working now. Very strange indeed... maybe my old one was outdated
  4. Don't remember her name, the reporter in the campaign. Anyone know where the model file can be found? I wan't to re-texture it and create a female soldier (since it seems that noone has done any addons of that sort yet, strange enough). Ideas?
  5. Psycho_

    Lower Grass

    All at very high. Without mod: http://static.pici.se/pictures/APfXZnShi.jpg With mod: http://static.pici.se/pictures/zYtBVlzIb.jpg No fps difference whatsoever.
  6. Well it's bought from a swedish retailer so I assume it's european version. OS Win XP 32-bit And no hardware that could mean an issue (ie, multicore or 8000-series graphics card). "the european version of ArmA which is v1.05 by default" You sure about this? Becouse I tried updating directly to 1.08, but the game said I needed to install 1.05 first. Can't find any info about the game version though. Forgot to say, this happens right after installation (or rather at the end of it): I don't know if there's another file too that doesn't work since it's not at the end of the startup "checklist"? And it works draging the files directly to the hard drive and installing from there, so I guess it's not an issue with my DVD-drive eihter. Maybe someone could send me their "characters.pbo" by msn? Since it seems to be the issue it might work just replacing the file.
  7. When to start ArmA, this happens: I spend hours of browsing fourms to find the solution of this problem and finally, i find a topic in the unspeakable language of french, stating that this error will solve it self if I just update the game. Alright! Updating to 1.05. "Error found in file characters.pbo". Though, the game says the update worked. Ok then. Trying to start. Doesn't work. Surprise! Installing 1.08. This happens, in the order shown bellow. Yeah, that's error messages. Now, I've tried reisntalling several times, but no difference whatsoever. I have also tried: - Draging the game disc to the harddrive and installing - Mounted the cd-device with deamon tools - Installed it as it should be. And yeah, that means directly from the game disc. Ok, so. Help please?