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Everything posted by Pharnakes

  1. Pharnakes

    Where & how to buy ArmA or Queen's Gambit

    [/b]Hi, decided to take the plunge and buy Arma, but I am very confused by alll the differnet patches and version, some patches for europe only, some for america only, some for the download version only??? This has probably been asked/answered before, so I apologise, but could someone tell me what the curent version is, and the least troublesome way to obtain it. Also, how many people have queen's gambit? I am principaly interested in online play, so wether or not many people have queen's gambut pretty much decides for me wether I willl get it or not. Thanks very much. P.S. I live in the UK, in case there is still a europe/america split.
  2. Pharnakes

    New to FP

    Hi everybody, just got OFP yesterday, and now I was wondering how alive this comunity is. I hope there are still some people out there.
  3. Pharnakes

    New to FP

    Thanks everybody. I wish... I really, really, wish. However, my stupid uni's internet service won't allow me to connect anything "non-acedemic" to the internet. Which is fair enough in a way, but My only hope of ever being able to play mp, is if some kind sole is patient enough to do so with a lan emulator like hamachi. Even then I would probably be restricted to co-op, due to hamachi's 16max memebers. Not that I really mind that, co-op would be great. So... I think it's sp for the forseable future...