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Everything posted by Prydain

  1. Prydain

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    He didn't mention a single caveat to ensure he isn't among the people who, to use his title, choose their own crime stats. If I was him I would mention the detection nexus that exists in the UK compared to the USA, differences in the laws and difference in how each jurisdiction categorises crimes. The methodology is different here too, the FBI stats are founded on the submissions for the Uniform Crime Reporting program while the Home Office is directly in control of organising these statistics while none-sanctioned detections are not mentioned in the FBI statistics. I may be being pedantic but I'd consult a statistician if I was being so definite and wouldn't compare to England & Wales since the UK's nanny-police state's encroaching crime detection system will get you no matter where you stand -- we are the CCTV capital of the world remember! To the point of the video: defending assault weapons being sold to dangerous people is admirably radical but I can't help think that it is a waste of time, you aren't going to need an assault rifle and you weren't even thinking about wasting your money on them anyway. Especially since you know where that money goes.
  2. Prydain

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Reactionarys are funny like that though. Did anyone see the NRA's twitter message the day of the school shooting by the way? It is the sort of sinister comedy that ices politics in the US.
  3. Prydain

    Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

    You said you didn't know what they were going for in terms of realism. I basically said that it doesn't matter because they don't seem to be making a full on simulation like DCS or, even, Arma. Simple really.
  4. Prydain

    Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

    They aren't going for a full simulation, are they, isn't their stated goal just to play out scenes? The naval stuff kind of makes sense, then. Training for the launching of UAVs from a naval platform is probably easier if done in a virtual environment as I doubt that the UAV controls are even stationed on the ship -- save the ball-ache and just do it virtually. in the video so, unless they state otherwise, scenes are probably what RTI intend for their 'sim'.
  5. Prydain

    Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

    Criticising it for being polished is a bit mad. They are using an engine with a better animation system and animations add to immersion, why waste it? You might even find out that those anims where just for the video.
  6. Prydain

    Medal of Honor - Warfighter

    Why did they need Navy SEALs? It wasn't as if every single scene was, in any way, realistic. What did those guys advise them on? The part where you are speeding around Dubai (or, since I wasn't paying attention, wherever the fuck it is) in a sports car? The part where you put C4 on a truck driven by a civilian to cause a diversion in a major port in Pakistan? The part where the protagonist goes psycotic and kills everyone on a boat just because his mate, who deserved it by the way, was shot in the head? Or maybe it is the part where the Pakistani military is using Little Birds? It is all a load of shit.
  7. Prydain

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Sky, which is guilty of carrying over American talking points to our shores too often in my opinion (their drug war and homophobia nonsense really seems out of place here too), really wanted to get some ratings. Saying that it would be a close election constantly was desperate spin. I personally didn't see any hype, the Beeb covers the US and French elections as standard practice so you always get reminders on the website and news channel anyway.
  8. Prydain

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    This is awkward. Venezuela > USA
  9. Prydain

    Medal of Honor - Warfighter

    http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/03/07/the-frustrating-reality-of-medal-of-honor-warfighter/ Lets be honest though Call of Duty has a simple spastic-poopants action formula that sells to children and the general public. EA don't understand, making these games complex is their ruination and making them pseudo-realistic on top will kill you dead.
  10. Prydain

    Scientists guilty over earthquake....

    It wasn't the US government which paid politicians to act in the bank's interests. Individuals made decisions to deregulate and thus cause poverty on a worldwide scale due to an inevitable cycle crash. Some of those institutions and individuals deserve to be investigated to, if not find criminality, clear them of blame. Since there has never been a full inquest or investigation they continue to look guilty to those that they have left in misery. You are from Coventry, you must know what misery looks like. :D
  11. I think America is a special case though, since their prisons are largely privately owned there is an incentive to locking people up.
  12. Prydain

    Star Wars: Episode 7

    Standby. http://redlettermedia.com/
  13. Prydain

    Hurricane Sandy - News / Comments / Facts

    Hes just an offensive version of Walker, ignore it. Onto the point... I hope people stay safe out there. There is a great illustration of the immense size of the weather system on the BBC, it looks shit for all involved.
  14. Prydain

    Scientists guilty over earthquake....

    The problem of the case isn't just that it is stupid but the system is obviously going to clear the defendants in higher courts when they appeal, which would happen even if they were recorded telling people to lock themselves inside a collapsing tower since the verdict was reached in a regional court. What the media haven't said anything about is the relationship of the judge to either side's lawyer or other possible instances of corruption, remembering that judges and lawyers get bonus payments for certain rulings and can even get bonuses for public interest. The beauty of the European justice system is that, even if a higher Italian court carries the verdict over or finds them guilty separately, they will still have the right appeal to a European judge and jury. And people say integration is a bad idea...
  15. Prydain

    The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

    Every game that involves horses should just copy Red Dead Redemption's way to do it. A horse that hides from danger and is extremely vulnerable but is on hand at a whistle... ...even if you left him on the other side of the map.
  16. Instead of shit expansion packs, I wish they'd just work on making better maps that focus the gameplay towards working towards to objectives rather than wide open expanses that promote lone wolfing. If I wanted to lone wolf and get some mental trigger time I'd fire up CoD because it is just better at that type of gameplay.
  17. Prydain

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fdisTOKom5I Todd Akin, serving since 2001, says that the female body has inbuilt an contraceptive ability and that because of this women who are pregnant because of rape shouldn't be allowed to decide for themselves as to what happens to their body and doesn't seem to be aware that he is contradicting his own idea. Is there anyone with a hint of sanity in the Republican party?
  18. Prydain

    Insurgency 2

    It isn't real, the people who played I1 had the same attitude that indie gamers have; nobody else plays it so I am a special flower. Forgetting that the game's main selling point was realism just to feel unique is fine, just so long as I get to say that I play 'realistic' games. This is a new feeling for me but I really hope I2 fails so bad that the developers are forced, by a combination of humiliation and bankruptcy, to feel suicidal. In their nihilistic state they might just go on a shooting spree and provide some actual entertainment... one would hope.
  19. Was/is awesome. Watched it too.
  20. Prydain

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Heh. Being a person who has actually used other services I'm experienced enough to say that it is a great system standing alone and compared to others is cheaper, better managed and certainly has very high standards. As for your complaints, I'm quite happy to see actual evidence that a dog is treated better than a human being in the UK today by a service that the people own and have a large say in. If that was really the case then, after 60 years, the people who own it would have had a big argument about it by now surely? That isn't the case though, the euphemisms and question dodging that this government has had to do while it rapes the NHS isn't because they have a mandate to do what they are doing -- they don't have that mandate because the NHS is a very well loved service. Regardless of whether your storys are convenient or it is just that you've been let down in your experience I can't comment on them unless I know the details and I definitely don't think you know the mind of all 1.7m NHS employees. As for my own experience with a family of, by the term of my teasers as a child, colonials; I don't think I've seen a better service in terms of its openness and the amount of channels that you can complain through and enforce changes. In New Zealand my auntie has MS and can't make changes to her care plan, unlike my other aunt who could with the NHS. I have family and friends in South Africa who haven't had the A&E and after care that they would get with the NHS and my old man's keyhole surgery that cost him so much money when working for Lockheed in the USA had to be done properly by the NHS for zero cost compared to large co-payments with his insurance company for relatively faulty work. We all have bad experiences around the world but, compared to others the NHS offers among the best service in all categories for very little pain to the national purse. I think it is the same case as Americans with the first amendment. You don't know how lucky you are and, just like the first amendment, one of your country's best achievements is under attack because of cooked up and spurious reasoning. I never said that the NHS is utopia, just like every system, it has its problems but overall there is nothing wrong with it and we'd do well not to respond to little storys like a Daily Mail editor and deal in facts.
  21. Prydain

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    The worst issues relating to poor care could be fixed if we could just ban hospitals using private companys to find staff because it invariably leads to the private company airbrushing an individual's qualitys to make sure they have the required numbers to fulfil their contract. The fact that the Torys are handing over essential services to greedy private companys is a scandal and isn't even a cost cutting measure which is the Tory justification. Where as before we were just paying for a service, now we are paying for a service and for the profit too. This means that, unless Labour get into government and return our property back to us, the NHS will cost more, provide less care and increase waiting times. So yes, the NHS can always improve, I agree, but compare that to what we are being threatened with and it isn't as bad. It certainly isn't as bad as private insurance based care or solely private care that provide less and harshly burdens a patient in their hour of need. Compared to the rest of Europe healthcare is something that we are actually good at for a change. As for your family's problems as described, I'd look into that if you haven't already. What care did you expect? What was your grandfather denied? What hospital was he being treated at? How did his GP centre organise action against the hospital? Who where his ward staff and their leader? You say you don't want to go into it, which is fine, but I'd have these sorts of questions answered and send your findings your primary care trust with a letter of complaint or a meeting in person to complain. This page can guide you better. You never know, you could be doing other patients a favour.
  22. Prydain

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Wow, what a caricature, did the Sun give you that one? Before you go on about personal problems in hospitals, it is true that some have problems in different areas of the country but my point is that we are a grown up and naturally calmer and mature culture to save ourselves from reactionary politics. Look at all of the facts that have ever been released by a reputable source, read the nuances and studies relating to cost and care efficiency. It all points to the fact that, over a large population, we have a very good healthcare in terms of outcomes and a very cheap service that saves people from not just medical and physical pain but financial pain too (which can be the more important thing to many people). As for anecdotes, I can give you a few but my most recent was after being stabbed in the eye I was treated in A&E at Coventry and Warwickshire University Hospital and had specialist care at Midland eye centre in a very clean, efficient and caring environment. The day after I was last treated at the Midland eye centre I was told that, due to the Tory's new plans for the NHS that the facility that treated my conditions (corneal abrasion and recurrent corneal erosion in particular) would have been cut to the point where only one patient could be treated at a time. I have since found out (my aunty is the facility's chemist) that the waiting time would have been a month or two rather than within the week meaning I would have been unable to work and partially blind for all that time. So I do have a bias. A bias in favour of working people who, instead of being forced into debt, can return to their livelihood swiftly but (and here is a caricature) people, maybe like you, wouldn't know anything about that.
  23. It does feel like I've accidentally walked into the middle of the crowd that you keep having to say "when its done" to so let me step right out. I was misconstrued, I haven't been scouting this thread for so long just to jump out and scream like a epileptic 14 year old who just wants all the shiny things released now. But enough about that, the MAN trucks are sex. T'is all.
  24. I was reading earlier the amount that each WIP Wednesday has revealed and it is a big list but if you put it like that of course not. RHS, FDF, BW and others have a big list of units and they have done the same. Its a good time for ambitious mod teams it seems.
  25. I swear I posted here earlier. Must be loosing my mind! Either way, flat bed trucks are the most under rated vehicles so it is great to see the HAM (nice touch) trucks make an appearance. It is also great to see all the future vehicles being focused on in keeping to Arma3's completely implausible future narrative. Excellent work, as usual guys, that list of units is getting mighty big now, it is going to be hard to get it all done!